Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 397: Ready to go


All three Tao Jinghua felt dizzy.

Regarding the information about the other world, those supernaturalists also talked about it when they communicated.

After all, everyone’s awakening information is different, and communicating with each other can also increase their knowledge.

It's just that these things are too far away from them, so everyone just read it as news.

When they chatted with the supernatural beings, they also learned about the terrible world.

Among other things, the current Earth, Tier 5 can already be regarded as an infinite master, but for Hell, Tier 5 is a level that is ready to break away from cannon fodder.

In other words, the strongest on earth can only be at the bottom in hell.

With such a huge gap, Chu Feng wanted to counterattack hell?

"Don't think too much, I don't plan to be an enemy of the whole hell."

Chu Feng saw the thoughts of several people and began to explain things about hell.

"Although the **** as a whole is strong, it does not mean that it is strong everywhere. Since there are monsters below Tier 3, it means that monsters below Tier 3 also have room for survival in Hell. All we have to do is Look for some remote corners and get some benefits that are not available in the real world."

Tao Jinghua breathed a sigh of relief.

If Chu Feng said from the beginning that he wanted to seek benefits in hell, then they must think that Chu Feng was crazy.

But Chu Feng said at the beginning that he would counterattack hell, but now he changed his words to seek benefits in a remote corner of hell, which made it much easier to accept.

At least it proved that Chu Feng was not a lunatic, and it also gave them an illusion that Chu Feng knew the situation in the region very well.

The three of them are not innately awakened, so they don't understand the situation of hell.

Since Chu Feng had enough confidence, they could only choose to believe.

After all, when Chu Feng summoned the three-headed dog from the **** before, they were all present, which proved that even if Chu Feng went to hell, he wouldn't turn around like a headless fly.

"City Lord, can I go now?"

Feng Shui master Lu Qiu asked weakly.

"You haven't told me where that place is! Why did you want to leave so soon?"

Chu Feng glanced at Lu Qiu.

Lu Qiu glanced at the map that Chu Feng had hung on the wall, and then drew a circle on it, saying: "The location is here. That place is very conspicuous. Once you get there, you can quickly find it, but there are more zombies. , But this shouldn't be a problem for the city owner."

"But, you don't want any reward yet!" Chu Feng said.


Lu Qiu looked a little embarrassed, "In fact, the discovery of this place is also attributed to a friend of mine. He said that he has reaped the benefits from you, so he has given me some price and asked me to forward the news to the city lord. It’s hard to get more benefits from Chengdu."

Benefits have already been obtained.

Chu Feng immediately thought of the cold youth.

He didn't expect him to be so principled. In fact, after giving the dagger to him, Chu Feng didn't even think about taking it back. It was an opportunity to give him easily.

But he didn't expect that he actually regarded this as an advance payment, and he also motivated his friends to find this place, and even refused his reward.

Seeing that Lu Qiu had the intention of shrinking, Chu Feng suddenly said, "Do you know what your ability means? How much influence will it have on humans?"

Since Lu Qiu and that stern young man were kind of principled people, then Chu Feng would use the righteousness of the human race to convince them.

Lu Qiu was silent for a moment, and then said: "Maybe it's useful!"

He is not an idiot, and people who are good at Feng Shui are not mentally retarded.

Although his eloquence is inferior to those swindlers, or some masters, he relies entirely on his true talents, but since he is studying Feng Shui, it is impossible not to learn some words.

Moreover, in Chu Feng's impression, Lu Qiu could not find a place to live.

The reason why he starved to death was also because he refused everyone's solicitation and wanted to find places that might bring disaster to China.

In other words, this is a person who serves the country and the people.

Such people have obvious strengths and weaknesses.

"The reason you told me about this place is because you are aware of the danger here, and want to use my power to solve the threat of this place!"

Chu Feng said, "I can give you a promise. If you stay in the City of Dawn and become one of us, then as long as you discover the danger, I will definitely stop it if I have the ability."

Lu Qiu's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Chu Feng did say what he was thinking. After all, although he had the ability to detect danger, he did not have the power to solve the danger.

If he wants to ask others to solve the danger, this is a bit difficult.

But Chu Feng is different. Chu Feng himself is a strong man with a reputation throughout the southern capital. The City of Dawn has achieved great prestige in the previous battle. Such a person has enough power.

Therefore, one of Chu Feng's promises weighed more than ten thousand dollars to him.

"There is no point in deceiving people like you."

Chu Feng smiled slightly, "My words are true or false, and they will use time to prove it. If you feel that I have not kept my promise, you can leave at any time."

If he was alone, then how far would Chu Feng hide from those dangers.

After all, although there are some benefits in solving the danger, it is far inferior to the threat.

But since there are already huge forces around him, and there are some people he wants to protect, then Chu Feng absolutely can't escape.

And he has no way to escape.

Disasters in the future will sweep the world, and no one can be alone.

Chu Feng may be able to hide in a dark corner alone, but he can't manage to put his sister, his woman, and his family all in the sewer.

Can live in the sun, who wants to hide in the smelly water?

Lu Qiu pondered for a few seconds, and then he said: "See the city lord, as long as the city lord fulfills his promise as much as possible, I will definitely do my best for the city lord."

His loyalty is conditional, that is, Chu Feng will try his best to solve the disaster.

"In that case, let's leave now!"

As Chu Feng said, he immediately prepared to leave, "Tian Jing, call both Wang Xinran and Wei Pojun over, and by the way, count some people who are willing to join us on the expedition."

"So fast?"

Lu Qiu felt a little untrue, "Don't you plan to make some preparations before you set out?"

What else does it mean to tap some people by the way? Is this kid's play?

"Our boss is the most perfect preparation."

Tao Jinghua gave Lu Qiu a white look, "As long as the boss is there, everyone can only lay hands on the boss, and it will be fine in the future."

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