Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 381: On the thief ship

For the people of Jinling Biology, Chu Feng would not be soft.

Because no one who has entered Jinling creatures and has not yet become a test product under study is innocent.

Anyone with a little conscience has become the material in the glass jar.

Of course there are some who choose to defect, but such people should not have a chance to run away.

Jinling Biology has been studying how to control people's thoughts, and later succeeded in the research. Although there should be no results in this area at this stage, at least it can control people's life and death.

Seeing these people in white coats, Wang Xinran's eyes were filled with joy:

"Haha, hand in all the research materials you have, and I can forgive you not to die."

"You dream, we won't give you things."

A black-haired and dark-eyed researcher shouted to several people in proficient Chinese, "It is the result of our hard research, why should I give it to you?"

Several foreigners behind them also shouted in their immature Chinese language: "Yes, this is the achievement of our country, and it will not be taught to China."

Chu Feng took a few steps forward, then turned his head and said to Tao Jinghua: "Interrupt their legs and let them calm down."

Wang Xinran: "······"

Why does this sound a bit familiar?

Oh! The underworld in the movie is like this.

However, how did they directly become villains?

Tao Jinghua directly used the spear as a stick, and decisively interrupted the legs of the scientific researcher whose appearance was Huaxia, and then he was not easy to prepare for the next target.

"Oh! You are starting a war."

A strong white man shouted loudly, and then a golden light appeared on his body, which meant that he was also an awakened from the physical arts department.

However, when there was light on his body, Tian Jing suddenly had a knife.

"Sorry, I'm used to it."

Tian Jing took the knife and stood with an apologetic expression.

After she took the knife, the two arms of the strong white man fell to the ground.

Wang Xinran: "······"

Why would she be used to untie her arms directly? What has she experienced? Why does it feel that she is the same girl, she is so scary?

If you follow these people, will you become like this in the future?

The little girl felt a little bit eager to cry, but now she felt like she was on a thief ship.

However, she felt that she was too early to make a decision.

The next thing refreshed her three views.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

"You are violating human rights, ah! Don't!"

"We are going to sue you in the International Court of Justice!"

"We will be the sinners who started the war between the two countries."

"Ah! Stop fighting, we surrender!"

"Spare! We surrender, I will give you whatever you want."

After the three proficiently conducted a cordial and friendly physical communication, the dozen or so proud scientific researchers were finally willing to communicate with them in a peaceful and friendly attitude.

In order to express her sincerity, Tian Jing also deliberately took out the bandage from the backpack to help the man whose arm was chopped off to stop the blood.

It's just that when the medicine is applied, there is no Yunnan Baiyao, so salt can be used instead.

The conditions are limited, and the bactericidal effect of table salt is not much worse.

After 10 minutes of such a scene, Wang Xinran had changed from being unbearable to look straight at the beginning to being insensitive.

When the scene was quiet, Wang Xinran couldn't help it.

"Do you do this often?"

She began to wonder if her vision was the wrong person, and how could these people belong to the kind of principled person! Obviously it is unscrupulous.

However, she felt that she had already boarded the thief ship, even if she wanted to get off the ship, it was too late.

Chu Feng smiled kindly: "Do you have any opinions on our approach?"

Chu Feng's gentle smile was almost like a devil's smirk in Wang Xinran's eyes. She managed to endure the discomfort in her heart and barely squeezed out a smile.

"No, I'm just a little curious about your experience."

After saying this sentence, the little girl herself felt that this sentence was false.

However, under the eaves, people had to bow their heads. What if she showed an uncomfortable appearance and was killed by these people?

Looking at the skillful movements of a few people, this kind of thing is completely possible.

Maybe even the destruction of the corpse is familiar or maybe.

Tian Jing handed some research files to Chu Feng and glanced at the researchers: "These people are no longer useful, do you want to deal with it?"

Wang Xinran's legs softened, a little bit eager to cry without tears.

These people actually wanted to kill people and even destroy their corpses.

How is she confident that she should rely on this group of people! These people are clearly the devil who kills people without blinking!

If I followed these people to see City Lord Chu, would he be hanged directly?

Wang Xinran thought weakly in her heart, she is now full of worries about her future.

"Do you know all the evil deeds of Jinling creatures?" Chu Feng suddenly asked Wang Xinran.

Wang Xinran was taken aback, and then said: "Listening to the military's propaganda, they seem to have arrested a lot of people to become miners and help them mine. Later, they got the help of a master before they ran out, but they were able to defeat it by themselves. With a heavy firepower army of thousands of people, only City Lord Chu can do it."

As she talked, the point was off the track.

Chu Feng pointed to a few glass jars and said coldly: "Look at these small glass jars, do you think you can get in with a normal person's body?"

Wang Xinran looked at the glass jar and shook his head.

The models of those glass jars are relatively small, and normal people certainly cannot fit them in.

Wait, Wang Xinran's heart suddenly felt like a chill.

She suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "When a certain base of Jinling Biology was destroyed, I once rescued a little girl from their base."

Then, he gave Wang Xinran a meaningful look: "That little girl is eight years old this year. She is still unconscious because of their experiment. I can take you to see her if I have time."

Wang Xinran clenched his fists, his eyes filled with anger.

Her instinct told her that what Chu Mang said was true.

Although she has heard of human experiments, the impression of this is only in her imagination, but seeing these glass jars and thinking that there might have been some children in these glass jars, her heart was full of anger.

"These scumbags deserve to die." When Wang Xinran looked at several scientific researchers, his eyes were full of killing intent.

A researcher of Chinese descent yelled: "Scientific experiments have to have many sacrifices. Only sacrifices have a future. Maybe you can’t understand us, but only we can find a solution to the end times. Only we can. Let human civilization return to what it was before."

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