Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 389: long time no see

After the bus traveled for more than 50 minutes, the sky became slightly darker.

During the time when the bus was traveling, the atmosphere on the bus became more harmonious.

This kind-looking middle-aged man was named Fan Feng, and he was very talkative. During this time in the car, he easily dismantled everyone's hostility.

Let alone someone else, even if Chu Feng doubted whether he was his own.

"There is our City of Dawn, but City Lord Chu has already come to the experimental base to wait for us. The credit you have made is enough to become the city owner's pros, but the sky will soon be dark, and you may not go back today. Maybe Just stayed at the experimental base for one night."

Fan Feng, a kind-looking middle-aged man, pointed to the direction of the city of dawn and explained to everyone.

The three Tao Jinghua's faces also showed a playful look.

That direction is indeed the City of Dawn.

Do they really have such an experimental base? Why they don't know.

"It looks like I'm too worried."

Wang Xinran breathed a sigh of relief, wondering if he was a little suspicious.

Although they have not arrived in the real city of dawn, since they are so close to the city of dawn, would anyone dare to pretend to be them?

The peerless reputation of the City of Dawn has been established during the previous war with Jinling creatures. How could they allow someone to sleep peacefully beside their couch?

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth were slightly raised.

Since this is next to the City of Dawn, it means it really has a relationship with the City of Dawn.

He usually does not care about the internal affairs of the city of Dawn, nor the development direction of the city of dawn, but this does not mean that they can establish an experimental base next to the city of dawn without reporting to themselves.

Therefore, whether it is an enemy or a friend, this stronghold has been bombed.

The bus drove in front of a vast factory, some adventurers moved in it, and some adventurers entered and exited with a smile.

"In the City of Dawn, many people like to venture outside, but not everyone can come back before dark, and some people may not have time to return to the headquarters after being injured, so we built it outside. The stronghold can also serve as a warning."

Fan Feng explained to everyone, "If we have another 500 meters ahead, we will be our base."

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Regarding the establishment of a stronghold for adventurers outside the city, so that they can have a place to rest and settle, and by the way can resist and avoid some dangers, he knows this.

He somewhat understood what the other party was making.

This is simply black under the lights!

The experimental base is set up next to the stronghold. Even if the people in the City of Dawn find it, they can also explain to the outside that this is a place to store supplies.

This will not arouse suspicion at all and will withstand investigation.

Of course, if Su Yuan was investigating herself, it would be difficult to hide her from her, but if it was someone else, even Su Yuyan who went out to rest here, she might not find the clue here.

"Sure enough it is a good method."

Chu Feng exclaimed in his heart.

If it hadn't happened to him by chance, he still didn't know that under his nose, there would be such a talent!

"Whose handwriting is it?"

The images of several deputy city masters appeared in Chu Feng's mind, and then he was embarrassed to find that he had no impression of the deputy city masters other than Su Yuan.

Of course, Chu Feng still remembers their appearance, after all, they had several meetings together.

However, Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to their specific impressions, their personality characteristics, and how many people they had.

Why did Su Yuan steal all their limelight?

Previously occupying the position of the deputy leader, now occupying the position of the deputy city leader, they can't leave a concrete impression in front of Chu Feng. This can only prove that they themselves are useless, but they are lucky and seized the opportunity.

Standing on the tuyere, even pigs can fly.

Of course, these people are not mediocre, they just stepped into Chu Feng's eyes.

It can only show that Chu Feng's vision is too high to blame them.

After arriving at the real destination, the door slowly opened.

A long-haired young man stood at the gate, followed a few supernaturalists nearby, greeted Fan Feng who got out of the car, and then shouted to the person in the car:

"Our city lord is already waiting inside, so let's go in quickly!"

The stone in Wang Xinran's heart finally fell, and then an abnormal flush appeared on his face, which was the excitement of seeing the idol soon.

"Are you going to see the deity of City Lord Chu soon?"

Wang Xinran had no doubt in his heart at this moment.

More than a dozen miles away is the City of Dawn, and less than 800 meters away is the rest point built by the City of Dawn. Is there anything doubtful about this?

At this time, Xu Wei smiled and greeted the long-haired young man under the head:

"Fan Xiaohai, long time no see."

Tian Jing and Tao Jinghua also smiled and greeted the long-haired youth.

Dangerous smile.

Seeing the three people greeting him through the car window, Fan Xiaohai's legs suddenly felt a little weak.

He knows these three people.

And very familiar!

"You, why are you here?"

Fan Xiaohai's legs were a little weak, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm, and tried to squeeze some smiles to make himself look more natural.

His eyes scanned the people in the car, but because he was under the car and Chu Feng was sitting on the other side of the bus, he didn't see it.

Also, how could that person be here?

Fan Xiaohai comforted himself in his heart.

"Do you know each other?"

Wang Xinran felt very confused. Are these people old acquaintances?

Is it an old acquaintance?

No, the woman's instinct tells her that things are not that simple.

"Let me introduce, Fan Xiaohai, when the City of Dawn was only the Dawn Alliance, there were a total of 6 deputy leaders. One of them felt that his abilities were not enough for the position of deputy leader, so he took the initiative to give in to a more suitable position. People, there was no bloodshed or persecution during that period."

Tian Jing calmly explained to Wang Xinran.

Fan Xiaohai also pretended to be calm and said: "If I don't give way earlier, it is estimated that bloodshed and conflict will happen, allowing me to follow Peng Liangzhong's footsteps."

Peng Liangzhong, a deputy leader who died unexpectedly in a battle.

Chu Feng thought of this, but didn't care.

After all, for him, only those who survive the elimination are qualified to be remembered by him, and the victims during the initial publicity period are not even qualified to be remembered by him.

Had it not been for Tian Jing to say Fan Xiaohai's name just now, he would have forgotten the name of the long-haired young man.

Wang Xinran asked strangely: "You know? Then why didn't you enter the City Lord's Mansion with a relationship?"

"Yeah, I know."

Tao Jinghua nodded, and then asked Fan Xiaohai, "Do you think there is a reason for Peng Liangzhong's death? Say it, maybe I can help you."

"No, I'm still more used to relying on myself."

Fan Xiaohai refused Tao Jinghua's help, and then put his left hand behind him, and his index finger, **** and little thumb stood up.

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