Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 378: Chu City Lord's Reward

The girl was stunned.

It took her more than ten seconds before she managed to sort out Feng's logic.

What kind of logic is this!

Because the onlookers are innocent, so the two of them inciting the onlookers are damned, because it might kill the people.

This logic is well-founded and convincing...A ghost!

Not only her, but even Xu Wei and the others couldn't help covering their foreheads.

They had seen Chu Feng's cruelty before, but only today did they discover that Chu Feng's morals and values ​​are fundamentally different from them.

"You, you are wrong!"

The girl pursed her lips, trying to say something to refute, but she couldn't say it.

Chu Feng's logic and the logic of normal people are not on the same channel at all, so how can she refute it!

"Do you think this logic is joking?"

The expression in Chu Feng's eyes suddenly became serious, and with some fierceness, the girl couldn't help but back down two steps, not daring to speak more.

She wanted to refute, but when she saw Chu Feng's color, she couldn't speak.

"If they were not persecuting me today, but a more cruel person, what do you think would be the result? Either this person was forced to expose all his secrets in desperation, and then everyone killed His possibility is gone."

Chu Feng said earnestly, "If this person's secret can't bring benefits to others, then these two people will immediately incite the masses, and then gang up and attack them, until they kill this person who doesn't know how high the earth is. Death also bears a name of selfishness."

The girl opened her mouth, then closed it again.

She is not an idiot either, knowing what Chu Feng said is true.

Because she had also heard of such things before, those who are doing their best to protect everyone, if you are lucky, they may be supported by everyone, but there are also many unlucky powers, and they are divided under the jealousy of the crowd. Killed by various means.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, and even aroused hostility from abilities and ordinary people.

She is also a supernatural person, and almost encountered this kind of thing.

The reason why she reminded Chu Feng, but then backed down, was because she knew what direction the next thing would go if Chu Feng were weak.

In the hearts of many people, a large number of people is justice. If a few refuse to obey the majority, then such a few people are definitely heretics.

"But, on the other hand, if I were a murderer, well, it seems the same."

Chu Feng continued, "Then when they instigate everyone to deal with me, I will launch a counterattack and kill everyone. However, these two instigators will slip away at the fastest speed when I reveal my strength. , Just like before."

The young girl thought of the middle-aged person's escape, and was speechless for a while.

The death of the young man has part of the credit for the middle-aged man, otherwise the target of the bloodletting may not necessarily be the young man.

But the middle-aged man ran away immediately when he saw that the situation was bad.

She has no doubt that such a person will pit ordinary people to death, just to live for herself.

"Now, do you still think their behavior is innocent?"

Chu Feng asked back, "Or, do you think these two people should be handed over to the judicial trial?"

The girl shook her head, she could still sort out this truth.

Now is the time when the legal system collapses. Many people do not do bad things just because it is not worth it, or to make themselves independent of others.

But as long as the conditions are sufficient, many people will turn into beasts.

"By the way, why did you come here?"

Chu Feng asked strangely.

The girl pointed to the basement that was turned into ruins: "Someone offered a high price for the research materials of Jinling creatures. They paid a high price. As long as they can find some useful materials for their research, they will have a good life for a long time. Most of the people who came today came for this."

Chu Feng sneered, "I don't know yet, who can offer a price that makes people worry about food and clothing? Do you just trust this person who offers a reward?"

Tao Jinghua couldn't help but interject: "You have met a liar, right?"

Most people are now struggling to survive. Those who can guarantee their future lives are a minority. How can anyone dare to promise others' future?

"Huh! It's rare and weird."

The girl snorted coldly, and then there was a look of worship in her eyes, "If it is someone else, there is definitely no way to make such a promise. Even if you give a promise, it will not be believed, but if it is the adult, he If you say it, you can do it."

Tian Jing sneered: "I want to listen, there are some big people around here."

"Don't think that if you have the strength, you can underestimate the people of the world. If this goes on, it will be easy to suffer."

The girl looked old-fashioned and said, "Our strength is indeed the strongest I have ever seen, but compared to him, it is only the glow of the fireflies and the bright moon. Do you know why this place became a ruin? Because the main army of Jinling creatures was destroyed by that big man with his own power, it was a army with tens of thousands of guns and live ammunition! None of that adult’s one-in-one enemy."

Tian Jing opened her mouth, wanting to say something, and then when she saw Chu Feng's eyes gesture, she immediately shut her mouth obediently.

Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua also looked at the girl with weird eyes.

Boasting in front of the Lord, they learned this way of flattering.

Of course, even if you learn it, you dare not use it, because Chu Feng hates such people.

Chu Feng nodded thoughtfully: "But you are talking about the city lord of the city of exposure, so he does have the ability to make such a promise, but are you sure it is his words?"

"Of course, he is a peerless cruel man who killed tens of thousands of monks and tens of thousands of zombies, who dares to pass on his words from his family!

When the girl mentioned Chu Feng, she also looked admiring, like a brain-disabled fan defending her idol. "Leader Chu personally issued an order. Anyone who can provide some help to his research can directly live in the Dawn Alliance. No, The city lord’s mansion in the city of dawn became the city lord’s personal guard.

If I can find some clues here, then I won’t have to live outside with fear and fear from now on, and I don’t have to worry about someone coveting my beauty. However, if the Lord Chu personally treats me... Can you doubt the character of City Lord Chu so much? "

At the end, the girl flushed and covered her cheek with her small fist, she was so immersed in her fantasy.

Chu Feng silently looked at the little lotus in front of her with sharp horns, and said in his heart: Don't worry, little girl, you think too much.

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