Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 383: Wang Xinran's former teammate

"The people in the city of Dawn are in front of them. They are their temporary residences when they go out to recruit members."

Wang Xinran was a little uncomfortable at first, but after less than 10 minutes, he regained the look of the energetic young girl at the beginning.

Such a powerful mental adjustment ability made Chu Feng appreciate her even more.

Chu Feng has always disliked women who are clever and vases.

It now appears that Wang Xinran is obviously a very good person. At least such a person is by his side, which can be a lot more assured.

And Tian Jing quietly said to Chu Feng: "The strongholds outside the city are all run by several deputy leaders. No, the deputy leader is responsible. Although we know some, we have never been there."

Regarding the recruitment of members outside, although Chu Feng knew that there was such a thing, the specific matter was still not very clear.

He never liked to deal with such things, but let them develop.

Because his energy is limited, it is impossible to focus on such boring things.

Wang Xinran apparently did not notice that the distance between him and Chu Feng had been widened, and continued to explain to a few people: "Because people in the Dawn Alliance often trade some food and some good weapons, so there is also a small In the market in Beijing, after collecting materials, many people will take the materials here for trading, and exchange their surplus materials for suitable materials. Of course, the most precious thing is food."

Chu Feng nodded, he had seen some of these places in his previous life.

There are still relatively few zombies near the southern capital, because large groups of zombies have been cleared by the military, so this area is relatively safe.

Those who rely on the protection of the military's fortress, after losing the protection of the military, began to go out in groups to search for the supplies they needed.

According to statistics, less than 11% of the population in the Sanjiang area survived. This is the result of the military’s continuous efforts to save people. If you want to count those areas that the military cannot take care of, the final number of survivors is still unknown.

But this also has an advantage, that is, the supplies that 10 people needed in the past are now only needed to supply one person.

Except for food and water, most of the materials can be found by searching.

Although the amount of food and water is not small, the consumption is also huge.

Chu Feng frowned: "Is the food in the City of Dawn already rich enough to be sold casually?"

Although the City of Dawn is watered by Lingquan, some of the easy-to-ripen crops have begun to mature, but the quantity is not large enough to be sold.

Moreover, the City of Dawn is still developing. The best choice for the deputy city masters should be to use the food as a capital for recruiting and buying horses, not to exchange them for benefits.

After all, if you are not strong enough in the City of Dawn, you will not even have the qualifications to allocate land.

"Maybe they have their own plans!"

Chu Feng didn't want to ask too much about the means by which they developed their own power. Anyway, if they were eliminated by themselves, no one could blame others.

If the City of Dawn can grow and develop, he doesn't need to mind the way.

Chu Feng values ​​the results, but is very tolerant of the process.

As long as he does not violate his principles, he is generally not too harsh.

However, it is necessary to remind everyone of the importance of food.

Otherwise, if it is too wasteful now, it will be bad luck to wait until the food shortage season or the climate changes drastically in the future.

Just as they were approaching the town, a man with eyebrows and squirrels approached him.

"A few friends, I don't know if you have any idea to join the City of Dawn? Just give me five first-order crystal nuclei, and I will entrust you to join the City of Dawn."

Wang Xinran stepped forward and sneered: "When do you need money to join the City of Dawn?"

The thief-eyed man said frankly: "Of course it was not needed before, but now the reputation of the City of Dawn is getting bigger and bigger. There are too many people who want to join the City of Dawn. If it doesn't matter, there is nothing to join. Status, as long as you give me some crystal nuclei, I can at least give you a place to stay."

Is this a scam, or are some villains making income?

Chu Feng didn't catch a cold with this man. If this man cheated in the name of the City of Dawn, then he couldn't take it lightly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the other party's heartbeat speed up, and the speed of blood flow was also speeding up.

"This is the role of the Yuanling Dao Body?" Chu Feng was a little surprised.

Just when he was about to experience the functions of the Yuan Ling Dao Body, a voice with surprise came over, directly interrupting his perception:

"Xin Ran, you are fine! Great, I thought you were dead."

Following the voice, came a young man in a blue shirt.

The man in the blue shirt had a look of surprise in his eyes, and he even wanted to take Wang Xinran directly into his arms.

However, it was Wang Xinran's dagger threat to greet him.

"Get out of the way, or I won't be polite."

Wang Xinran was holding the dagger tightly in his right hand, and his left hand was shining with green luster. He was obviously ready to do it at any time.

She has already said that when she was abandoned by her teammates, she was cut off from those people.

The man in the blue shirt looked aggrieved: "Xin Ran, you were so close to the monster at the time, and we thought you were dead. If we knew you were fine, we should save you again! Teammates in need, you also know what I want."

Some good people also came around quietly, looking like watching a good show.

"You even turned your heads to confirm whether I was dead or not, but you still have the face to tell me that you are my teammate who is in distress? Is this the way you share distress?"

Wang Xinran sneered, "When you turned away without hesitation, the relationship between me and you was cut off. Now I have new teammates. If you want to continue to struggle, don't blame me for being rude. ."

"New teammates, do you rely on them?"

The man in the blue shirt showed sarcasm in his eyes, and then took two steps forward, preparing to teach Chu Feng a lesson, but when he saw Feng's appearance clearly, his body suddenly began to tremble, and his brain was also lost. Blank, as if struck by lightning.

This person turned out to be the strong man who slayed the terrifying monster from the bottom of the earth and could summon the terrifying creatures from hell. He turned out to be Wang Xinran's new teammate?

Chu Feng sneered: "What? Am I not worthy?"

Seeing Chu Feng's unkind eyes, the blue shirt man involuntarily stepped back two steps and came to the side of a few teammates. Then he rolled his eyes, then plucked up his courage and shouted:

"Look at it, everyone. This person is the one who killed a lot of treasure hunters while hunting for treasure in the ruins. Don't let him enter the bazaar. Otherwise, if he goes crazy, he will probably give the entire bazaar to everyone. The slaughter is clean, everyone must be careful!"

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