The arrival of Chu Feng and others attracted the attention of many people.

This is not to say that they are very conspicuous, but because of what they carry.

"You guys stop me, human trafficking is not allowed here!"

Several people with long knives or daggers in their hands stopped them and looked at the two foreigners behind Chu Feng with an angry look on their faces.

The two prisoners captured by Chu Feng were **** with ropes, and then led by Tao Jinghua. To keep them quiet, their mouths were directly sealed.

Especially the blond western beauty is even more eye-catching.

Such behavior is simply human trafficking and treating people as slaves.

The blond beauty immediately showed a miserable look in his eyes, which stirred the hearts of many men.

"Hey! You are too much to treat people as slaves."

"Let go of this beauty."

"Although these are two foreigners, we must treat everyone equally."

Although it is too difficult for humans to eliminate racial discrimination, China’s racial discrimination is indeed the lightest in the world.

Because of China’s traditional culture, it was originally a very inclusive culture.

Chu Feng coldly glanced at the beautiful researcher, making her feel like she was falling into an ice cave, and then coldly withdrew her eyes.

She was just a little clever if she dared to do little tricks at this time.

Wang Xinran took a step forward and said: "These two people are Jinling creatures. They are both named and asked by the City of Dawn. Do you want to come to the City of Dawn?"

Anyway, this time she wanted to exchange her credit for her position in the City of Dawn. Even if she borrowed the name of the City of Dawn in advance, they wouldn't mind.

If the people in the City of Dawn were careful, she wouldn't dare to join.

Hearing the city of dawn, everyone immediately changed their minds.

"Ah! It turns out to be a person from the City of Dawn! Then I'll bother you."

"Unexpectedly, the demons of Jinling creatures are still alive. They must be severely sanctioned."

"Unexpectedly, this beauty is quite beautiful, but she is actually feminine."

"A few heroes did a great job."

"I didn't expect that someone could actually get the reward."

"These guys are going to be very successful."

It is understandable for them to change the direction of the wind, because just three days ago, Jinling Biological's heavily armed army was wiped out by the Dawn Alliance, and most of their lives were killed by a fire in Chu Feng.

With the re-use of communicators and telegrams, the speed of spreading news has also become much faster.

In addition, the special propaganda of the City of Dawn made people involuntarily awed.

As the saying goes, slaughtering a hundred people is a demon, and slaughtering a million people is a hero, Chu Feng's image has become a hero of a party in the eyes of most people.

Since we want to tout the city of dawn, the image of Jinling creatures must try the worst.

In addition to the encirclement and suppression of Jinling creatures, many people at the scene have also participated. If Jinling creatures are good people, are they all robbers?

No, since Jinling creatures are their enemies, they must be bad guys.

If someone dared to say good things to Jinling creatures, they would immediately be attacked by groups.

"The name of the City of Dawn is really easy to use. Well, we can pass. The front is the stronghold set by the people of the City of Dawn."

Wang Xinran smiled and led Chu Feng forward.

When they were halfway through, Chu Feng suddenly stopped.

"How do you sell this thing?"

Chu Feng squatted in front of a stall, pointed to a stone, and began to inquire about the price.

The owner of the stall is a grim young man wearing a black hooded shirt. He sits in a clever position, leaving his upper half face in the shadow.

Because of the noise just now, the eyes of the people in the market were all on Chu Feng.

After all, they have been labeled as the City of Dawn, and they are of course concerned about their every move.

"Three fourth-order crystal nuclei."

The grim youth replied.

Hearing the stern youth's offer, everyone was in an uproar.

"Tier 4 crystal core, is this a robbery?"

"What nonsense, how can robbery come quickly?"

"The Tier 4 zombies are only available to Tier 4 zombies. Those with abilities must be willing to buy them at a high price. This is a life for them!"

The crystal nucleus has two functions, one is to aid cultivation, and the other is to supplement the consumption in battle.

The higher the level of the crystal nucleus, the faster it will be consumed.

Therefore, a fourth-order crystal nucleus is enough to move the power users.

Because monsters with higher levels are more difficult to kill, Tier 4 zombies generally only have a certain degree of assurance with a team composed of pure powers.

Chu Feng smiled blankly: "Do you know what this is?"

"do not know."

The grim youth said, "But I can't hurt it. If it's not useless to me, this thing will definitely sell for a higher price. After all, even if it is used as a brick to hit people, it can break the head of Tier 4 zombies. The value must be more than three fourth-order crystal nuclei."

There are generally two ways to judge the value of an unfamiliar item. One is to sense the purity of the vitality contained in the item, and the other is the hardness of the material itself. As long as it meets any point, it can explain the preciousness of the same item. .

This young man obviously also has some confidence in his own strength, and thinks that the items he can't hurt are at least equivalent to the head hardness of a Tier 4 zombie.

Tao Jinghua couldn't help but said, "Since you know you can sell at a higher price, why not raise the price?"

"I don't have time to study." The cold youth replied concisely.

His answer raised the thought of appreciation in Chu Feng's heart.

He knew it was a treasure, but he was still willing to sell it at a low price, not because he was stupid, but because he was unwilling to spend energy on researching an unknown item.

If he can change to three Tier 4 crystal nuclei, his current strength can be improved, or the possibility of his own survival can be increased.

In fact, it is the smartest way to exchange future benefits for current benefits.

In this precarious world, not everyone is qualified to consider the future.

Some people naturally know how to survive, and some people can always adapt to the environment quickly. Such talents are the ones who are the easiest to survive under the scourge of the times.

"If you tell me where this stone was found, I can give you this."

Chu Feng flipped his hand and took out a black short sword, and handed it to the cold youth.

The cold youth took the dagger and injected vitality, his complexion suddenly changed, and then handed it to Chu Feng again: "I just picked it up by accident on the road. I don't know where it is. You should take this dagger back!"

Chu Feng handed the dagger to the cold youth again, and smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, this is an advance payment."

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