Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 391: Kneel down!

"Me, I actually joined such a team?"

Wang Xinran felt a little unreal, but reacted in a flash.

"Run! This is the site of the City of Dawn."

Wang Xinran shouted at Chu Feng, "I know that you are very powerful and can fight well, but there are too many people in the City of Dawn, and you can't be everyone's opponent."

She didn't know why things turned into this way, but she knew one thing, no matter how powerful Chu Mang was, she couldn't be the opponent of the entire City of Dawn.

If he angered Chu Feng's killing god, would he let them go because he cherished his talent?

However, no one moved for it.

Chu Feng smiled gently and patted Wang Xinran on the shoulder: "It's okay."

Fan Xiaohai gave a smile more ugly than crying: "You, why are you here?"

Several people who knew Chu Feng were so frightened that their legs became weak, and hurriedly explained: "This, this is not what we are going to do, we don't know it is you!"

The people on the bus are inexplicable, and some of them don't know the situation.

They are very surprised. Who are these people who can make their boss so scared?

Why are these people so scared?

Wang Xinran suddenly thought that these people knew Tian Jing and the others, and the head of them showed some jealous expressions. In addition to Chu Feng’s performance just now, these people saw Chu Feng as if a mouse saw a cat. Connected together, a guess is ready to come out.

"You, are you really Chu Feng's younger brother?" Wang Xinran exclaimed.

Tian Jing and the three staggered, almost unable to stand firm.

Chu Feng: "······"

He ignored Wang Xinran, but took two steps forward, with a light tone but with no doubt:

"Kneel down!"

Fan Xiaohai's brain went blank, and he knelt on the ground with a plop, then instinctively knocked his head to the ground.

When he realized what he was doing, he no longer had the strength to stand up.

A lot of sweat oozes from his forehead and then drips onto the ground.

He had also thought about whether the secret base he had established here was discovered by Chu Feng, would he be punished, and would Chu Feng wipe it out?

He even imagined the scene of fighting against Chu Feng, and also imagined how he was when he was killed.

After all, since you are doing bad things under the eyes of others, you must be aware of being discovered, and you must be aware of being killed directly after being discovered.

But when he really faced Chu Feng, he realized how much shadow Chu Feng left in his heart. When Chu Feng appeared before his eyes, he didn't even have the courage to do it.

When Chu Feng knelt down with a sharp shout, he actually followed Chu Feng's order to kneel down, and even almost knocked his head.

"He, will he kill me, for sure, I will run away, but, but, can I escape? No, I can stand up."

Fan Xiaohai's heart thumped and thumped, and the more Chu Feng did not speak, the deeper his fear.

He tried to escape, but his legs were weak and he couldn't stand up at all.

Seeing Fan Xiaohai's appearance, the people around him trembled.

This one, what is it?

Fan Xiaohai is also said to be a great figure in the City of Dawn, second only to the existence of the deputy city lord, but such a person actually kneeled down?

Then they...Should they kneel down too?

Chu Feng ignored them, but lightened his feet and floated to the top floor.

It is really "gone" on the top floor.

Seeing Chu Feng directly floating up, these people were even more frightened. Is this flying? Can this be done, is it still human?

"Yuan Ling Dao Body, did you choose the wrong supernatural power in your previous life?"

This thought flashed in Chu Feng's heart, but it was immediately dismissed.

For the self in the previous life, the nirvana sword body should be more suitable for him, even if the self in the previous life chooses the essence of the Dao body, it does not have enough background, it can not exert the power of the essence of the soul.

For example, the movement he floated up just now may seem scary, but the principle is not that complicated.

First of all, his physique can still jump up to 5 floors, but he needs to run up and squat.

He felt that running and squatting in front of so many people was a bit of a loss of identity, so through his own sense of the vitality of the world, he omitted these actions, and then constantly added a boost to himself when he jumped up, let his own The speed will not slow down so fast.

This created the illusion that he was directly floating on the 5th floor.

After reaching the top floor, he came to the side of the sniper who was only half of his body left.

This is a middle-aged man with stubble, his face is full of fortitude and vicissitudes, which fits the image of a mercenary in Chu Feng's heart.

At this moment, the sniper suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a pillar of flame composed of faint blue flame projected toward Chu Feng's direction.

However, this pillar of flame dissipated in the middle.

Being able to lose half of his body, not to pass unconscious, and to pretend to be dead for a sneak attack, shows how tenacious this person is.

However, under the induction of Chu Feng's Yuan Ling Dao Body, his little movement couldn't escape his eyes at all.

"So it was him."

Chu Feng had already recognized the identity of this person, and when he and Zhang Ziqing were heading to Yuanling City, he exploded his own tire for food in the car halfway through.

After failing to ambush, the sniper fled immediately.

And on the way to escape, he exploded all the tires along the way and set fire to it, causing countless monsters to besiege.

Even Chu Feng, without the Thunder Corpse Dragon, would be a fatal crisis.

"So I guessed wrong? He is just a mercenary?"

Although Huaxia is a forbidden place for mercenaries, it is not all-pervasive. There are still a few who can escape security and enter Huaxia.

However, seeing that he used a rifle at the beginning, and it was a single-shot type, it is probably not mixed well.

"Forget it, let him die like this!"

Chu Feng burned the mercenary's body with **** fire, turning him into ashes.

Although the two sides had feuds of life and death, Chu Feng had experienced too many battles, and had long been used to the so-called feuds of life and death.

He couldn't talk about admiration or respect for opponents in his heart. To him, this was just an ordinary enemy. If he didn't die, he would be killed. After killing, he was cremated, and it was not considered a corpse wilderness.

Fan Xiaohai, who was downstairs, was still struggling.

"He went to the top of the building, should I run away at this time? He must be deliberate. He can definitely come back at any time. With his strength, if I want to escape, he can definitely kill me by turning over , This must be a test, yes, this is a test, as long as I am willing to surrender and confess everything, he will definitely spare me.

Yes, he doesn't care about most things at all. I am just a small person in his eyes. As long as I am willing to cooperate, he should not care about me. "

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