Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 374: Core of life

"The opening reveals the hole cards, is there a problem with this person's brain?"

Tian Jing stood up with the knife and looked at the person with a problem in front of him with inexplicable eyes.

Because she has developed the habit of directly counterattacking when others make moves by Chu Feng's side, she instinctively started making moves when the opponent called fire.

The fire-type supernatural power star looked at his chest with a dull face, and after the fire just passed, a wound ran from his left shoulder to his right hip, dividing his body in half.

When Tian Jing started, Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua were not idle.

People have already flaunted them, can it be that the two of them can still watch the show?

Therefore, Xu Wei's spear and Tao Jinghua's spear had already taken one person's life before the other party could react.

Next, there was a massacre.

"He, why did they do it directly?"

Those few battles had masters in the team, and those who showed their power to them felt a little weird to death. This shot was too cruel!

After solving the enemy, Tian Jing and the three also felt a little unreal.

They are used to dealing with zombies and mutant beasts, and of course they are all dead or wounded. This is also the case when fighting against humans next to Chu Feng. They have never encountered a person with such a bad fighting consciousness.

"These people should be people who have just walked out of the fortress controlled by the military. They don't have much habit of dealing with external monsters, or they often use their strength to crush them. Don't be because of the stupid behavior of these people. , I underestimated the people of the world."

Tian Jing felt that she had to remind the two partners around him, otherwise, if they regard all their opponents as such weak chickens, they will suffer sooner or later.

Tao Jinghua and Xu Wei nodded in agreement.

Then, the three of them scanned for 4 weeks, and when their gazes passed, the people around couldn't help but step back.

Especially those who originally watched the three people come out of the inside, originally wanted to follow behind to interrogate them, but when they saw the three of them acting fiercely, they immediately chose to back down.

Without him, the strength of these three people will not be said for the time being, but the shots are too harsh and decisive.

Maybe they can save the lives of these three people by taking action together, but they absolutely can't let these three people lead the way for them.

Even if they obey, no one dares to let them stay by their side.

However, at this time someone has already arrived in the middle zone.

Because of the concealment of the ruins of the abandoned buildings, many people don't understand what happened here. They regretted it after entering the middle zone.



Several screams and calls for help came from the deep pit, but Chu Feng turned a deaf ear.

They have all reminded them that there is a danger in this, don't let them in, they have to come to find death, who can blame?

And now Chu Feng's main energy is concentrated on Tai Sui.

Because the vitality he had absorbed was too much, it attracted Tai Sui's attention, so his life formation had been destroyed by the angry Tai Sui.

But for Chu Feng, it didn't matter much.

The formation of life formation is a ritual, and its function is to establish a link between oneself and the other party, allowing oneself to continuously absorb the other's vitality.

After the original link is established, this force is two-way, and the two sides may therefore engage in a tug-of-war match, and most of the vitality will be wasted in the process.

However, Tai Sui has no soul.

Tai Sui is a very magical life form, without neurons, without soul, and the form of life is completely different from ordinary life.

Therefore, the life that should have formed a tug of war is formed into an array, but now it has become a unilateral absorption.

Even if the life formation is destroyed, it will only slow down the life absorption speed, and there is not much hindrance.

And Chu Feng took advantage of this time to constantly wander around Tai Sui, avoiding those viscous liquids. When he couldn't avoid it, he would use some water to calm Tai Sui a little bit and delay Tai Sui's pace of chasing him down , And then buy yourself time.

"However, this Tai Sui is too big!"

In the process of constant wandering, Chu Feng was also shocked by Tai Sui's figure.

In the later generations, the biggest waste he heard was less than 10 cubic meters in volume, but this Tai Sui was like a small pond.

After all, it is a terrifying monster that has caused hundreds of casualties. How can it be done if it is too small.

During this process, Chu Feng also felt that the supernatural power seeds in his body gradually became stronger, and he felt that his body became lighter and lighter.

This is not an illusion, but the function of the Yuanling Dao body.

"Wait, this Tai Sui is under the control of Jinling Biological."

After Chu Feng had passed the initial pressure, he became more and more relaxed in the process of dodge, and he had time to think about some problems that he hadn't had time to think about before.

"After the Jinling creatures of later generations were destroyed, no one found such a big one that has been too old, and there were so many people attacking Jinling creatures. If there is such a monster, it is absolutely impossible to hide."

"So there are only two situations. The first is that history has changed a lot, and the second possibility is that the prince has died or moved."

"In the experiment, Jinling Biology simply has inexhaustible experimental materials. No matter how many people are regarded as experimental objects, they have enough resources to transform those people. In other words, Jinling Biology definitely has enough background. But in this life, the old nest of Jinling creatures has been copied, although many important materials have been burned, but the rest should be a fortune."

"But I can't see this at all."

"So I can make a bold guess. The reason why Jinling Biology has so many resources to transform others. The source of this resource is probably Tai Sui. They used unknown means to forcibly control Tai Sui, and continue to change from Tai Sui. Draw vitality from your body."

Thinking of this, many doubts can be explained.

No wonder that Jinling creatures can make so many biochemical beasts, not because they capture mutant zombies too fast, but because there is such a constant supply of special materials for Tai Sui.

It's no wonder that the genetic evolution medicine in the United States is so developed because the foundation is well laid at the beginning.

And as Chu Feng's supernatural power seeds became stronger and stronger, his perceptual efforts had also been greatly improved.

In that group of vitality, there is a light spot of life that is particularly obvious.

"There, is Tai Sui's life core?" Chu Feng guessed.

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