Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 402: The Might of Nirvana Sword Body

He also heard occasionally in his previous life that this is an organization of strong women.

The name of the founder of the organization is not well known, but the name is very loud, called "Black Rose", a strong woman who calls on women to be independent.

Although this nickname is a bit second, she is indeed powerful.

She did her part, organized a group of women who didn't want to be bullied by men, formed an organization, and kept saving those women who were treated as slaves.

Unfortunately, such a person is destined to be a tragedy.

Her thinking is too extreme. She believes that women do not need any support, and women can be completely independent, but one thing is ignored.

That is, most women need to rely on.

Men are inherently stronger than women, but there are still many mental breakdowns in the last days. Women who are inherently weaker than men do not have the ability to survive alone.

Don't be in the end times when there are many crises. Even in the old days, are there few women who only want to marry a good man?

Men need women, and women need men. This is the law of nature.

For most women, if they can find a support and survive in this dangerous world, what does it matter even if they sacrifice their bodies?

Women who regard innocence as more important than life are destined to be a minority.

Therefore, Black Rose's approach is destined to go against the interests of most women.

At an appropriate time, Black Rose finally encountered betrayal by her subordinates, and was persecuted by some "big men" who coveted her beauty, and finally chose to blew herself to death in order to prevent those people from succeeding.

And the women who betrayed her thought that this would give them a good support, but in fact, who would believe a woman who would betray her benefactor?

Therefore, those women can only become playthings in the end, and they are not even allowed to be close to the big people. Even if they become playthings, they can only become playthings of the bottom people.

"Hey! Did you hear that."

The women shouted vigorously.

However, Ye Xiaohui's speed was too fast, and in their desperate eyes, they still had contact with the zombies.

"It's over."

The hearts of several women were full of resentment. They had seen too many these days, and they bullied the weak by their own strength.

As a weak group, women are also the target of bullying.

Many people use women and even children as bait, as a bait for hunting zombies, leading to many tragedies.

In their view, this is also a poor man.

Those onlookers also looked good at the show.

Obviously there are more than 300 people, but they want to send a weak woman to fight the zombies, and not let anyone go forward. This is simply to let this woman die!

"Isn't it about getting promoted and making a fortune? I want to change my wife!"

Some people even thought about it with amusement.

However, shortly afterwards, their eyes widened.

The Chiyan Sword swung into a crescent, and the blade rubbed against the air, as if burning a red flame, bright red and full of vitality.

The bright red sword energy flew, approaching Ye Xiaohui's three-meter zombies, but in an instant, half of the head was thrown away.

The red sword aura seemed to form a blood-colored lotus, continuously harvesting life.

Heads of zombies lost their lives under this sword qi and blood lotus, and a feast of killing began.

The onlookers were all staring at it, and the women who wanted to save Ye Xiaohui couldn't help but stopped and watched all this blankly.

Under Ye Xiaohui's sword, these zombies were almost like chickens, collapsed at the touch of a touch.

While they were stunned, dozens of zombies had already been killed under Ye Xiaohui's sword, and more zombies rushed towards Ye Xiaohui, but they were just giving away their heads.

"This, is this a monster?"

Among the crowd, I don't know who said it first.

If it wasn't that the zombies here couldn't move, ordinary people would only have to escape in the face of hundreds of zombies, and only a team composed of purely capable people would be eligible to fight these zombies.

But this is the case, the tactics adopted by most people are just flying kites.

Want to deal with hundreds of zombies in a hard way, this legendary master has only heard of it in the rumors, few people have seen it with their own eyes.

However, today they saw such a woman.

The terrifying zombies in front of this woman are like moving targets, let alone threatening, even if they want to get close to the range of two meters, it is very difficult.

"So strong!"

Not only the thoughts of those onlookers, but also Ye Xiaohui's thoughts.

When Ye Xiaohui got the Crimson Flame Sword, he had already roughly understood the power of the Crimson Flame Sword.

The steel body of a zombie is not much better than tofu in front of Chi Yan Sword.

Those zombies that had to use all their strength, or even a lot of vitality, could barely deal with them, in front of Chi Yan Sword, they only need to rely on their own sharpness.

However, after possessing the supernatural power seed of the Nirvana Sword Body, Ye Xiaohui discovered a whole new world.

It turns out that cutting the steel body of a zombie is like cutting tofu. This is not the limit that the word sharp can express. The real sharpness is the ability to cut even the air, under a sword, within a radius of three meters. Within, everything was harvested by Jian Qi.

At this time, she suddenly caught a huge zombie in her afterimage.

This zombie was more than 2.5 meters tall, and the muscles on his body seemed to explode. The arms were thicker than the waist of ordinary people, and the blood basin was chewing some zombies' flesh.

There was a bloodthirsty look in the zombie's eyes, and he walked towards Ye Xiaohui step by step. Every step he took, the earth seemed to tremble.


Everyone was shocked. With the passage of the last days, many people now have a certain ability to judge danger. This is a slayer that even Tier 4 abilities can hardly deal with. You must have a few Tier 4 exceptions. The existence of terror that can only be dealt with.

If you want to single out, only the legendary fifth-order powerhouse can do it.

"Be careful, you are not the opponent of this monster, retreat quickly!"

The women shouted anxiously, "Retreat quickly, we will help you cover."

However, what makes them desperate is that Ye Xiaohui's eyes are full of warfare, and her petite body is not evasive, directly facing the group of zombies, holding a scarlet long sword, and rushing towards the slaughter.

"It's over!"

Several women gave a groan in their hearts.

Their feelings towards Ye Xiaohui were that she was a poor woman at first, but then they discovered that Ye Xiaohui's strength made her need no sympathy from others.

Even if such a woman joins them, it is simply a gospel for women.

It's a pity that she, who was blushing, couldn't tell what kind of enemies could provoke.

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