Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 377: Who is the most innocent?

"Ah! Release me!"

Under the severe pain, the young man couldn't help but yelled.

But his screams didn't get anyone's sympathy. Everyone wanted to see if this summoning ceremony was useful!

Compared with the summoning ceremony, what is a person's life fortune?

When moral kidnapping, they can push any behavior of a person to apostasy, but when it is good for them, the so-called morality cannot restrain them.

Of course, what Chu Feng used was not a life formation formation, but a summoning formation.

Since signing the contract with the Hell Three-Headed Dog, he has not used this mark. Now that he has the opportunity, he certainly wants to try it.

In the Dawn Alliance, no, if it is the Dawn City to experiment, the impact will be too bad.

Suddenly there was a sacrifice delivered to the door at this time, could he still refuse?


Amid the screams of the young man, a black giant dog over three meters in length came out of the formation. It opened its blood basin and opened its mouth with scarlet blood dripping from his mouth.

The onlookers were shocked instinctively, and many of them were even preparing to leave.

"Help! Help me!"

The gentle young man has now lost all the pretense of being polite, and now he has only one thought in his heart, and that is to live.

Chu Feng put a hand on the **** dog's head, and then a breath entered the **** dog's body.

"it is as expected."

Chu Feng felt the sealing power in the Hellhound's body. This was the same curse as the Three-headed Hellhound, and the intensity of the curse was also proportional to his bloodline and strength.

Because the source of the power of the curse is itself.

On the curse, Chu Feng also found the familiar seal.

Since the curse is directed at the bloodline, of course the seal also follows the bloodline.

Chu Feng still has no way to understand this level of seal, but he doesn't need to understand either. All he needs to do is to reawaken the power of the seal and provide certain support.


With the infusion of Chu Feng's strength, the Hell Dog let out a loud roar.

This roar is not like a dog barking, but rather like a wolf howling.

However, the Hellhound clan was originally close relatives with the Hell Demon Wolf, so it is not surprising to make such a sound.

"Ah! Don't eat me!"

Seeing the **** dog coming towards him, the young man crawled and wanted to get out of here, he couldn't care about any image now.

But it was too late.

In less than 10 seconds, the Hellhound had quickly finished devouring his sacrifice, and then looked at Chu Feng with grateful eyes.

It could feel that Chu Feng had just sealed a part of the cursing power in it, and part of the bloodline power in it began to recover.

Although the degree of recovery is not too much, it is enough to surprise it.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The middle-aged man with white sideburns saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape, but on the way he escaped, he encountered three figures.

"Don't go! Didn't you just say that you want to demonstrate to everyone?"

Xu Wei held the middle-aged man's throat with one hand, and then threw it back to Chu Feng's side.

Then, the last thing the middle-aged man saw was the Hellhound with its mouth wide open, coming towards him, and then let out a desperate scream.

His heart is full of regret, why are there people who do not accept moral kidnapping?

This young man is too ruthless, it's just that he tells everyone his tricks, how can he directly dare to kill in public?

After getting rid of the middle-aged person, Chu Feng tried for a week with indifferent eyes.

Seeing Chu Feng's eyes, countless onlookers turned and ran.

Some people ran and shouted "We were wrong!" "We saw nothing!".

Today's experience really shocked their guards, and there is such a peerless monster who will kill him in front of the public.

If annoyed by such a peerless killer, they will definitely have no good end.

Seeing the crowd fled in embarrassment, Chu Feng smiled contemptuously.

What happened today can be regarded as a lesson for them, let them sober up and see their position in this era.

"They dare to show off in front of us, nothing more than naively fantasizing that the law and morals can still protect them as always."

Chu Feng said to Tian Jing and the others, "But when they recognize the cruel facts, they immediately despair of reality and understand how naive they are."

Tian Jing and the three were thoughtful.

The strong have the way of survival for the strong, and the weak have the way of survival for the weak. Finding one's own position is the best way to survive.

After educating the three people casually, Chu Feng's eyes fell on the girl.

However, this young girl with youthful vitality was now pale, and she couldn't even speak clearly. She covered her eyes and said loudly:

"I saw nothing, heard nothing, don't kill me!"

"Well, if I want to kill, do I want to kill everyone around me!"

Chu Feng laughed blankly, this kind of scene was still too exciting for a little girl.

A crack appeared on the girl's fingertips, and she quietly looked around and found that Chu Feng had no signs of chasing people around, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She was too flustered just now, so she instinctively thought of the murderous plot in the movie.

However, she was relieved to think that so many people had witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

If you want to kill your mouth, at least you have to kill all the onlookers.

The girl plucked up the courage and asked Chu Feng: "I don't think you are like a bad person. Why did you kill the two people just now? They should not die!"

Isn't it like a bad guy?

Tao Jinghua and the three looked at each other and rolled their eyes at the same time.

Little girl, if you saw the power of the great **** who burned Jinling creatures a few days ago, you wouldn't dare to judge him by good or bad people.

Chu Feng glanced at the girl with a weird look, "You are quite courageous. Just after you got out of danger, you started accusing me of getting up."

The girl firmly said: "I'm sure you won't kill me."

Chu Feng didn't deny it either, but said to the girl with playful eyes: "Do you think the two people just now didn't cause death?"

The girl nodded vigorously, then instinctively withdrew two steps.

Obviously, she was still a little scared.

Chu Feng asked back: "Who do you think is more innocent than the crowd onlookers?"

"Of course it's the masses," the girl replied weakly.

"Since the masses are so innocent, why should the two of them incite everyone to make trouble for me? Isn't this sending them to death?"

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