Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 370: Bloodbath

In the end, Tian Jing and Xu Wei chose a knife, while Tao Jinghua chose a spear.

After the three of them set up their approximate styles, Chu Feng used Chiyan Fine Gold to create a weapon for each of them, so that they were familiar with each other.

After the three of them got the brand new weapon, they seemed to love it and couldn't wait to try it.

However, after the three people left, Chu Feng's eyes revealed a complicated look.

"Your strength and status are all given by me, so I shouldn't be exaggerated with some small tricks.

If you don't betray me, then these three magic weapons will be your support, but if you choose to betray, then you can't blame me. "

The weapon that the three of them got was called Blood Refining God Soldier.

The Blood Refining God Soldier possesses the same characteristics as the bone spurs of Li Blood Corpse.

The bone spurs of Li Blood Corpse are the aggregate of evil energy, blood energy and resentment. They have the characteristics of being alive, and can continuously grow by killing enemies and absorbing their blood energy.

After being forged into a blood-drinking sword by Chu Feng, his blood-sucking ability has been greatly improved.

The weapon that Chu Feng gave to the three of them also possessed a special ability, that is, to absorb evil spirits and grow. The more they kill, the stronger the weapon.

However, unlike the Blood Drinking Sword, these evil auras will not improve the material of the weapon, but will only continuously strengthen the weapon's power.

However, this is not without cost.

If they don't betray, these three weapons will accompany them for a long time. Even if they can't keep up with them in the future, Chu Feng will help them refine the weapons again.

But if they betrayed, then those suffocating restraints would be detonated by Chu Feng, thus backlashing themselves, causing them to die back in the first place.

This behavior sounds a bit evil, but why did they choose it?

Even if Chu Feng told them this precaution, as long as they were reluctant to bear their current status, they had to obey Chu Feng's words obediently.

Without Chu Feng and the others, they were just ordinary people, and they might not even be able to survive the danger they encountered in the first place, obediently becoming the rations of the demon cat.

So Chu Feng was not ashamed of his behavior.

On the second day, Chu Feng left the City of Dawn with the three of them, and went to Tai Sui's location.

Now the City of Dawn has just experienced a major crisis, but its reputation has spread even further, attracting many people to join, and the number has skyrocketed.

Especially those who choose to join the City of Dawn in times of crisis, they also have family and friends. With their families and mouths, the population of the City of Dawn has exceeded 100,000.

In their propaganda, Chu Feng was almost deified.

Because of this, the people in the City of Dawn are doing intensive work, making proper arrangements for those who have just joined.

And Su Yuyan led Lu Ming and others to take over the people they had saved, and save some innocent people by the way.

Although those people are unwilling to go outside with Su Yuyan on adventures, at least they did not choose to betray, or turned to other people's forces. Judging from the current moral level of people, they cannot live and die together, but choosing not to betray is also a kind of choice. Good character too.

And Chu Xiaorou's performance in the past two days has also been uncharacteristic. Although the security team she is in charge of has been maintaining public security in the City of Dawn, it has not been overwhelmed with justice and resolved all the troublemakers.

She kept studying the rules made by Su Yuan, thinking about the meaning of the rules.

Except for the execution of a few scumbags who abused women, they did not directly intervene in most fights.

Chu Feng was also very pleased with the change of his younger sister.

If she had to fight against all unfair things, then Chu Feng would not be assured that she had been in this position for too long.

With the supply of a large number of high-level crystal nuclei, Ye Xiaohui reached Tier 4, and Xiaoxi reached the pinnacle of Tier 4. Because of the lack of life, she did not break through. Because Yiyi has not regained consciousness until now, so Chu Feng let They continued to guard Yiyi's side.

In Su Yuyan's team, Li Xiao unexpectedly broke through, which made the people in the City of Dawn very excited because their guardian power became stronger.

Now Su Yuyan's group has also become a powerful force.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, Su Yuyan's team is Su Yuan's core family.

"46, huh~"

After Xu Wei killed a zombie, he skillfully took out the crystal core from the zombie and put it into the backpack behind him.

On the way to the destination this time, all 4 people walked directly past.

In Chu Feng's words, this is called exercise.

Since Chu Feng was there anyway, they didn't have to worry about any danger, so the three of them agreed and hunted down the zombies along the way.

Tian Jing took out the map and looked at the road: "According to Gao Yangsong's destination, the place ahead should be where Tai Sui is."

Tao Jinghua asked Chu Feng with some doubts: "Does this kind of thing really exist? How terrifying is this kind of thing?"

Chu Feng thought for a while, then said:

"If it were in the old days, Tai Sui is just a special kind of creature, but now many creatures have mutated. I can't say in which direction Tai Sui will mutate."

There are three types of organisms visible to the naked eye, plants, animals, and fungi. However, Tai Sui becomes a system alone outside of these three.

But even though it sounds powerful, it's actually just a special creature.

Tian Jing doubted: "The boss agreed directly? That is a terrifying monster that has caused hundreds of casualties, and if it hadn't been for the rain, the number of casualties would have been even higher."

Most of the people who besieged the base of Jinling creatures had a certain degree of confidence in their own strength, but they still caused terrible casualties.

Moreover, according to the intelligence, the terrifying monster suspected of Tai Sui was not afraid of any abilities, nor any physical damage, let alone guns.

In other words, this is simply a monster with no weaknesses.

Chu Feng said: "Monsters who are not afraid of any damage do not exist at all. It can only be said that the damage of these attacks is too little. If the samaya fire continues to burn, no matter how powerful this Tai Sui is, it will only end up with hatred Here, the military masters are not there. If Luo Xingyao is there, this Tai Sui will not be arrogant."

He has seen more horrible monsters in the future. Many monsters sounded amazing and terrifying, but in fact they were just people who didn’t understand.

With human wisdom, any monster is directly exposed to the veil of mystery, and it poses no threat to humans.

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