Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 365: Harvest after the war

After the battle outside the city wall ended, the members of the Dawn Alliance were shocked.

In their original expectation, this should have been a death-seeking behavior.

After all, there are more than 10,000 zombies outside the city, but there are only more than 300 people out of the city.

What's more, there are strong ones among the zombies.

If there are still variables, it is Chu Feng's strength.

It's just that Chu Feng has only one person, so it's impossible to take care of too many people. These people don't know if they can return half alive.

"This, what is this monster?"

After seeing the appearance of the three-headed dog of hell, the people on the wall were stunned.

It's not that they didn't think about the possibility of winning in battle, but the appearance of the three-headed **** dog refreshed their understanding.

Even after feeling the strength of the three-headed dog in the hell, some people even wanted to abandon the Dawn Alliance and leave.

"Don't worry, the three-headed **** dog belongs to us."

Su Yuan calmly judged the situation on the battlefield.

She could feel that the targets of the three-headed **** dogs were all powerful zombies, and they did not cause decent damage to the members of the alliance.

Until the three-headed dog of **** left, they dare not leave the city wall for half a step.

Until an hour later, a token came from Su Yuan's waist:

"You can go out of town to harvest."


Su Yuan instinctively agreed, and then said to several deputy leaders of the alliance, "The leader has an order to go out of the city to kill the zombies, but..."

She swept the eyes of several deputy leaders with a fierce gaze: "This battle depends entirely on the leader’s own power to turn the tide. We are just picking up corpses, so all the proceeds must be turned in. Nothing is allowed. Anyone who hides it privately, offenders, die!"

Huang Xiaoyu immediately said: "Yes, we never dare to hide it privately."

Chu Feng's peerless reputation has been established in their hearts, and they dare not make any small movements under Chu Feng's nose.

It's not worth it to die for mere benefits.

Seeing everyone's silence, Su Yuan's tone also eased a little: "Okay, anyway, the leader has never treated anyone wrongly, even if all the proceeds are given to the leader for distribution, the leader also It won't make everyone hungry.

Our alliance has developed and grown like this because of the leader. I don't ask you to be grateful and loyal to the leader, but you still have to think about it, if you betray, where do you find such a place to settle down? "

Her words aroused many people's contemplation.

Several deputy leaders present have more or less ambitions.

Chu Feng had also felt some of their ambitions at the beginning, but he didn't care.

Ambitious and positive and motivated are actually synonyms. People who want to climb up are undoubtedly easier to survive than those who can mix for a day.

And when they have power, they will work hard to manage their own forces.

As for betrayal or something, Chu Feng didn't care even more.

As long as you are strong enough, are you still worried about these people's betrayal? If you can't become stronger, even if the people under you are loyal, they will be destroyed by powerful enemies.

The battle in the rainstorm lasted a total of 5 hours. Of these 5 hours, one hour was in regular combat, and the rest was harvesting lives.

There were more than 13,000 crystal nuclei in the final harvest. No one dared to be greedy for ink, or some people who wanted to greet ink had already been dealt with by their bosses.

Among these crystal nuclei, the most powerful crystal nuclei are undoubtedly Tier 5 Thousand Hand Zombie and Tentacle Zombie. These nuclei have made Chu Feng's strength rise to the peak of Tier 4.

He didn't rush to break through to Tier 5, but began to count the gains.

The **** industry fire can continue to burn even in a heavy rain environment. In order to reduce the pollution of the zombie virus to the environment, Chu Feng specially separated a thousand crystal nuclei to help the light and fire abilities to restore their strength , So that they must complete the cremation work before dark.

Those spine bones that fell after the death of the zombies, or some special zombie teeth, who could not be directly burned to ashes by the fire, were all collected.

After counting all the gains, Chu Feng selected a few zombies' vertebrae and half of the crystal nuclei, and gave the rest to Su Yuan, so that she and several deputy leaders were assigned.

Now everyone has begun to use their abilities proficiently, so some simple weapons don't need to be built by Chu Feng himself.

What Chu Feng is taking now is just a fine line.

Only one thing was beyond Chu Feng's expectations.

"Why did our team lose 26 people?"

Chu Feng's eyes were angry, "Didn't all the powerful zombies have been killed? Why are there so many casualties?"

Even in the face of the Tentacle Corpse Jue and Thousand Hand Corpse Jue, their casualties were less than ten people, but after the three-headed dog of **** killed one-third of the corpse group, it caused so much loss. .

Such a number made Chu Feng very angry. The most dangerous time had passed, causing such a large number of casualties when harvesting.

Xu Yan explained: "This is because those people have already cast a shadow in their hearts after experiencing the shadow of the three-headed dog in hell. I saw some people were not very afraid when they faced zombies at first, but Just after leaving the three-headed dog of hell, they couldn't even hold the knife firmly."

Chu Feng rubbed his eyebrows, a little helpless.

He finally let go of his mistake of saving others by himself, thinking that the end of the world has come for such a long time, and everyone's psychological quality should have improved to a certain extent.

But even if the psychological quality has improved, it will not happen for a while.

Everyone has a limit that everyone can bear. When this limit comes, anyone has the possibility of collapse.

After all, Chu Feng's requirements for them were still too high.

However, what Chu Feng needs are people with high psychological quality. Otherwise, what would Chu Feng want them to do? Satisfied with the pleasure of pretending to be a little brother?

"Give them three days to adapt to the new life. If they are willing to continue to fight with me, then continue. If they don't want to..."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng hesitated for a moment. This is not a past life. If someone who can't keep up with his own rhythm just throws away, who else would dare to follow him out to fight?

We were with you during the war, and now we can't fight you and throw us away, so that no one would want to follow the treachery.

Therefore, even if Chu Feng wants them to leave their core team, there must be an excuse.

Chu Xiaorou suddenly said, "I want to establish a security team to protect the security of the Dawn Alliance."

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