Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 367: Choice of natal supernatural powers

"Chu Feng, I can feel that you seem to be very angry."

After the meeting ended at night, Su Yuyan found Chu Feng.

Moreover, Chu Feng actually endured it, which was not in line with Chu Feng's character!

"Is there any hidden danger in the name change?" Su Yuyan asked.

"I didn't lie, the name change really did more harm than good."

Chu Feng replied seriously.

Being able to name one's own survival base as a city in the last days is a manifestation of one's own strength.

This is beneficial regardless of whether it is considered from a short-term or long-term perspective.

And the name can also give people a sense of security.

What is an alliance? The so-called alliance is a group of interests. If there is no common interest, it may be dissolved at any time.

But if this is a city, it will naturally give people the illusion that this is a place where people can really settle down, a place to live for a long time, a place that can be used as their home, let them spare their lives to protect this place The place.

So even if they didn't make this proposal, Chu Feng would actually agree to them.

"Then why are you, because you suspect they want to betray?" Su Yuyan was puzzled.

"I am angry that they dare to take the initiative."

Chu Feng's eyes were filled with anger, "What kind of strength do they have? Only Tier 4, the development of the Dawn Alliance has just begun. I want to change the name of the alliance to a city so early, and wait for the forces of the Dawn Alliance. Tenfold, do they want to add to my yellow robe!"

Su Yuyan then understood.

That's right, Chu Feng wanted to change his name, which was imperative.

However, the number of the current Dawn Alliance is only a few tens of thousands, and it has been sealed as a city. Then when their power expands, are they really quite warlords?

She is very familiar with the historical mutiny of Chen Qiao.

Maybe the group of subordinates are all loyal, maybe what they do is what the master wants to do, but the practice of adding Huangpao simply puts their master into a position where they shouldn't sit.

"I think you have seen the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. None of the people who snatched the jade seal had a good end. You said that if they want to do something about adding a yellow robe, should I agree or not?"

Chu Feng asked Su Yu flue seriously.

Su Yuyan was startled in a cold sweat.

According to the character of this group of people, since they no longer have the intention of rebellion, in order to expand their power, they can completely push Chu Feng up.

After all, if your boss is not in position, where will there be vacancies?

Climbing up is everyone's instinct, and most people cannot contain their own instinct.

"Then what should we do?" Su Yuyan asked.

Chu Feng said: "You don't need to worry about this matter. As time goes by, many ills will either expand and be exposed, or they will disappear directly. In any case, time is a good medicine to solve the problem."

However, his heart also raised his mind to rectify the group of people.

Maybe their practices and ideas are not problematic, but not considering the problem comprehensively is itself a kind of negligence.

If you don't beat them, they can really go to heaven.

In the two days after the corpse tide was eliminated, Chu Feng allocated the crystal cores and counted those who were still willing to follow him in the battle.

After two days of silence, many people have already thought of shrinking. Although following Chu Feng has many benefits, it is too dangerous.

But fortunately, Chu Xiaorou's guard team has already begun to build, so those people can be regarded as having a landing, which has brought some positive effects to Chu Feng.

If a person loses value and will be abandoned, then no one will be willing to follow Chu Feng.

Now they have lost the courage to fight, but they are still assigned a position by Chu Feng, which makes many people who are willing to go with the main peak also feel at ease.

Therefore, although there were only 114 people left in Chu Feng's original squad, many people added in, and the total number still reached 300.

Everyone is afraid of death, and there are many people who are willing to take risks for profit.

Especially those warriors who have not been able to awaken, they have to rely on themselves for every step of their cultivation. If one person is willing to guide them, they will avoid many detours.

What made Chu Feng feel gratified was that all the 12 people who were optimistic about Chu Feng stayed.

And Wei Pojun, who was born with supernatural power, was also willing to be Chu Feng's personal follower.

After handing these people over to Xu Wei's trio to arrange, Chu Feng embarked on a breakthrough plan.

His harvest this time was great, even for Tier 4 crystal nuclei, he harvested dozens of them, which was enough for him to break through to Tier 5.

However, level 5 is also a very important stage.

After reaching the fifth rank, the supernatural person can transform the element into a dragon shape, and similarly, those awakened persons of the body arts department can also transform their true qi into a dragon shape.

Not only that, no matter what race it is, after reaching Tier 5, it is considered to have opened a barrier, which is a barrier from life.

This realm is also called the Hualong Realm.

Coming to this state is like a carp leaping over a dragon gate.

Of course it is not to say that the gap between Tier 4 and Tier 5 is a huge difference, but after reaching Tier 5, it will enter a period of rapid rise in strength.

This is like no matter how good high school knowledge is learned, it is only high school knowledge after all.

Tier 5 represents the beginning of studying university courses and entering the stage of higher education.

There are also those of Tier 5 who were killed by Tier 4 leapfrog, but they are the kind of people who don't learn well, so even if there is an opportunity to learn, it's useless if you don't grasp it.

For those true geniuses, Tier 5 means an opportunity to soar into the sky.

For Chu Feng, Tier 5 means that he can condense the seeds of supernatural powers.

"Supernatural power is a holy step, or a sign of a half-step holy step. According to the knowledge of the unknown ancient book, the fifth step can condense a natal supernatural power in advance as its core ability, so that you can use the power of supernatural power in advance, and it is best His suggestion is to choose magical powers such as physical fitness."

In his previous life, Chu Feng chose the "Sword Body of Annihilation", which was the supernatural power that best suited his character, which gave him the highest increase in his decisive ability to kill.

However, in this life, this magical power is somewhat insufficient for him.

"The so-called combat power is actually attack, speed and defense, plus reaction power. I already have special skills like Innate Sword Qi, and Nirvana Sword Body is no longer the best choice for me."

"The magical power I should choose is a magical power that maximizes my advantages."

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