Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 380: Hidden refuge

"By the way, what is your name, I haven't asked it just now!"

When several people were working, Wang Xinran asked curiously.

Facing this person who has the strength and doesn't look at his eyes with the disgusting eyes of those stinky men, Wang Xinran still has some good feelings.

Of course, what she didn't know was that Chu Feng had been misled because of his vision.

Both Zhang Ziqing and Su Yuyan are rare beauties, and Wang Xinran is the kind that can be felt when the lights are off. Xiaoxi's body is a little short, but his looks are also first-class.

Although Wang Xinran had a good face, he was still a little worse.

"My surname is Chu Mang, and I can be considered my own family with City Lord Chu." Chu Feng replied.

"Chu Feng, Chumang, you won't be brothers!"

Wang Xinran joked, and then immediately rejected his guess, "If you really have a relationship with the city lord, how can you not even know the reward? But you have the same surname as the city lord, and you are very powerful, even if you can’t find research. Information, you should be appreciated by adding it."

"That's what I said." Chu Feng nodded in agreement.

"Say you are fat, you are still breathing."

Wang Xinran rolled his eyes, "I heard that City Lord Chu has always been a person who distributes benefits according to his merits. He is absolutely fair in this respect, but don't worry about it. With your strength and my assistance, I want to make a contribution. It's definitely easy."

Chu Feng nodded, as if everything you said was right.

His main energy now is focused on the Hellhound. The Hellhound he summoned this time was originally Tier 4, but after his own seal, he recovered a certain blood strength, and the level reached Tier 5 at once, and his strength was enhanced. a lot of.

And he could feel that there was an extra mark on the mark on his arm.

This means that the Hellhound has recognized him, and when he needs to summon the Hellhound next time, he can give priority to summon the Hellhound out, and even reduce the cost.

"Found it, there is a secret room here!"

Xu Wei suddenly exclaimed.

Following Chu Feng's order, the Hellhound digged in the direction Chu Feng pointed out, and soon found a metal gate, which meant that there must be a secret room inside.

Wang Xinran's eyes lit up: "Great, the entire basement is turned into ruins. There is still such a complete secret room here. There must be very important things in it. Whether it is research data or not, we can directly use it as Voting certificate."

With that, little stars appeared in her eyes again.

Chu Feng glanced at her strangely: "I just killed two people, um, I killed a few before. You think I've done a little too much. Why did City Lord Chu kill so many people? You still worship an idol. What does it look like?"

Wang Xinran sighed: "In this world, killing is already inevitable. Even if it was me, I killed two scumbags who wanted to insult me. I can keep my bottom line when killing people in this world. It’s not easy to kill someone who should be killed."

Chu Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect this little girl to kill people with her own hands, and she still showed a very youthful look.

This proves that she has adjusted her mentality very well.

This is very important in the last days. The teams he led were removed from the team because they couldn't stand the **** scenes for a while.

Before the ruins were pulled apart, Tao Jinghua clenched the spear and was ready to shoot at any time. Xu Wei hid the knife on the side of the door, and Tian Jing was responsible for opening the door.

The three of them learned a lot when they were around Chu Feng, and being cautious at all times was the most important lesson they needed to learn.

Only those who survive are qualified to talk about the future.

Seeing that the three of them were ready to open the door, Wang Xinran also made a defensive action, ready to guard against someone coming out of the door at any time.

Seeing Wang Xinran's actions, Chu Feng silently gave a compliment.

The easiest person to survive in the last days is not necessarily a strong person, but a person who has a clear position on himself and has carved out caution into his bones.

Because of the precedent that Wang Xinran reminded himself to be careful of the scar face, Chu Feng was also worried that Wang Xinran would be as careless as it appeared on the surface.

Tian Jing pierced the gate with the Chiyan knife, and then struck it down. The steel gate, which had reached a thickness of 50 centimeters, was cut open by her like tofu, and there was no sound of metal scratching.

Upon seeing this scene, Wang Xinran's expression changed: "If I am not mistaken, she didn't use any abilities at all just now, she used the sharpness of the long knife itself!"

Chu Feng did not deny: "Yes, I found some special materials. If you use these special materials to build weapons, you can cut iron like mud. So I built one for each of them, which cost me. A lot of effort!"

Wang Xinran looked at Chu Feng suspiciously: "I didn't expect you to have this ability, but this would be even better. Now the probability of us being appreciated increases again."

Having said that, she suddenly remembered something, and then looked at Chu Feng with a worried look: "Will you leave me behind because of my ineffectiveness?"

"If you don't need the protection of your teammates in battle, even if the output is 0, it will be a great help to your teammates."

Chu Feng said, "It depends on whether you will be abandoned, it should be yourself."

"Yeah! My group of teammates are pig brains, and a dog scared them like that. They don't want to think that even if I leave behind, I can survive, in the future, forget it, the supernaturalists can live well anytime. "Wang Xinran was a bit resentful at first, and then became helpless.

Although she has a bit of hatred for her teammates abandoning herself, she still can't find revenge for them, and even more can't find a new teammate and seek revenge on her old teammates.

After all, abandoning teammates sounds hateful, but most people think it doesn't matter.

Compared with the lives of others, your own life is of course more important.

And Chu Feng suddenly thought of one thing, that is, why Wang Xinran chose to hide behind him instead of running away when facing the Hellhound?

Is it because she feels safer behind her?

"Who are you who can come in this place?"

As the door was directly cut through a big hole, everyone could clearly see the scene inside the door. It was a dozen researchers in white coats, plus some basic living facilities, and there were some silver on the table. Tableware, as well as candles and cakes.

This is obviously a hidden refuge.

"You live very well here!" Chu Feng glanced at the facilities inside, with murderous intent in his eyes.

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