Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 398: New ideas

It wasn't that Chu Feng was too arrogant, but because of his strength, it was really difficult to take many dangers to heart.

Before he condensed the seeds of supernatural powers, he had these to be able to escape in the face of any danger.

Now his strength has reached the fifth rank, and the seeds of supernatural powers have grown stronger, and he can come and go freely in the face of most dangers.

The place of death may be a big threat in the future, but for now, it is not yet time to erupt.

The reason why Chu Feng dispatched troops and generals was just for training.

Before Tian Jing took the order to dispatch troops, Chu Feng came to the seventh floor.

After solving the field, the rebuilding of the city of dawn is also very fast.

And they knew that many military installations were useless, which simplified a lot of delicate work, just simply built the city wall.

Chu Feng's watch tower was also rebuilt, restoring the previous pattern.

When they arrived on the seventh floor, Xiaoxi and Ye Xiaohui were watching Yiyi's side, waiting for her to wake up.

Seeing Chu Feng's arrival, Ye Xiaohui immediately got up: "Are we going to act?"

If she can choose, she would rather spend all of her time waiting for her daughter to wake up, hoping that the first time her daughter wakes up, she sees her mother.

However, she also knew that her daughter's physique seemed a little special.

Even a person like Chu Feng, who was determined to protect Yiyi, had hesitated and struggled.

Therefore, for her, even if she will never be forgiven by her daughter, she also wants to have the power to protect her daughter, rather than relying on others.

Even if this person is Chu Feng.

The woman is soft, but the mother is strong.

Ye Xiaohui is such a person.

Chu Feng nodded, and then said to Xiaoxi: "What I got from Tai Sui's body can now be used initially, and it can make up for the vitality you lost."

Tai Sui can be said to be a glue of life.

After Chu Feng killed Tai Sui, the white stone he took out of its body possessed strong vitality and could serve as the core of vitality.

Although Chu Feng still doesn't know the specific usage of this white stone, it can still be done using a simple extraction method and then repairing the damaged vitality.

Last time when faced with an insect tide, Xiaoxi did not hesitate to overdraw his vitality in order to save Su Yuyan.

Now, Chu Feng finally had the opportunity to make up.

However, Xiaoxi did not have a happy look on his face, but looked out the window with some sadness: "Master, I don't want to regain the ability to walk."


Chu Feng was not surprised by Xiaoxi's thoughts, but rather surprised.

She used to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, without feelings that belonged to her, even if it was kind, it was kind without wisdom.

And after experiencing some things, she also became aware of the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and found that the good and evil in the world, and the human relationships were not what the book said.

After being injured and nearly paralyzed, she read a lot of books when she was fine all day.

While accompanying Yiyi and listening to Ye Xiaohui's story of their past, she began to understand everything in her past.

She now has her own feelings.

"Master, I just think it might be better if I'm not with the master."

Xiaoxi looked at Yiyi with a gentle eyes, "If I see bad things, I will want to stop them. Now that I have the power, when I see bad things, I have the idea of ​​sanctions, but I don't want to In doing so, what I want now is to simply guard everything around me."

"I understand."

A light spot appeared in Chu Feng's hand and pressed it on Xiaoxi's forehead, "If you think this way from the bottom of your heart, then I respect your thoughts."

He somewhat understood, Xiaoxi, in fact, is a person who is not suitable for staying in this era.

She is just a poor religious brainwashed person. When she started to have her own thoughts, she found that she was so incompatible with this world.

What is normal to others is so unacceptable to myself.

For her, the only wish is to have her own piece of pure land.

What Chu Feng penetrated into her body was the source of life, which could help her recover from the trauma of her life, and could make her recover slowly.

Since she only wanted a piece of pure land, Chu Feng gave it to her.

He is still not enough to let his woman suffer such grievances.

Ye Xiaohui followed Chu Feng to leave the seventh floor. When she reached the top of the stairs, she suddenly looked back at Xiaoxi: "Thank you, thank you for taking care of my daughter."

After speaking, she turned and followed Chu Feng and left here.

After she left, Yiyi's eyelashes suddenly moved.

The two came to the first floor. Wang Xinran, who was forcibly awakened, lay down on the table sleepily and waited. When Chu Feng appeared, there was a sudden excitement.

"Boss, are we going to leave?"

Then, she looked at Ye Xiaohui with weird eyes.

After Ye Xiaohui found her daughter, she also paid attention to her dress. Although it was just a simple white dress, it did not affect her actions, but her mature charm couldn't be hidden.

"Does he like this one? No, he seems to be just pure lust."

Wang Xinran looked down at his budding, and instinctively tightened the skirt.

Chu Feng gave her a white look: "Don't think about the ones you don't have all day long, spend more time on improving your strength, this is better than anything."

Wang Xinran curled his lips and did not refute.

She was originally longing for a paradise, where she could live a carefree life, eat a full meal every day, and then sleep peacefully.

However, although the City Lord's Mansion in the City of Dawn can meet her material requirements, this kind of life has nothing to do with carefree. This kind of life must be maintained by herself.

When Tian Jing called the crowd, Chu Feng quietly pondered the usage of the ancient book.

In his previous life, he just blindly improved his strength, but did not explore the functions of the ancient book itself.

However, when he had time to think quietly, he suddenly found a question, that is, why are there so many physique-like magical powers in the ancient books?

"If each type of Yuan Talisman has its own application, then what about supernatural powers? Some supernatural powers are compatible with each other, but some supernatural powers are indeed mutually opposed, and even superimposed and covered. Humans are impossible, and there is no need to cultivate all the magical powers."

"In that case, what exactly did the inheritors of ancient books use for so many magical powers?"

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