Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 366: Renamed City of Dawn

Chu Feng looked at his sister: "Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

If it was a normal request, Chu Feng would still satisfy his sister.

However, if his sister is only a temporary enthusiasm, or does something irrational for some reason, then he has the obligation to correct it.

Chu Xiaorou did not shy away from Chu Feng's gaze: "Now the Dawn Alliance has grown bigger and bigger, and it will definitely attract more people to join in the future, but there are many people in the alliance who always do some desperate things. At that time, someone is needed to maintain law and order and at the same time take on the role of patrol and defense."

What she said was reasonable and well-founded, and Chu Feng really needed such a team.

Just, why should it be your own sister?

Chu Feng knew that in this era of the collapse of the law, it is easy to offend people to assume such a position, and sometimes even after the defense team offends some big people, the big men in the survival base will directly take out the leader of the security team. Top crime.

After all, knights are forbidden by martial arts, and there are definitely not a few people who take risks after gaining power.

Chu Xiaorou continued: "If you don't agree, then I will hunt zombies outside the city. Anyway, I can't stay quietly under your protection and become a carefree little princess."

Seeing his sister's firm eyes, Chu Feng nodded solemnly: "That's fine, but you must use the defensive measures I have prepared for you proficiently."

Chu Xiaorou immediately smiled: "Okay, brother."

Seeing his sister's smile, Chu Feng's heart burst.

"But if you want to take on this responsibility, you must perform your duties, and you must not make unfair judgments based on any of your emotional factors. If you can't do it, then even if you are my sister, you must also accept punishment."

Chu Feng’s tone became more and more serious, "In addition, you have to remember that the times have changed. You must adapt to new rules and morals, and you should know that because you It's my sister, so I will be stricter with you than others."

If his sister doesn't control power, Chu Feng can keep her carefree.

However, if she wants to control power, then Chu Feng must be careful.

This caution does not mean that he should be wary of his sister, but that power may change a person, and after some people gain power, the negative impact will be greater than the positive impact.

Of course he was not worried that Xiao Rou would use power for personal gain. What he was worried about was that his sister would be too fair.

Chu Xiaoju said: "I understand, I will learn from Sister Su Yuan."

Su Yuan said: "Speaking of the growing strength of the Dawn Alliance, there is one more thing, everyone wants to seek the opinions of the leader."

"What's the matter?" There are very few people who can make Su Yuan uncertain, and they are generally very important things.

Su Yuan said sternly: "We want to rename the Dawn Alliance to the City of Dawn."

The scene was suddenly silent.

Whether it was Dawn Alliance or Dawn City, it all sounded just a name, and the gap didn't seem to be big.

But the people present, although not everyone is a smart person, but they are not stupid.

The Dawn Alliance means that everyone is just an idle organization now, united to keep warm in order to survive and for common interests.

But if they change their name and become the City of Dawn, it means that they will soon become a prince.

If you really want to tell them to betray China, it is not necessarily true, but once they change their name and become the City of Dawn, then they will all become an independent force.

This is simply the beginning of the warlord's separatist regime.

Chu Feng's eyes swept across several deputy leaders, and a sarcastically smile appeared in his eyes: "You seem to be looking forward to it. I can become a great official in the border, no, a prince!"

"No, we didn't mean that." Yu Dawen quickly explained.

Although I don't know why Chu Feng was so angry, since Chu Feng showed such a smile and used such a tone, it shows that he is very dissatisfied with this matter.

"Well, since you want it, then I agree."

Chu Feng waved his hand, "From now on, our place is the City of Dawn. I will be the city lord of the City of Dawn. I live at the gate of the light. Su Yuan is the deputy city lord. Everyone can become a deputy city lord and control one portal respectively. Gu Nanfei is the commander of the city lord’s mansion, and Chu Xiaorou is the commander of the city guard. You will assign the remaining positions. Do you have any comments?"

"It all depends on the city lord." Qiu Rong said hurriedly.

"It's all up to the city owner." Several deputy city owners also hurriedly said.

Chu Feng just showed an unpleasant look just now, making them sit on pins and needles, but what surprised them was that Chu Feng actually agreed and quickly arranged responsibilities for everyone.

In fact, they are also very wronged, because if the Dawn Alliance is announced as an independent group, then the biggest beneficiary will be Chu Feng.

The original Dawn Alliance, although it was Chu Feng's utterance, was still democratic in name.

If the Dawn Alliance changes its name to the City of Dawn, the city lord of the City of Dawn will nominally have the highest dominant position, which is more conducive to Chu Feng's absolute rule.

They will change from a member who is eligible to vote directly into Chu Feng's subordinates, so is there anything that Chu Feng is not satisfied with?

What made them even more strange was that Chu Feng actually agreed.

They knew Chu Feng's character. If it was something he didn't want, even if everyone opposed it, as long as he persisted, everyone's objection would become an agreeable opinion.

Who told him to have the biggest fist and the biggest popular support?

If Chu Feng was forced to submit under their pressure, it would be even more nonsense.

They didn't have the strength to resist Chu Feng at all, and they didn't have the intention to resist Chu Feng. The suggestion they just made was really just for the sake of the Dawn Alliance.

Gu Nanfei saw Chu Feng's dislike, so he asked, "Is there any problem with this proposal? Or is there any special hidden danger?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, changing the name to City of Dawn can increase the identity of ordinary people and improve cohesion. This suggestion is no problem."


Seeing that Chu Feng was reluctant to say it, Gu Nanfei didn't ask.

Although Su Yuan felt a little inexplicable, she knew that it was not the time to ask Chu Feng, so she congratulated Chu Feng and said, "So from now on, we will be members of the City of Dawn. Congratulations to the Lord Chu, and congratulations to the City of Dawn. The world’s largest survival base."

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