Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 385: Changes in prices

"Escape, run away!"

The mentality of the blue shirt youth only left this thought, but under Chu Feng's gaze, he couldn't move away.

When Chu Feng's gaze fell on him, he felt that his legs were going to weaken.

Wang Xinran opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

She instinctively wanted to intercede for her former teammates, but suddenly thought that if her team was too weak, what would be the consequences today?

She still has some kindness in her nature, but reason prevents kindness.

She is willing to remind and help others without burning her body, but it is impossible for her to put herself in danger when it comes to her own safety.

I was planted here with Chu Feng before because she had made a mistake in judging Chu Feng's strength.

Seeing Chu Feng walking towards him step by step, the blue shirt youth and several of his teammates felt that their legs became softer, but their body muscles became more rigid.

This is the body's self-protection mechanism.

"You did a great job."

Chu Feng suddenly said something inexplicable.

What does he mean?

The young man in the blue shirt felt a little inexplicable, but his brain was blank. He had almost stopped thinking and did not understand the meaning of Chu Feng's words.

Immediately afterwards, in his eyes of fear and doubt, Chu Feng threw three satchels to him.

"This is the reward you deserve, take it."

After throwing the bag to the youth, Chu Feng greeted Wang Xinran and the others to leave.

The young man in the blue shirt didn't dare to raise any thoughts of resistance, he could only take his satchel blankly, but then, he suddenly fell into an ice cave.

The young people who were defeated by Chu Feng had struggled to get up on the ground after Chu Feng left, looking at him with hatred.

"I, I am not..."

The young man in the blue shirt wanted to explain, but he had no chance to explain. The scornful youths hit him with angry fists, venting the anger in his heart wantonly.

The onlookers watched this scene coldly.

If Chu Feng had been bullied before, then they might still show some mercy in their eyes, but since the instigator who provoked everyone to fight was beaten, their eyes only left happiness.

Although their attitude will not have any impact on things, it does not prevent them from enjoying the feeling of overlooking all beings by relying on their large numbers.

"Do they believe so?"

Wang Xinran is a little inexplicable, these people are too easy to believe in others!

"They didn't believe my words at all. My words just gave them an excuse."

Chu Feng explained indifferently, “In this era, survival materials are the guarantee for everyone’s survival. They can’t take them back from my hands, but if they fall into the hands of others, especially if they fall into a challenge They fought with the strong and caused them to lose the hands of the person who had survived, then they would vent all their anger on that person."

What he did today was just a matter of convenience. If it was in the wilderness, let alone returning the supplies, none of the young people would want to live.

But since this is the area controlled by the City of Dawn, he can't slap himself in the face.

So if you want to spare them, you have to alleviate your own troubles.

He just collected some crystal nuclei, and all the remaining supplies were placed on the blue shirt youth, and then gave them a chance to take it back, by the way, let their anger have a target to vent, so that they will be hostile to themselves in the future It will also reduce some.

Concession under equal conditions is called weakness.

But doing things with a victor's posture to stay a line is called wise.

Since they can get back most of their losses, they will naturally shift the responsibility for the losses to the instigator.

Those onlookers were also thoughtful.

Some people see this as a fun, but those with a little bit of brain will understand a truth, that is, don't easily believe in the instigation of others.

As for how many people can be reminded, it doesn't matter what happened to Chu Feng.

He is not the savior, nor the saint who educates the people.

As for the self-assertive person who wanted to introduce them to the City of Dawn, he escaped long ago when the dispute began to arise.

Although such a person cannot become a strong person, at least he has the consciousness of a weak person and can live in this world for a long time.

Except for bad luck.

Chu Feng, who had resolved this little dispute, soon came to the market.

After coming here, it is like coming to a vegetable market.

"Bread, fragrant bread, just baked by a fire-powered person, with a piece of 12 first-order crystal nuclei."

"Toilet paper, three packs of a crystal core."

"Kitchen utensils, kitchen knives and iron pots, 5 sets of a crystal core."

Seeing this scene, Xu Wei asked instinctively: "Why is the price so outrageous? When is toilet paper more expensive than a set of kitchen utensils?"

The price of food is expensive, after all, it is scarce.

But a pack of toilet paper used to cost only a few yuan, and a kitchen knife was more than this price. Now the complete set of kitchen utensils plus a wok can not match the price of a pack of toilet paper, which makes him a little strange.

Of course, this was also because he squatted beside Chu Feng and didn't have to worry about this little thing.

Wang Xinran looked at the expressions of several people and seemed a little strange, although a little strange, haven't they been to a similar place before? But still help them to introduce themselves.

"Now most factories have stopped work, so the price of consumables is often relatively high. For things like kitchen knives and iron pots, you can find more than a dozen sets in a unit building, and you only need to manipulate vitality. People who are more skilled can make it by themselves, so of course it is not as precious as toilet paper."

As the saying goes, the scarcity is the most precious. In the past factories, toilet paper can produce hundreds of tons in one process, and even a small factory can produce thousands of tons in a day.

But now that the factories have stopped working, where is there a toilet paper production line?

In addition, the consumption of toilet paper is too large, and people do not usually reserve too much, so it is normal for the price to be high.

Tao Jinghua glanced at Chu Feng: "No wonder the boss wants... ahem, no wonder the boss has the foresight and collected so many supplies before."

I originally wanted to talk about Chu Feng's previous request to build a factory within the sphere of influence of the Dawn Alliance, but considering that Chu Feng is now hiding his identity, he quickly changed his mind.

They now have a deeper understanding of Chu Feng's foresight.

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