Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 382: Dispose of

"Ha ha······"

Hearing what the scientific researcher said without shame, everyone was just indifferent.

People's thinking is distorted, what can you say about him?

Seeing this yellow-skinned scientist, Chu Feng's eyes were full of disgust.

If it is the antagonism between race and country, it is understandable that each other is the enemy, but with the blood of Huaxia people, he works for the enemy, and regards the matter of Huaxia people as experiments as a glorious thing. No matter how many times I die, it is not an exaggeration.

In later generations, it was precisely because of the "contributions" of these people that China suffered a huge disaster.

Of course, this process cannot be without the man's help.

Thinking of Long Ao, Chu Feng couldn't help clenching his fists.

That man is the enemy he must kill, the enemy of his life.

Even if he has been born again, deep hatred will be engraved in his soul.

And as long as he is unwilling to linger in the dark corner, then the road between the two will definitely go to the opposite sides.

"Almost, Long Ao, your death date is approaching."

Chu Feng knew that he still couldn't kill Long Ao, but he would soon have an opportunity to kill Long Ao in a fair manner.

For this, he needs stronger strength.

Feeling the inexplicable killing intent on Chu Feng's body, Wang Xinran couldn't help but shiver.

She felt that Chu Mang just now was like a demon from hell.

Although she had never seen what a demon from **** looked like, but in her feelings, there should be no creature more terrifying than Chu Mang.

"No, if it is Chu Feng, City Master Chu, it should be more terrifying than this man!"

Wang Xinran thought in her heart.

Although she had never seen Chu Feng, City Master Chu, she felt that City Master Chu could slaughter tens of thousands of Jinling creature soldiers and kill tens of thousands of zombies. It should be more terrifying than Chu Mang before him!

In the eyes of these researchers expecting, Chu Feng read the final judgment:

"Choose two and bring them up, I'll take care of the funeral."

Wang Xinran's heart sank. This is to leave only two lively rhythms!

Although she thinks these people are all worthy of death, she somewhat doubts whether she is really qualified to judge other people's lives?

Even if these people are destined to die, but they can easily determine the lives of others, and use a superior tone of judgment to determine the lives and deaths of others. Is this really feasible?

Of course, what she didn't know was that Chu Feng planned to leave them all behind.

However, this stay is for them to develop the Yuan Mansion in the Yuan Mansion in the form of a corpse witch, add bricks and tiles to the Yuan Mansion's construction, until they die.

Even before they die, they have to squeeze all the value to make them die.

For those who have lost the bottom line of mankind, of course they cannot be measured by human standards.

The Chinese took a sip and looked generous and righteous: "Do you think we will obey you and work for you obediently?"

And before he finished speaking, the foreigners were already arguing.

"We are willing!"

"We are willing!"

"Don't kill me, I'm very powerful, as long as you are willing to keep my life, I can be a cow and a horse for you."

The blonde and blue-eyed beauty untied one of her buttons calmly and then cast a wink at Chu Feng: "Handsome man, as long as you are willing to let them go, they will listen to you."

Her Chinese language was more proficient than everyone else, and even her tone was temptation.

The Chinese scientist was already dumbfounded, and he felt that his cognition was about to be subverted.

When they entered here to flee, they said to themselves that their personal lives are more than everything, so they were unwilling to report the news back to the country.

But now they are actually begging for mercy, so low their breath, it almost subverts his cognition.

Even the use of beauty to seduce this trick is used, are these people really unscrupulous in order to survive?

An old man with gray hair hurriedly said to Chu Feng: "We are all scientific researchers who are very important to the country. If you put us well, our country will definitely spend a lot of money to redeem our lives. In other words, the benefits can be maximized."

For the United States, human life and private property are more than everything.

It is impossible for them to sacrifice for the sake of confidentiality and sacrifice for the country.

Even if they sacrifice, they must sacrifice for the benefit.

As for those who are for the country and the people, they are all deceiving those outsiders.

Otherwise, who would work hard just to let them enjoy a good life?

Chu Feng indifferently glanced at the Chinese scientist who doubted his life, and then said to the people: "Whoever kills this person, I can give priority to who will be a prisoner."

As soon as his words fell, the blonde beauty suddenly smashed a glass bottle, and then pierced the Chinese throat directly with glass slag.


The Chinese scientist clutched his throat, as if he couldn't believe the scene before him.

Is it the country he will swear allegiance to?

Don’t you say that your colleagues are all great figures who have dedicated themselves to the cause of science? Why are all these around me such top-quality products?

He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't have time to figure it out.

And Chu Feng casually threw the Chinese scientist to the Hellhound: "It's just your food."

This kind of garbage, giving him a qualification to feed a dog, is already worthy of him.

In the end, Tian Jing and the three came to the ground with a blonde beauty and an old man, Wang Xinran followed closely, and Chu Feng stayed alone.

Two minutes later, a faint blue flame was burning in the secret room.

Looking at the refuge that was torched by the fire, Wang Xinran's eyes were a little sad. She didn't feel pity for these beasts, but felt that living in this world is too difficult.

"Well, we can go to the City of Dawn and ask for the reward we deserve."

Taking advantage of these two minutes, Chu Feng, who had swept away all the materials in the refuge, walked up from the ground and said to Wang Xinran.

He didn't kill the remaining scientific researchers, but sent them to Yuanfu.

When feeding the dog in the future, there may be food there!

Wang Xinran nodded silently, no matter what the world is like, she still has to make up her mind to live every day well.

"The City of Dawn, I heard that it is the only one there. There is no contradiction between the powers and the warriors. Everyone’s status is determined by their own contributions. I hope that it is really as rumored, it is in the last days A piece of pure land!" Wang Xinran said silently in his heart.

Although I have never been to the City of Dawn, people always have hope.

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