Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 379: Wang Xinran's request

After a woman shares what she likes, her mood generally becomes good, and then she relaxes her guard against the people around her.

After explaining Chu Feng's deeds, the girl felt very satisfied looking at the dullness of the four people.

"Now that everyone is scared away, and the monster is dead, we should have something to gain."

The girl stretched out her right hand to Chu Feng, with a very familiar look, "Introduce myself, my name is Wang Xinran, and we are also destined. If we find very important research materials together, we can join Shuguang in a group. City of Lights, it’s so good. Even if you can’t find any good things in this treasure hunt, joining the City of Dawn in the future can reduce the probability of being bullied."

Tian Jing couldn't help saying, "But, the people here were scared away by our boss. What does it have to do with you?"

Wang Xinran was a little embarrassed.

She was too excited just now, a little overwhelmed.

In fact, the people here were emptied because of this terrible man.

If he disagrees, what right does she have to share the results.

However, she did not give up so easily.

"I am a supernatural person, and a rare treatment department."

As the girl said, a green light appeared in her hand, "No matter what kind of team she is in. Healing powers are very precious."

Chu Feng was also slightly surprised: "A wood type supernatural player?"

Nowadays, the awakened are mainly divided into two categories, one is the elemental type, and the other is the somajutsu department, but there are also some special awakened ones, who have awakened attributes, but are not good at remote elemental types.

If divided according to the system, the elements are roughly divided into six categories, earth, water, fire, wind, and light and darkness.

These six elements can directly control the vitality between heaven and earth to fight, no matter when, their output is the highest, and they have a pivotal position in the team.

Awakened persons such as the Thunder and Lightning Element, the Space Element, and the Metal Element and Wood Element cannot directly control the vitality of heaven and earth to fight, but they can absorb the elements into their own bodies, and then use the vitality of their bodies to transform them into attributes to fight. The same is true for the water, fire, and earth.

According to Chu Feng's ancient books, it is the difference between the inner five elements and the outer four elephants.

Although the healing ability of the Wood Element is not as good as that of the Light Element, the victory is thorough, and even after reaching a certain level, even the hidden wounds can be cured.

This has a great effect in the later lives, and that is to help those who have fallen in love and have not died.

This kind of usefulness makes the wood awakened very popular.


Seeing Chu Feng’s surprised eyes, Wang Xinran was even more proud, "Let me join your team as a member of the treatment department, you will definitely not lose, and my treatment department is different from others, and other support may need protection, but I don't need it, because I practiced the martial arts, and the speed itself is very fast."

There are very few people with supernatural powers who practice martial arts techniques, because they will be distracted, but this can easily increase their chances of survival.

However, this will add to the risk of delusion.

However, as the Awakened of the Wood Element, Wang Xinran didn't need to worry about this either.

Tian Jing and the others looked at Chu Feng with some worry.

I saw Chu Feng nod slightly and slowly said, "It sounds like a very good suggestion, but why have you not joined any team until now? People like you should be very popular! One question, why did you choose us?"

No matter when, a good nanny is very popular.

If this nanny does not need the protection of others, it will be more popular.

Therefore, people like Wang Xinran should be attracted by many people. It is impossible that they have not joined any team until now.

Facing Chu Feng’s question, Wang Xinran dodged a bit, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said:

"First of all, your strength is very strong. Even if you don’t protect me, it’s safe to stay with someone like you. Secondly, what you just said, although it looks like some false reasoning, but it’s in this place. In the times, even if it is wrong, it can be regarded as a principle."

After that, she glanced at Tian Jing: "There are also girls in your team. This shows that you should not be the kind of person who will force women. As for my teammates, don't worry."

She glanced in a certain direction: "When you first came here, you should have seen that I had teammates, but they had run away when they were in danger, and no one has looked back at me until now. , Even if I go back licking my face, they can't rest assured of me."

There was appreciation in Chu Feng's eyes.

He has seen a lot of smart people, but there are still few people who can really see through the cold world.

For those who are in distress and who are themselves, you must never trust them again.

Even if you don’t mind their abandonment of their actions, they will not believe that you don’t mind. The wicked always look at others with the most malicious speculation. They often only think that you actually resent them in your heart and return to the team. , Just pretend to forgive them, and then wait for the opportunity to retaliate.

There is a saying in the future: Even if you forgive people who killed yourself because of food, don't forgive those who once gave up yourself.

In addition, Wang Xinran judged that the four of them could be trusted, which made him look sideways.

Therefore, Chu Feng also started to accept this little girl into his team.

Tian Jing and the three had a sense of crisis in their hearts, but they didn't show it.

Chu Feng's decision was not something they could interfere with. If they did something irrational because of their jealousy, then Chu Feng would never spare them.

"Very well, I promised you for the time being."

Chu Feng glanced at the ruins of the basement, "Next, let us see, what good things will there be!"

"What is meant by that?"

Wang Xinran muttered in a low voice, she is a healing power! There is always only someone asking her to join, where is she asking others to join.

"Go and get there."

Chu Feng gave an order to the Hellhound, and then greeted the three of Tian Jing, "You guys also come to help, since the Lord Chu has a reward, then after we find a good thing, maybe we will be so happy!"

Tian Jing: "..."

Xu Wei: "..."

Tao Jinghua: "..."

Although they were a bit speechless for Chu Feng's own reward, since Chu Feng wanted to disguise his identity, of course they would not dare to reveal it.

At the same time, they also have a question in their hearts, that is, who issued this reward?

In the City of Dawn, there are definitely not many people who dare to issue rewards in the name of Chu Feng, and there are even fewer people who do not report to Chu Feng. Chu Feng also wants to find out who is so bold.

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