Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 387: Underworld Stone

Seeing Chu Feng's weird behavior, Xu Wei and the others were a little inexplicable.

They knew the origin of the black dagger in Chu Feng's hand, but it was polished with the teeth of the Emperor of Insect. Cutting the head of a zombie is like cutting tofu.

The grim youth looked around nervously, and then asked in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Now many people have their eyes fixed on them. With the ability of Chinese people's association, most people's minds have begun to fill up a mine of precious objects.

Perhaps this stone itself is not very precious, but the hidden value behind this stone is very huge.

After all, there are so many people affected by Huaxia novels, so the association is normal.

Chu Feng saw through his thoughts, so he amplified his voice and explained, "This stone is called the Underworld Stone. Legend has it that it came from the bank of the Underworld Crossing River. Where this stone was born, the surrounding plants will turn black. Then withered and withered, if you find this place, you can come to the City of Dawn and tell me."

Such a move also reduces the worries of the youth, after all, such a place is really easy to identify.

The people around who looked at the youth with malicious eyes also withdrew their gazes.

Such an easily recognizable place, if he really knew it, he wouldn't be unable to say it.

Wang Xinran gave Chu Feng a white look: "You haven't joined the City of Dawn! Now you consider yourself a member of the City of Dawn?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Do you think I can still stand up?"


Wang Xinran murmured, but didn't say anything.

She had seen Chu Feng's strength with her own eyes, and she did have arrogant capital.

The grim young man saw that the unkind eyes around him diminished, so he heaved a sigh of relief: "Then how can I find you?"

Chu Feng said, "Anyway, the remuneration has been prepaid to you in advance. If you find a place, you can write a few notices and throw it away at the city of dawn. You can also use it on the wall. That place is very strange. As long as people with enough awakened knowledge in their minds understand the importance of it, there is no need to worry about being known."

Don't worry about being known, this shows that it should not be a place for treasure.

And there is no fear of making the noise known to everyone, which shows that there is no need for confidentiality.

The people around looked at the grim youth's eyes, and they were a bit less hostile.

Since it is a place that does not need to be kept secret,

At the same time, their interest in the news has been greatly reduced. Of course, there are also a few people whose brains are not easy to use, or those whose brains are too bright, it is hard to say.

But Chu Feng has tried his best. If the young man can't solve even this little thing, he will die if he dies!

Just a stranger, should he personally protect it?

The grim youth nodded, then picked up the dagger, gathered the stuff on the stall, lowered the hood on his head, turned and left the market.

Several silhouettes quietly followed, and the cold youth seemed to glance backwards inadvertently, but did not accelerate his speed.

Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to the cold youth's actions.

Since he thinks he can solve it, he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Chu Mang, what is the use of that underworld stone?"

Wang Xinran asked suddenly.

Chu Feng gave her a meaningful look and paused for two seconds before beginning to explain: "If this stone is used to make weapons, you can add death attributes to your weapon and increase special damage. Of course, there are some. The good effect is that if you hunt, the meat of the prey injured by this weapon cannot be eaten."

He understood Wang Xinran's thoughts, and she would still help others if she didn't burn her body.

Now that they have the ability to take risks, and Chu Feng helped the young man to relieve the pressure just now, she was bolder and continued to help him.

Chu Feng didn't mind this kind of kindness that didn't ignite the fire.

The reason why he hated those virgins was not because he hated their kindness, but because he hated the kind of generous people.

On the contrary, he still admires people like Xiaoxi who would rather sacrifice themselves to protect others.

Seeing that Chu Feng did not refuse, Wang Xinran secretly relieved.

She was a little worried about whether her character would be annoying. At least her previous teammates had advised her not to be nosy, but she felt that if she was within her capacity, she would only help others a little bit. Wouldn't it be too inhuman if you don't even do this?

In this era when it is easy to turn people into beasts, such an approach can at least maintain some humanity.

Taking a look at the people around him, Chu Feng held his left hand emptyly, a group of glazed flames appeared on his left hand, and some of the eyes that had already begun to greet the underworld stone in her hand immediately began to shrink.

"To be able to refine the underworld stone, at least one must be able to master the true fire of Samadhi."

Chu Feng glanced around with a threatening tone.

"A Tier 5 supernatural person!"


"Fuck! No wonder it's no wonder that the mission of the City of Dawn was completed."

"This person will definitely shine in the City of Dawn in the future."

"Is there any pendant on the boss's leg?"

"Hehe, even the fourth-order supernatural power has no one to accept you, can you still report the fifth-order thigh?"

"It is estimated that they are heading for City Lord Chu!"

Samadhi is really hot, this is a sign of a Tier 5 supernatural power!

Most of the people present have never seen how powerful a Tier 5 ability person is, but Tier 4 ability person can arouse most people's jealousy, and Tier 5 ability person, few people provoke it. Up.

After scaring away some malicious gazes, Chu Feng continued to his stronghold in the City of Dawn.

Wang Xinran was a little uneasy, but he lowered his head and followed.

"The Underworld Stone, it seems that there should be a place of death here. If this is the case, then the Thunder Corpse Dragon can evolve smoothly."

The original body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon is a specimen, and after being resurrected, it also carries the attributes of death.

In Chu Feng's memory, the Thunder Corpse Dragon shined after Tier 5, causing a disaster, and countless people were unable to kill it.

Therefore, when Chu Feng cultivated the Thunder Corpse Dragon, he certainly couldn't ignore the level five.

With the Underworld Stone, the death attribute of the Thunder Corpse Dragon can be strengthened. If the place of death can be found, then the Thunder Corpse Dragon can also evolve faster.

Only when it reaches Tier 5 can the Thunder Corpse Dragon take on the suffix "Dragon".

The strength of the Thunder Corpse Dragon is his strength. As his strength increases, he will have more confidence in what he will do in the future.

"Alright, Long Ao, you must wait for me!"

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