Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 401: We will help you

Two hours later, the team came to the place of death.

This place was originally just a piece of farmland, but after the dramatic changes in the world, it became a wilderness. Now there are a large number of zombies, so even people who pass by here rarely find that the vegetation here has become abnormal.

The zombies here rarely go out, but if you want to think that the zombies here are harmless to humans and animals, you are quite wrong. As long as you enter a little closer, you will soon be attacked by the zombies.

When Chu Feng's army came here, there were already many people here.

Lu Qiu was a little embarrassed: "There were not so many people yesterday!"

Chu Feng said, "Maybe someone knows that this is the place I want to find!"

A team of more than 300 people quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"somebody is coming."

"So many people, do they want to wipe out the zombies here?"

"It is possible. I heard that this is the place that Chu Feng Chu City Master wants to find. There must be treasures here. It is not surprising that some people want to take risks."

"Don't you think about a very serious problem?"

"What's the problem?"

"Look at the weapons in their hands, the red phosphorescent weapons, how many people can build this piece of land?"

After a brief silence, an exclamation broke out from the crowd.

"Fuck! It's City Lord Chu who came personally!"

"It's really City Lord Chu!"

"Dodge, stay away, don't be treated as an enemy."

A battle killed tens of thousands of people. After hearing this record, many people already regarded Chu Feng as a character like the ancient Wu Anjun, but they still lacked some confidence to really contact such a person.

Don't talk about them, even the people in the City of Dawn, many people are afraid of Chu Feng.

Not to mention facing Chu Feng head-on, even if you are following Chu Feng, facing the enemies that Chu Feng needs to face, many people's spirits cannot bear it.

"Chu Feng, there should be tens of thousands of zombies here, it should be very dangerous to attack rashly!"

Wang Xinran looked at the black and crushed group of zombies in the distance. Even if he knew that these zombies would not easily leave a certain range, they would still bring visual pressure to people.

Those onlookers are also seven or eight hundred meters away from the zombie group. Once they lose a certain range, they will turn around and run.

Of course, there are also some dead teams who want to use bait to attract some zombies out.

Some of these people did succeed, and then they harvested some crystal nuclei, and even the vertebrae of some mutant zombies, but some people became rations for the zombies, or became a member of the zombies.

Risks and benefits have always been proportional. Without dragging down others, appropriate risks can also promote human progress.

But even if it is an adventure, there are two different things from a mindless adventure and a no-brainer adventure.

After intensifying his perception countless times, Chu Feng saw that a certain demon hunting team had only attracted a Tier 4 zombie. He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

But can it be that a dozen people can't beat a Tier 4 zombie? But it's just courageous.

Obviously he is a coward, but he has to do this kind of death.

"Ah! Help!"

The people who were used as bait desperately called for help from others. Unfortunately, most of the people just watched with cold eyes. Only a few left a little farther away. If the zombies were chased and killed far enough away from the group of zombies, they wouldn’t mind shooting. .

"Boss, shall we start fighting now?"

When Wei Pojun saw the dark crowd of zombies in the distance, not only did he not panic, but he also had some surprises on his face.

He is the kind of person who likes to fight in his bones. After entering this era, the environment has awakened the fighting genes in his bones.

"Ye Xiaohui, go try the nirvana sword body!"

Chu Feng ordered Ye Xiaohui.


Ye Xiaohui drew the sword without hesitation and rushed towards the zombie group.

The supernatural power seed in her body was eager to try, now that she got Chu Feng's permission, of course she couldn't wait to let the sword energy in her body vent out.

Seeing a person rushing towards the group of zombies, Ye Xiaohui exclaimed from the crowd.

"Fuck! Who is this! Such an iron?"

"Is this looking for death?"

"Even if your life is too long, don't use this method to kill yourself!"

"That's right! This woman is pretty pretty. It's okay to make us cool before we die!"


The arrival of the end times has made many women who can become beautiful through makeup lose their original concealment. Now they are fighting for the quality of plain makeup.

Ye Xiaohui's original appearance can only be regarded as middle and upper, not the kind of national beauty, but plain makeup can also crush most women.

In addition, Ye Xiaohui was able to clean her face, which made her look very clean.

This is a different kind of temptation in the last days.

Seeing such a beautiful and explosive woman rushing towards the group of zombies, everyone felt a pity for a while, and felt a pity that such a beauty was about to die away.

Just when Ye Xiaohui was about to come into contact with the group of zombies, several black figures rushed over.

Looking at the figures of the few people, it seemed that they were a few women.


A cold and arrogant look glanced at Chu Feng, but followed Ye Xiaohui's direction without looking back.


Chu Feng ignored the contemptuous eyes.

She obviously misunderstood that she was planning to use women as bait, but in fact, she didn't know Ye Xiaohui's true strength.

"Don't move forward, it's dangerous."

A woman who turned back towards Ye Xiaohui shouted loudly, “I don’t know what kind of coercion you have been under, but you don’t have to take orders from others at all. Now look back quickly. No matter what difficulties you encounter, we will Help you."

"This person, is there a problem?"

Xu Wei felt that those women seemed to be at fault.

Wang Xinran can understand: "Nowadays, many survival bases, and even fortresses under the management of the military, have insulted women, even intimidated women, using women as bait to attract zombies. I heard that there is a supernatural person All of the organizations are composed of women. They want to save women and open up a paradise for women in this crisis-filled world."

"It sounds pretty good."

Tian Jing said with a relaxed look, "However, a woman like Ye Xiaohui doesn't need anyone to save."

"The organization that saves women?"

Chu Feng's heart moved, and suddenly he remembered a rumor.

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