Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 368: Yuan Ling Dao Body

Chu Feng sorted out what he had learned.

In fact, his methods are seldom complicated, because there are thousands of methods in the ancient books, and each Yuan Talisman has been studied to the extreme, and it can exert a powerful force.

But for him, only a few core abilities should be studied.

In the future, some people will take the method of specializing in one path, honing a certain ultimate move, and exerting a certain move beyond the limit. And this kind of dedicated person will later...

Are dead.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with such a path. It is easy to achieve the highest achievement with concentration, but it is not them that is wrong, but the environment in which they are located.

In this crisis-filled era, people have to fight with zombies, grab food with wild beasts, face harassment by bugs, and face encroachment from enemies in another world. They also face the lack of resources and the internal killing of human beings. When searching for materials in the wild, you also need to worry about similar sneak attacks.

Under these kinds of dangers, do you want to be able to deal with all the dangers with just one move? That can only say that the future you imagined is really wonderful.

Perhaps practicing a trick to the extreme can really destroy the world, but under this environmental background, there is no room for people who follow this path to survive.

But if you learn everything, it is not advisable.

So the best way is to concentrate on exercising your strengths, and then use teammates or special means to make up for your weaknesses.

You can concentrate on improving your own ultimate move, but you must focus most of your energy on life-saving.

Only those who survive are qualified to consider the future.

Next, Chu Feng began to organize what he had learned.

"You only need to learn how to draw a meta sign. After all, a meta sign can be hidden in the void, so it doesn't make much difference whether the drawing speed is fast or slow."

"In medical treatment, it is enough to learn to use medical methods. After all, I can't be a logistician and draw a few more rejuvenation charms, which is better than anything.

"Weapon, now in the City of Dawn, there are already many supernaturalists who have mastered their own powers. Ordinary weapons can already be forged by controlling the elements. I only need to pursue fine products, and I don’t It needs to be studied too carefully, and it only needs to be refined step by step."

"If there is another weapon refining method that requires me to study carefully, it is the blood refining of the gods, which can improve my weapons with my own strength and with my own killings. Besides, I You only need to be a craftsman step by step."

Human energy is limited, and Chu Feng is no exception, so he will not spend too much energy on those sidelines, and improving strength is his ultimate goal.

The Blood Refining God Soldier can improve one's own strength as well as the strength of one's own forces. This is worthy of Chu Feng's study.

Next, is the tactics.

"Attack, I have the sword of death to harvest life, and the innate sword energy to cut through matter. Both of these have no upper limit. With my strength and growth, even if I don’t consider the limit of my body, these two Any method can explode to the limit."

"So the magical powers I should choose, first of all should be to enhance the magical powers of my physique and increase the limit of my body's endurance, so as to maximize my attack power. Of course, if such magical powers also have both defense and speed. , Recovery ability, flexibility and agility are the best."

"It seems a bit greedy."

Chu Feng laughed at himself. Being proficient in everything is equivalent to being mediocre. If he wants to strengthen in all aspects, then even he may lose the qualification to aspire to the forest of the strong.

Of course, what he values ​​most is his attack ability.

Because the path he wants to walk is originally the path of the strongest, what he wants is to use his strongest power to destroy all living enemies and protect the people around him.

Therefore, when he chooses the seed of supernatural power, he first chooses to strengthen his physique so that he can maximize his attack power.

"Wait a minute, why should I increase my endurance and physical strength? Innate sword qi can increase infinitely and even exceed the limit of my body. If it is only the power of the limit of the body, I can use Yuan Talisman directly. What is the sword qi? So, I want to use it, that is, to use the power beyond the limit."

"This is my desperate method, so the best magical power that matches the innate sword aura is not actually the magical power that increases the limit of my body's tolerance, but after I have exploded several times the power that exceeds my body's limit, I can still save my life , Even the supernatural power to maintain a certain combat effectiveness."

"In addition, although the power of the innate sword aura and the sword of death is huge, if it is facing an agile opponent, if there is no way to hit it, it is a flaw."

"So, such supernatural powers should have both recovery and agility, plus speed."

In this way, Chu Feng quickly selected a magical power.

[Yuan Ling Dao Body]!

This is actually an auxiliary physique supernatural power, which can greatly improve a person's speed and agility, as well as sensitivity, and even reaction ability.

If you are a master who wants to take the agile route, you can choose this one.

Originally, Chu Feng did not consider this magical power, because it was simply a magical power for escape. It did not greatly increase attack and defense, and did not greatly increase combat effectiveness. Therefore, Chu Feng preferred to choose one to increase his attack. And the magical powers of defense.

However, there is no strongest magical power, only the most suitable magical power.

Chu Feng is convinced of the power of the Innate Sword Qi and the Sword of Death, but if he wants to deal with opponents whose strength is far greater than his own, then it is absolutely impossible without a certain amount of agility.

Moreover, although the Yuanling Dao body does not increase much defense, it has a strong endurance to vitality. This means that if the Yuanling Dao body is to be used to stimulate the innate sword energy, Chu Feng can exert a stronger power. .

At this moment, Chu Feng's only flaw was defense.

"The problem of defense can be made up for in the early stage with soft armor made of the blue magic gold and armor made of red flame fine gold. In the later stage, I can practice more magical powers. Therefore, for me at this stage, Yuan Ling Dao body is the most suitable supernatural power."

After making the final decision, Chu Feng decided to announce to everyone that he would retreat for a few days.

But at this moment, Gao Yangsong suddenly found him.

"Just three days ago, we found a monster. This monster has killed hundreds of people. It has returned to the ground due to the rainstorm. But now this monster is starting to appear again. We want to ask Mr. Chu. Take action and resolve this threat."

Gao Yangsong asked Chu Feng sincerely, "We are willing to pay a high price for this."

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows: "Can't the military solve it?"

Gao Yangsong said: "Our masters are all going to the magic city, and the nearby cities are fighting with zombies to save the survivors. There are not too many troops to deal with this monster."

Chu Feng said silently: "Don't mention the rewards, I don't have the face to take it, because we are among the people you accidentally protect. As long as you promise to let all the gains from my actions go to me, tell me now. The specific information about my monster!"

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