Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 373: Tai Sui's anger

There are always some people who have very stubborn thinking and it is difficult to change their ideas.

For example, when the Chinese people were asked to keep braids, many people refused to obey them and died. Later, when everyone was asked to cut their braids, many people died because of resistance.

Some of these people are for integrity, but more are simply because they refuse to accept change.

For Chu Feng, the same was true for these onlookers.

They were obviously dissatisfied with those who bullied them, but they just refused to unite to resist, and instead let them wreak havoc.

In fact, this kind of behavior is understandable by Chu Feng, because there is only one life, and if it is lost in the process of resistance, it is too worthwhile.

It's not that it's understandable not to refuse to resist, but it's still staying here, and even ridiculing those who resisted, that's a brain problem.

But there are many such people in the world.

Unwilling to resist the power, yet there is no consciousness of the weak.

In this way, people who don't even know their own position are those who push their noses on their faces. Give them a little bit of color and they can become arrogant, and give them a little bit of power and they can immediately bow their heads.

Those careerists liked such obedient people, but Chu Feng dismissed such people.

As time goes by, these people have lower and lower utilization value, but their ability to do things gets stronger and stronger, and sooner or later they will bring disaster to themselves.

After sacrificing some people as sacrificial offerings, life became a formation and began to move.

These crystal nuclei form a connection with each other. In the middle is a big six-pointed star, and there are several small five-pointed stars as ornaments around the big six-pointed star.

When the formation started to move, a green light sank into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of green light spots poured up from the ground.

Chu Feng stood in the middle of the magic circle, allowing the green light spots to enter his body.

Tai Sui this kind of creature is itself a huge aggregate of life force. After the improvement of the new era, the life force is even stronger.

On the level of life, Tai Sui can be directly regarded as a supplement like Lingzhi.

After a large amount of life force entered his body, Chu Feng felt that the lifespan he had lost before had begun to be compensated, and he had regained the vitality of his heyday, even if it had passed.

"Next, it's time for Yuan Ling Dao Body."

After the loss of vitality was also made up, Chu Feng immediately began to condense the supernatural power seeds of the Yuan Ling Dao body.

Although Chu Feng did not say that he was familiar with the matter of condensing supernatural power seeds, he had a very deep understanding of supernatural power seeds.

A large amount of life force and vitality began to converge, and it began to condense into a small light spot in Chu Feng's heart. As soon as this light spot appeared, it began to quickly swallow Chu Feng's vitality and vitality.

Chu Feng originally prepared a large number of crystal nuclei, which was transformed into a spirit gathering talisman after refining, and wanted to use a large amount of vitality as a compensation, and then reduce the consumption of vitality.

The biggest advantage of this is that he doesn't need to lose a lot of his vitality, or even make his body appear aging.

But there is also a downside, that is, it will have some influence on the power of the seed of supernatural power.

But now that there is so much vitality as the foundation, then Chu Feng can ignore it. Countless vitality poured into the embryonic form of the magical power seed, allowing this seed to begin to take root.

Just a minute later, Chu Feng gradually felt that the magical power seeds in his body had condensed into substance. As long as he continuously instilled power into the magical power seeds, he could continue to grow and grow, and then become more and more. Strong.

Just when the magical power seeds were successfully condensed, a large amount of viscous liquid poured onto the ground from the ground like a tide, and the ground began to collapse continuously, turning countless earth and rocks into fragments.

"Is Tai Sui angry?"

Chu Feng had anticipated this situation a long time ago, so he didn't panic at all, but rather calmly gave orders to Tian Jing and the others.

"Get out of here quickly and tell me that people near me don't come over. Of course, if they have to come and die, then you don't have to stop them desperately."

Tian Jing and the three got the order and turned and left without hesitation.

It's impossible for them to have a plot like that of Qiong Yao's drama. Since Chu Feng issued such an order to them, it means that their stay here may only get in the way.

If they stayed behind to express their loyalty recklessly, then Chu Feng might really sacrifice them directly.

The movement here attracted the attention of many people. Some of the people who had just been startled by Chu Feng stopped leaving and looked back.

Some people left without looking back.

As the saying goes, the weak must have the consciousness of the weak. If you face a danger that you can't resist at all, running away is the best choice.

Those who hope in the mercy of the enemy will eventually be defeated by their own innocence.

Some people in the distance rushed towards here.

"Hey! What happened here?"

Several people with supernatural powers saw Tian Jing and three people fleeing from the inside, and immediately stopped them.

"Tell us what's going on inside, and we can spare you not to die."

Since these three people came out of it, it means that these three people must know something.

Tao Jinghua remembered Chu Feng's words and immediately shouted to everyone: "Everyone should not go in, there is danger inside."

Since Chu Feng wanted them to remind the people outside, just let them remind.

However, not everyone believes their reminders.

Even if the earth is shaking inside, there are some people who are blindly confident in their own strength and walk inside regardless of life and death.

Those who stopped Tian Jing also hesitated. A man in red sportswear glanced at the place where the earth collapsed, then looked at the weapons in the hands of Tian Jing's trio, and then extended his right hand. , A faint blue flame appeared in his hand.

"Give you two choices. One is to walk in front of us and take a look. Although it is dangerous, at least you have a chance to survive. The other choice is to die now."

In their opinion, it is impossible for a supernatural person to fight with heavy weapons, although they have weapons in their hands, it means that they should be warriors in all likelihood.

The dark blue flame in his hand is a sign that he has mastered the fire of hell. He believes that normal smart people should be able to make appropriate choices.

However, just as he showed off his junior high school **** industry fire, his front became a bright red like a flame.

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