Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 376: I teach you

Hearing the words of the young people, everyone was bolder.

"Yes! This monster doesn't know how many people have been killed. If you know the weakness of this monster, then you can have fewer casualties next time you encounter it!"

"Yeah! Don't be so selfish."

"This is a good thing for the people!"

Everyone, you and me, one after another began to echo the words of the polite young man.

There was also an older man with a few gray spots, and he said to Chu Feng with a serious voice:

"Now in the age of catastrophe, everyone must be united and united to survive the disaster and usher in a bright future."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"That's right, we must unite."

"There are good things to share."

For these people's words, Chu Feng originally didn't want to pay attention.

People who like to instigate the masses are generally people who are not confident in their own power. Such people are typically bullying and fearing hardship.

Just frighten them with a fist and they will retreat.

Even if they kill people in front of them, few dare to resist.

Those who really adapt to this era are those who silently retreat out of the crowd, and then sit on the sidelines. They may not have the power of the strong, but the consciousness of the weak.

However, after seeing the middle-aged man with white temples, Chu Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He didn't know this middle-aged man, but Chu Feng was very familiar with the tone of his words.

Before his death, Gu Nanfei was morally kidnapped by such a person.

It's not just Gu Nanfei. People like this use the moral code in people's minds. They don't know how many people have been morally kidnapped, and they don't know how many people have directly removed the shackles of morality.

"Since you want to know, then I will tell you."

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth were slightly raised, and a dangerous look flashed in his eyes.

The polite young man suddenly felt a cold back, as if he was being stared at by something dangerous.

But he knew there was no way to back down now.

"In that case, we are grateful to this lord."

The young man bowed slightly with a humble look.

But Tian Jing and the three people felt that something was wrong with Chu Feng. When was Chu Feng so easily kidnapped by morals, shouldn't he draw the sword directly with his character?

"The method I just used is actually a ritual call."

Chu Feng calmly explained, "Regarding the knowledge of ritual calling, I think most of the awakened knowledge has some knowledge, but my method requires my own blood as a sacrifice. I originally wanted to help Everyone demonstrated it, but I lost too much blood just now, so I can’t continue the demonstration."

At this point, the young man suddenly felt a crisis.

He instinctively wanted to retreat, and Chu Feng looked at him with a smile: "I wonder if you would like to cooperate with me to open everyone's eyes?"

The young man had a sudden heart, and then he was ready to think of a reason to refuse.

The middle-aged man with white temples smiled.

"If you just lose some blood, I think this young man is definitely willing. After all, he proposed this idea. Of course, if you don't want to, I will, cough cough..."

At the end, he coughed violently.

After covering his mouth and coughing heavily for several times, the middle-aged man with pale temples barely raised his head, looking weak.

"Ahem, I can too."

And Chu Feng looked at the young man expectantly.

The young man was full of curses. This old fox must have done it deliberately just now, so he hasn't shifted this responsibility to others?

However, he was not willing to give his life to a stranger.

"You just said that you used a summoning ceremony, but does the summoning ceremony require human blood? How do I know if what you said is true or false?" The young man wanted to make an excuse for himself.

"I can prove that what he said is true."

A girl in a jacket with youthful vigor came out of the crowd, and the girl pointed at several people in succession.

"He, she, they can all prove that he did use a summoning ritual just now, and put a lot of blood. I doubt if he will die because of excessive blood loss."

The girl's innocent face looked worried, and then looked at the young man with expectant eyes.

"I lost so much blood, I was almost scared, but I believe you must be great."

At the end, she looked at the young man with encouraging eyes.

Chu Feng was a little surprised. This girl was the one who reminded him not to conflict with Scarface at first. Later, when he insisted on conflict, he chose Mingzhe to protect himself.

But Chu Feng didn't blame her for doing this, but rather appreciated it.

Remind yourself that she is actually a person with some kindness and not afraid of power, but she is easily dragged down by people around her.

As for the clear protection behind, it is more worthy of appreciation.

In this day and age, a little kindness may bring danger to oneself, and it would appear stupid to persuade a stranger unconsciously.

At least this style of behavior fits Chu Feng.

He sometimes gives strangers a chance to follow behind him, and then offer some help, but it depends on them whether they can survive.

He will never help the dead.

And those who were named by the girl also agreed: "Yes, we all saw this young man, who just used his own blood to deal with the monster."

"He dared to do this, so should you dare!"

"Is the young man scared?"

The gentle young man, looking at the threatening eyes of the onlookers, finally felt the aggrieved moral abduction.

He has always been the person who dominates the public opinion, but he did not expect that the wind of public opinion has already fallen to the other party in a blink of an eye, ready to force himself to Liangshan.

He rolled his eyes and prepared to lean over in a deadly manner.

However, what he didn't expect was that Chu Feng came directly in front of him, and then forcibly held his wrist with his right hand, and then a dagger appeared in his left hand.


The young man wanted to break free from Chu Feng's palm, but he felt a powerful force coming, making him feel that his wrist was almost directly crushed, and he let out a scream.

"Don't you want to learn this calling ritual? I teach you!"

A cruel look appeared in Chu Feng's eyes, and then he forcibly cut his wrist with a dagger, letting his blood drip to the ground, and then, a colorful five-pointed star formation appeared all over the young man.

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