Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 369: Grant abilities

Free things are the most expensive.

Chu Feng promised to help the military deal with the monsters, one of the reasons is indeed the same as he said, to express his gratitude to the military.

Aside from the matter of soldiers defending their homes and the country, let's just say that now, most of the members of the city of Dawn are gathered by the military from the gathering places in the fortress, and finally joined the city of dawn.

Even if it was to take care of everyone's ideas, Chu Feng couldn't get paid.

Since Chu Feng is the lord of the city of dawn, he must bear the favor of the entire city.

Power and obligation are always equal. Since you want to receive benefits from these people, of course you have to bear corresponding responsibilities.

Of course, there are some people who use force to coerce the weak and squeeze labor from them, but this approach is destined to not last long.

In addition, Chu Feng has another consideration.

As his power grows stronger, it is easy to cause people's dread.

At this time, a good relationship with the military can also save a lot of trouble.

It is always the most irrational thing to be enemies with people who have faith.

Seeing that Chu Feng agreed, Gao Yangsong said excitedly, "Thank you Mr. Chu for your assistance."

Although Chu Feng has always been reluctant to join the military, he has never shown too much hostility, and the two sides also help each other.

It is good to be an ally with such a strong one.

After discussing the departure the next day, Chu Feng called Tian Jing and the three people over.

The three of them were still a little puzzled at first, but when they saw the two cups of black tea exuding unpleasant gas next to Chu Feng, their eyes showed excitement.

They knew that Chu Feng was able to help others awaken, and when Chu Feng helped Ye Xiaohui awaken, he used that dark thing.

Tao Jinghua is okay. He has awakened and is now mastering his power.

Xu Wei and Tian Jing almost couldn't conceal their gaffe.

With all the potions that enhance strength, Chu Feng himself is more confident when he helps people awaken.

"I once promised you that each of you will become a superpower."

Chu Feng handed two cups of tea to Tian Jing and Xu Wei, "Now that your spirit and will have been tempered, it is time for you to acquire supernatural powers."

"Thank you boss!"

Tian Jing and Xu Wei immediately finished their tea and drank them all.

When the two drank the tea, the severe pain immediately spread to their whole bodies, causing them to bite their teeth and roll on the ground.

However, they have followed Chu Feng for a long time, and Chu Feng has specially trained their ability to endure pain and exercised their willpower.

Now Chu Feng judged that their will has reached a sufficient level, and then he was willing to help them awaken.

After all, helping others to awaken is a very tiring task. With this skill, Chu Feng might as well use it to improve his own strength and then recruit more awakeners.

These three people also obtained Chu Feng's approval with their own efforts.

When the two were rolling on the ground, Chu Feng looked at Tao Jinghua with scrutiny eyes:

"Have you neglected to practice martial arts recently?"

Tao Jinghua's body trembled, and then said: "I just learned the supernatural powers, so I spent more time getting familiar with my own powers."

Chu Feng said: "Every innate awakened person has acquired a lot of knowledge about abilities when awakening, and even information about different worlds, and is naturally able to control many abilities. Such advantages are acquired abilities. The person cannot make up for it. After all, if you really have such a talent, then you should be one of the people who are born awakened."

This is a very unfair thing, but there has never been fairness in this world.

But since fairness cannot be changed, people can only try to change the favored object into themselves.

Tao Jinghua's eyes were a little unwilling: "Then shall we catch up with the Awakened forever?"

He is really unwilling. After all, most people have dreams of getting ahead, and he also wants to keep climbing up and improve his strength.

So he has been honing his abilities in the past few days, hoping to catch up with those innate abilities.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with the superpowers of the same level.

He had a naive illusion in his heart that he thought that as long as he worked hard enough, he had the possibility of catching up with them.

But just now, his illusion was revealed by Chu Feng mercilessly.

And he himself understands that maybe he can catch up with some people who don't work hard with resources and hard work, but in the end he will survive hard.

"Not really."

Chu Feng took a piece of magic rune on Tian Jing and Xu Wei, "Although weightlifters are powerful, they are not as good at fighting as professional boxers."

"Boss meant to say, I can make up for it with other aspects?"

Tao Jinghua quickly understood what Chu Feng meant.

If strength is everything, then theoretically speaking, athletes can sling all boxers.

But in actual combat, power is only the most critical factor, not the whole story.

Speed ​​and combat skills are equally important.

Chu Feng just reminded him that you are inferior to your innate awakening in terms of strength, but you don't need to compare your shortcomings with others' strengths.

At this time, Tian Jing's hand showed a white light, which was the sign of the supernatural power of the body arts department.

Although acquired abilities can also solidify vitality, it is not as good as innate after all.

"Boss, you want us to do this, we will do it."

Tian Jing's tone was weak, but it was full of no doubt. She knew that Chu Feng's insight was far beyond ordinary superpowers, so the path he arranged was the most suitable path for her.

As for things like autonomy and freedom?

Ha ha······

If you have the ability to leave Chu Feng!

Since you survived because of Chu Feng and developed because of Chu Feng, don't think about freedom. Otherwise, let you go, can you go by yourself?

"The boss has put so much energy into us, it is certainly not for us to waste." Xu Wei said sternly.

They understood that the three of them did not have any talents, and their current status and strength were all given to them by Chu Feng. Even if they did not repay them, they would lose everything if they lost Chu Feng.

Chu Feng nodded in satisfaction. Since the three of them are all witty, it is not a waste of his energy.

"Now you can decide which weapon you will use in the future, and it will be fixed in the future." Chu Feng's mouth showed a smile.

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