Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 384: This is the attitude of the weak

Seeing the behavior of the young man in the blue shirt, Chu Feng felt a little funny.

This is the typical mentality of the weak. He obviously doesn't have the courage to challenge the strong, but he wants to perform like a clown in front of the strong.

He also has more people standing here, so he dares to be so arrogant.

There is another point, that is, the reputation of the City of Dawn is used.

The reputation of the City of Dawn spread quickly, and most people have a natural fear in the face of this behemoth that has experienced an iron and blood war.

It's a pity that he is facing Chu Feng.

For Chu Feng, even if he offended the bazaar where the City of Dawn was set up here, the biggest loss would only be from an unannounced visit to an honest investigation.

The behavior of the blue shirt youth attracted many people to watch.

"Who is he who dared to kill in public?"

"Cut, who knows if what he said is true or not? There have been a lot more scammers recently, and this kind of talkative people are everywhere, so don't take it seriously."

"An idiot is coming up again."

Some people can stay calm, and of course there are others who are easily incited by others.

"Hey! Was what he said just now true?"

A few scornful young men came to Chu Feng's body, wearing protective clothing issued by the military and holding a machete in their hands. When they came in front of Chu Feng, most of the onlookers could not help but Two steps back.

This is not necessarily afraid of them, but not wanting to ignite the body.

In this day and age, joining the fun is not a compliment.

Tian Jing said to Wang Xinran expressionlessly: "Where do you come from with confidence and your own vision to pick out excellent teammates?"

The reason why Wang Xinran agreed to team up with Chu Feng before was because she believed that Chu Feng was a person to rely on, and she also said a lot of reasons.

But seeing Wang Xinran's previous teammates, I really don't know where she came from.

"With him, nothing will happen at night."

Wang Xinran gave Tian Jing a white look.

Tian Jing remembered that Wang Xinran said that she had killed people, and that she was two people who wanted to forcibly do that to her, and she knew instantly in her heart.

Although the blue shirt youth seemed very useless, at least don't worry, he would do that kind of thing directly to Wang Xinran at night.

And even if he wanted to forcefully do that kind of thing, he might not be Wang Xinran's opponent.

Wang Xinran's criteria for selecting teammates is not to hurt himself.

Either they are people who don't get angry and hurt themselves, but there are too few such people, and the other is that they can control them.

The blue shirt youth is undoubtedly the latter.

Seeing the scornful youths surrounding Chu Feng and the others, the blue shirt youths hid behind the crowd with a grinning smile on their lips.

"Hey, boy, it should be acquiescence if you don't speak. Take out the things you got from the robbery. It's stolen goods and should be turned in."

The few scowling youths looked at the backpack behind Chu Feng with scorching eyes, the thoughts in their hearts were written on their faces.

Of course they didn't stand out for justice, they just found an excuse for robbery.

"What you said makes sense."

Chu Feng nodded slowly, and agreed with them.

Although I was a little surprised by Chu Feng's knowledge, it was in line with the minds of several young people. If the robbery can go smoothly, who wants to really do it?

However, just when they thought that Chu Feng was about to give in to them, Chu Feng suddenly moved.


"Do not!"

"my hand!"

After a few violent screams, several scornful youths lay on the ground and groaned, looking so terrible that people couldn't bear to look straight.

Those who originally wanted to come here for a kick, after seeing this scene, they stopped.

Chu Feng's actions just now were really too fast. Almost just in a flash, he broke the resistance of a few people and took away their weapons by the way.

"The Yuan Ling Dao Body is really powerful."

In the hands-on just now, Chu Feng felt the power of the Yuanling Dao Body.

Although the Yuan Ling Dao body does not increase the attack power much, it can enhance the effectiveness of the attack, can see the flow of vitality in the opponent's body in an instant, and instantly find the weakness of the opponent's attack and the weakness of protection.

Although with the strength of these young people, there is no difference between protection or protection, but if you encounter a master, then these insights will play a very significant role.

"It's not the same powerful as the Nirvana Sword, but it's more suitable for protracted combat."

The increase of Yuan Ling Dao body's perception is simply an instinct, so it doesn't consume much at ordinary times. In addition, it can find the weak points of the opponent, and even enhance its agility, which can make his ordinary attacks have the effect of big moves.

This means that many enemies that need to be dealt with with all their strength can be dealt with easily.

For those opponents who could not be solved by ordinary attacks, Chu Feng would directly use Innate Sword Qi and Death Sword, and the Yuan Ling Dao Body could also maximize the power of the two.

"For people with weak combat awareness, the power of the Nine Annihilation Sword Body may be greater, but for people with strong combat awareness, the increase in the Yuan Ling Dao Body is even more terrifying."

There is no strongest magical power, only the most suitable magical power.

Chu Feng's choice in his previous life was not wrong, because Chu Feng, who was still relatively young at the time, was more suitable for the magical powers that directly increased the power and combat effectiveness of the Nirvana Sword.

But for Chu Feng after rebirth, the magical powers of the Yuanling Dao Body that can perfectly display the fighting consciousness are undoubtedly more suitable.

Seeing a few young people who fell on the ground, Chu Feng didn't have the intention of directly attacking the killer.

He is in a good mood now, and the impact of killing in this place is not very good.

However, the necessary punishment is still to be done.

Chu Feng took out the satchels and backpacks from the youths, as well as the crystal cores in their pockets, and put them into his pockets.

"No, you can't take them away, it's our life!"

Several young people roared hoarsely.

If it’s just other materials, it’s fine, but inside this backpack, there are vacuum-packaged foods that they finally found. This is the way to ensure that they survive when materials are scarce. The shelf life of vacuum-packaged food is very long. Food is easier to let go of the era and easier to preserve.

"Since you come out to rob, you must be aware of being robbed."

Chu Feng was unmoved by the requests of several people, and even stepped on the back of a young man who reached out to him, almost directly breaking his palm.

Looking at the miserable appearances of the young people, everyone involuntarily stepped back.

And Chu Feng's gaze fell on the young man in the blue shirt.

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