When Wang Xinran was in a daze, he suddenly saw several machine guns popping up inside the base.

When several machine guns came out, someone on the roof quietly made a few gestures, and the atmosphere inside the bus suddenly changed.

"No, run!"

Wang Xinran suddenly woke up and shouted, "They want to kill us."

With that, she suddenly slammed the back of the dagger in her hand against the window glass.


The window glass was smashed in an instant, and then Wang Xinran grabbed Chu Feng and prepared to jump under the car.

Her heart was already full of regret, and she didn't understand why this city of dawn in her dreams would become like this.

Everyone has a peach blossom in his heart, a pure land where one can avoid disputes.

Perhaps the real Peach Blossom Spring does not exist, but everyone hopes to have a place where people can live and work in peace and avoid disputes.

However, I didn't expect that the holy place in my heart would actually do such a thing.

He even tired his teammates.


Wang Xinran noticed that he couldn't pull Chu Feng, and hurriedly reminded him loudly.

The people on the bus also took out their hands, took out the daggers they had prepared long ago, and attacked these people. A sniper on the roof pressed the trigger.

Seeing that the people on the bus started to do something, Wang Xinran's heart was full of despair.

Can't escape?

At this moment, a huge bullet was flying in her direction.

The evolved vision allows her to see the trajectory of the bullet, but it does not mean that she can avoid the bullet.

It seems that the naked eye can see the trajectory of the bow and arrow, but there are still very few people who really rely on their agility to avoid the bow.

At this moment, a hand stopped in front of her.

"This is, Chu Mang?"

Wang Xinran was taken aback. She found that Chu Mang, who hadn't been dragged by herself, had already left her seat at this time and was blocking her.

Chu Feng released his hand and a bullet fell on the ground.

He, he just caught the bullet with his bare hands?

Wang Xinran's brain was blank. She couldn't believe that someone's reaction power reached this point? Can you catch a bullet with your bare hands?

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Boom—"

One after another screams rang out in the bus, the violent fighting movement, the flying vitality and sword energy directly caused the bus to disintegrate.

Wang Xinran fixed his eyes and found that in her eyes, Tian Jing and the three people who should be undoubtedly died, now they were blocked in front of them unharmed.

Those who suddenly attacked them suddenly fell to the ground, but no one screamed, because all those who fought against them screamed, and there was no chance to scream again. Up.

The remaining few looked at the weapons in the hands of the three with horror, and then at the weapons in the hands of the dead companions.

Only half of the dagger capital in their hands was left, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror. It was obvious that they had an absolute disadvantage in the clash with the three weapons.

Even if they were wearing explosion-proof suits issued by the military, they did not cause any obstacles.

"Are these people monsters?"

Wang Xinran stared at Xu Wei in a daze. The strength of these people is too strong.

Perhaps the weapons in their hands were also the reason for their victory, but the ability to kill six people in an instant, preventing the remaining 20 people from stepping forward, also shows the strength of these three people.

But, where did so many masters come out?


In the building not far away, several machine guns kept blazing.

"No, even if he can use his bare hands..."

Just halfway through Wang Xinran's thoughts, she discovered that Chu Feng's hands had turned into an afterimage, and after waving a few times in the air, all the bullets flying in the air disappeared.

However, the next scene refreshed her cognition.

Chu Feng's hands filled with bullets between his fingers flicked in the direction of the building at the same time, and then a few consecutive screams came out.

"He, he actually took all the bullets and returned them? Is this making a movie? No, this is true."

Wang Xinran felt that her brain was not enough, she couldn't believe what she saw before her eyes.

Take the bullet directly and throw it back as a hidden weapon.

In the movies, not everyone dare to act like this.

"It deserves to be the Yuanling Dao Body."

Chu Feng looked at his finger, with some red marks, but disappeared in an instant. Although his body was able to block bullets under conscious defense, it would still consume vitality. If you keep blocking bullets, then It will become a war of attrition.

And being able to use bullets and throw them back as a hidden weapon is the credit of the Yuan Ling Dao body.

In ancient books, the record of the Yuanling Dao Body is to improve people's responsiveness and perception ability, including recovery ability, but in practice, Chu Feng understands the extent to which this increased responsiveness has been improved.

Under the condition that it is fully operating the seeds of supernatural powers, all the bullets' flight trajectories are in his calculations, and what his body should do has almost formed an instinct.

He just felt that he could catch the bullet, so he did it.

He felt that he could kill all the machine gunners with bullets, so he did.

At this moment, he suddenly had an idea.

In his perception, the sniper on the roof suddenly turned and ran when he just shot, as if he was about to jump off from the other side.

If it hadn't been for his perception that had been strengthened, perhaps he had really let him run away.

"How do I feel, this person is a bit familiar?"

Chu Feng had some doubts in his heart, but the movements in his hands did not slow down at all. A red steel ball appeared in his hands and then directly penetrated the building.


The Chiyan Jingjin Steel Ball with the Explosive Flame Talisman blasted directly.

In Chu Feng's perception, the sniper had only the upper body left.

After losing the lower body, the sniper's breath of life has not been cut off, but it is already venting more and less, and it will be a matter of time before the breath is cut off.

At this time, the battle of Tian Jing and the three also came to an end.

Those machine gun bullets didn't hit three people at all, or they were all blocked by their weapons.

After all, Chu Feng had conducted special training for them to block bullets, and the distance of the machine gun was 200 meters away from them. Such a long distance was enough for them.

Those who besieged them, after leaving more than a dozen corpses, the rest hid behind Fan Xiaohai, holding knives with trembling hands, knowing whether to continue fighting or run away immediately.

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