Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 396: The source of the disaster

Soon, a thin, seemingly malnourished young man was invited into the living room.

"Lu Qiu..."

Seeing this young man in front of him with shameless appearance, ragged clothes and an ancient hair bun on his head, information about Lu Qiu emerged in Chu Feng's heart.

Lu Qiu is a feng shui master who is proficient in the art of looking out.

His so-called gaze technique is not to be able to observe a person's past and future or future achievements. If he has this ability, he will not starve to death in an unknown corner.

His so-called Wang Qi is to be able to see the changes in the vitality of heaven and earth.

The early stage may not be very important now, but with the continuous promotion of the end times, the offensives of the different world have begun to follow. This is a very important thing.

Lu Qiu is a figure who can predict the location and time of the enemy's attack by observing the changes in the vitality of the world, and can even roughly infer the size of the enemy.

It's a pity that his views are not accepted by too many people, nor appreciated.

The fengshui master continued to insist on himself, and recorded everything he predicted, and then edited it into a book.

It is a pity that he has starved to death in an unknown corner before the book is finished.

Later, when the invasion of another world really happened, someone noticed the wizard of the sky, and then obtained the book from his body that recorded the time and place of the foreign enemy's invasion.

It is precisely because of the existence of this book that East China has repeatedly predicted the enemy's landing site, and made a lot of preparations in advance, making it the region with the lightest disaster in China.

But this is the case, people can no longer resurrect after death.

Regarding the fall of this talent, Mosling was also in tears, and felt sorry for his failure to discover and protect such a talent in time.

"If Lu Qiu is still there, the survivors in East China can double."

This is what Mosling said about him.

And the disasters of later generations proved the correctness of this sentence.

Now, since this talent came to him on the initiative, then Chu Feng definitely didn't let it go.

Lu Qiu looked at Chu Feng's scorching eyes and couldn't help shrinking his collar: "You, what are you doing?"

He felt that Chu Feng looked at his eyes as if looking at a rare treasure.

This made him feel a little skeptical, could it be that this is a male and female one?

If his thoughts let Chu Feng know, Chu Feng would definitely slap backhand, uh, forget it, such a talent can't be hurt.

"I heard that you are a Feng Shui master, what are your skills?"

Chu Feng also wanted to confirm whether the man in front of him was the famous Lu Qiu in later generations.

Lu Qiu did not act like a liar in the quagmire, and the expression on his face was rather hesitant.

"What else can you hesitate about? Say it quickly!"

Xu Wei urged that, to be honest, he didn't believe these people like liars.

This is also human nature. Some people like to believe in what they don’t understand, and some people only believe in what they understand.

Lu Qiu cautiously said: "I only understand a little, if you say something wrong, the city lord must not blame me."

"It's not a feudal age now, how can you be guilty of words?"

Chu Feng grinned, "No matter what you see, just just say it. No matter what you say, I will never blame you."

Lu Qiu swallowed, and then hesitated to point to his feet: "I can feel that the City of Dawn may usher in a major disaster in the future, but the source of the disaster is under our feet, even... ····"

He saw that Chu Feng didn't look angry at all, so he became bold. Then he pointed to a room: "There may be the source of the disaster."


Tian Jing drew his sword directly, preparing to kill this arrogant man.

The room he was referring to was Zhang Ziqing's room. Isn't this saying that Chu Feng's woman was the source of the disaster in the City of Dawn?

Regardless of whether what he said was true or not, it was an offense to Chu Feng.

As Chu Feng's subordinate, she must express her attitude.


Chu Feng screamed, making Tian Jing's knife stay in the air.

Tian Jing was a little dissatisfied: "Boss, don't believe this man's words."

If Chu Feng listened to a liar and killed his own woman, then Chu Feng's image in the City of Dawn would be completely ruined.

Because a word of a liar killed his own woman, such a person is not worthy of anyone to follow.

Lu Qiu was also in a cold sweat, and he could feel that Tian Jing really wanted to kill herself just now.

If it hadn't been for Chu Feng to stop in time, he would have fallen to the ground now.

Xu Wei and Tao Jinghua also stepped forward, standing beside Tian Jing, ready to do something.

As Chu Feng's loyal subordinates, they must ensure that Chu Feng would not be deceived by such a liar.

"Tian Jing, what he said is not entirely wrong."

Chu Feng said calmly, "Moreover, I know what he said."

"Boss, what is going on?" Tian Jing was a little confused.

"When a person with a power awakens a power, he also awakens some knowledge about another world, including **** and the underworld."

Chu Feng explained, “Some worlds are very aggressive. They will open space channels and invade other worlds. Now that the earth has undergone an abnormal change, it is of course also among the targets of their invasion, but their invasion is certain. Regular and requires a certain medium."

Lu Qiu was also a little confused. He could sense the source of the disaster, but he could not sense the specific situation, or he could not sense the specific situation now.

So he also didn't know anything about Chu Feng's invasion of another world.

"Zhang Ziqing's body has the coordinates of hell, and it can also be the place where the space channel opens. If **** wants to invade the real world, then the coordinates of Zhang Ziqing's body will provide them with great help." Chu Feng continued.

Tao Jinghua couldn't help saying: "But boss, you know this clearly, why don't you want to solve this problem? Or, the boss can already think of a way to solve the spatial channel without hurting Zhang Ziqing?"

They didn't understand why Chu Feng knew about this, but he just wanted to let it go.

"Solved? Why should I solve?"

An inexplicable smile cracked at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth, "The coordinates of **** are the basis for opening the channel, but **** can open the channel to the real world, and we can also open the channel to hell. Mobile defense has never been My style, what I want..."

His confident eyes swept across Xu Wei's trio, causing them to shrink back unnaturally: "It's a counterattack!"

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