Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 375: Behead Tai Sui

The Yuan Ling Dao Body, in addition to the low increase in attack and defense, the increase in support is a terrifying number.

When Chu Feng and Tai Sui established a life contact, Chu Feng sensed Tai Sui's internal condition.

In his view, Tai Sui is an aggregation of life.

And a certain core is the core that glues this polymer together.

As he continues to extract life force, the core vitality is constantly weakening.

"No, it can't be so weakened."

Chu Feng's intuition tells him that Tai Sui's life core has high value only when it is in a complete state. If he is allowed to continuously absorb vitality like this, the value is likely to drop a lot.

"In that case, then, I can only get it."

When Chu Feng's thoughts moved, the large number of crystal nuclei placed in the Yuan Palace by him were immediately refined and became part of his strength.

Because the seed of supernatural power has been fully condensed successfully, his breakthrough is a matter of course.

When he broke through, the vitality in his body became more refined.

"The vitality has been transformed into a vitality!"

Chu Fengxu shook his left hand, and a ray of pure vitality condensed in his palm.

He could feel that his soul was essentially different from his previous life.

If the soul of his previous life was full of strong desire to destroy, then the soul of his current life, while possessing powerful power, seemed to have his own life.

Of course, this is not real life, but has the agility of life.

"Is this the function of the gate of life and death?"

Chu Feng thoughtfully, and then left the place as if he was walking in a leisurely courtyard, and came 10 meters away. The place where he had just stood was already flooded by the viscous tide.

After the breakthrough, Chu Feng had already escaped more easily.

The speed of the Tai-year-old, to him, is almost static.

Then, a black long sword appeared in Chu Feng's right hand.

The sword of death!

When Chu Feng used the sword of death, his mind suddenly moved.

The hilt of the sword of death disappeared, and then he pointed together like a sword. The body of the sword of death seemed to merge with his arm and became an extension of his arm.

"It seems that I can use life force as a price to increase the power of the sword of death, but such a method cannot be used too much."

Chu Feng had already faintly understood the use of the sword of death.

Then, Chu Feng raised his arm forward and then fell.

Some of the tides rushing towards Chu Feng were directly split into two sections under the black sword aura, and something like a black flame appeared at the incision place, continuously burning Tai Sui's body.

"Anyway, the vitality is enough this time."

Having just gained a brand new supernatural power, Chu Feng was also a little eager to try.

So Chu Feng jumped forward and rushed directly towards Tai Sui's body.

The black sword gas flickered, and the viscous liquid was easily separated, and there was no way to re-aggregate.

As Chu Feng continued to swing his arms, the black sword aura continued to sweep across, and all the Tai Sui's bodies were cut into pieces wherever he passed.

Some people who were wrapped in Tai Sui's body, but had not had time to digest them completely, were also free from **** at this time.

They patted down the sticky liquid on their bodies, and then looked at Chu Feng not far away with incredible eyes.

"Is that human being?"

"Didn't it mean that Tai Sui ignores all power attacks and physical attacks?"

Tai Sui, who made all the powers helpless, was cut open like tofu in front of him, until the white stone in the center was exposed.

"over there!"

Chu Feng swung his sword several times in a row, and the viscous liquid around the white stone was swept away. Then all the viscous liquid lost its activity and fell to the ground feebly.

"Is this the core of Tai Sui's life?"

Chu Feng quickly put away the white stone, and then did not look at the people who were restrained by Tai Sui and then escaped.

He killed Tai Sui and rescued them with ease, and he didn't need the gratitude of these people.

And in the last days, especially in this dangerous environment, if you are too good to those who are saved by yourself, it will arouse their suspicion.

They will wonder if you want to use them.

There is no doubt that they will push their noses on their faces.

Since you can save me once, it is possible to save me for the second and third time, and even provide me with more help. Otherwise, wouldn't you save my life in vain?

There are definitely not a few people who hold this kind of mentality. Even in the old age, there were many such people, let alone in this era where morality has been distorted.

The frail people looked at the figure of Chu Feng who was leaving, and stretched out their hands to catch up with this figure.

However, this is their untouchable back.

But just because Chu Feng didn't take care of them, it made their hearts feel grateful.

"How good would it be if you could follow behind such a strong man?" They couldn't help thinking.

Chu Feng, who took the white stone, originally wanted to leave immediately, but after those Tai Sui's bodies lost their vitality, he suddenly discovered that there were still some people under the ground.

This is also because he has condensed the Yuan Ling Dao Body, which has been strengthened by the promotion, and Tai Sui's body is gradually withering, so that he can sense the vitality of the underground.

"Boss, has it been resolved?"

Tian Jing and the three leaned close to Chu Feng with a look of excitement.

Chu Feng looked at the underground and said seriously: "The matter has not completely ended. Now Tai Sui's body has lost its vitality. You can separate Tai Sui's body with a knife and spear in your hands, and then hand it over to me to collect it. Pay attention to that direction."

"Is there anything in that direction?"

Xu Wei asked instinctively, but after seeing Chu Feng's eyes, he immediately lowered his head.

If Chu Feng wanted to explain, he would naturally.

If he doesn't want to explain, how can he be qualified to ask?

Chu Feng didn't mean to be angry, but said frankly: "There should be a shelter in that direction. I am going to find all the people inside."

Although Tian Jing and the others were puzzled, why Chu Feng could perceive the existence of a refuge underground when he was on the ground, but they did not dare to ask more.

Anyway, Chu Feng has done a lot of magical things, it doesn't matter if there is one more.

When the three people were working in full swing, some bolder onlookers had already gathered.

"What? Do you have anything to do?"

The murderous aura from Chu Feng's body radiated completely, making people close to him feel like falling into an ice cave, and those who were a little farther away felt a chill rushing to the back of their heads directly from behind.

Only then did they realize that the murderer in front of him who had killed Tai Sui.

"We didn't mean that."

A gentle-looking young man put on a polite appearance and bowed to Chu Feng, "We just want to know how to deal with this kind of monster, so that the next time we encounter such a monster, , You can also respond quickly."

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