Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 405: God-like man

"I suddenly felt that it would be good if there was such a man to protect him."

A woman watched Chu Feng sever the black knight's right arm with her bare hands, a certain feeling in her heart suddenly began to grow, and a certain psychology began to sprout.

They have always regarded men as **** to bully women, and felt that women should be self-reliant and should not live by the protection of men.

But seeing a man like Chu Feng, they suddenly felt that if they were behind such a man, they seemed to be more at ease.

Such a man can give people a sense of security.

"Master, thank you." Ye Xiaohui said with difficulty.

The knight of the Hades did not feel sorry for his broken arm. He stretched his left hand to his waist and drew a dagger, ready to continue fighting.

Not far away, the group of zombies separated two roads, and two black knights rushed in the direction of Chu Feng, the knight's spear flashing with cold light.

"Can he win?"

The onlookers watched this scene with scorching eyes.

The women who were closer looked at Chu Feng with expectant eyes.

They had never relied on a man before, and at this moment they felt that the man in front of them was so reliable, so powerful, and reassuring.

"You must win!"

They expect silently in their hearts.

"Damn, they are all wise!"

Chu Feng's eyes flashed with cold light, the one-armed knight of the underworld attacked himself, but the other two knights attacked Ye Xiaohui.

Ye Xiaohui had stood up now, but the severe injuries still prevented her from exercising vigorously, let alone fighting with high intensity.

If Chu Feng relied on speed to dodge, Ye Xiaohui would suffer.

"If it were before cultivating the Yuanling Dao Body, this situation might still be a bit tricky."

Chu Feng clenched the knight's spear in his hands with both hands and waved a ring, perfectly smashing all three knights from the underworld.

Then, the tattoo on Chu Feng's arm turned into a black giant python, and he opened his mouth to spit out a ball of blue thunder, which fell on the underworld knight with the broken arm.

The blue electric light flickered, and the Thunder Corpse Dragon opened its blood basin and swallowed the Knight of Hades into its stomach.

Chu Feng didn't stay idle either. After blocking the underworld knight's attack, the knight's spear in his hand shot out, taking advantage of an underworld knight's unsteady footing, and directly penetrated his chest.

Then, a glazed fire python appeared in his hand.

The Dance of Fire Snake-the real fire version of Samadhi.

After reaching Tier 5, the ability player wants to continue to improve, it takes a long time to accumulate, but if you want to improve your strength, you can also conduct in-depth exploration of the ability of the fire system.

Some powerful skills can only be displayed with ordinary flames, such as the dance of the fire snake, but some fire control masters can use the fireworks to form the dance of the fire snake.

And Chu Feng, through the power of Yuan Talisman, was already very familiar with the real fire of Samadhi.

Coupled with the power of the Yuanling Dao Body, it makes him more comfortable with the control of the vitality, even if he uses the Samadhi real fire to cast the fire dragon, it is not too difficult for him.

The fire snake dance composed of the real fire of Samadhi quickly ignited the injured knight of the underworld, and in just three seconds, it burned directly into a mass of ashes.

Even a mighty knight of the underworld, there is no way to resist the power of the real fire of Samadhi.

Taking advantage of this moment, a long ice and snow dragon appeared in Chu Feng's hand again, whizzing towards the last knight of the underworld.

The underworld knight waved the knight's spear in his hand and stood with the frost dragon, but before the two sides could decide the victory or defeat, Chu Feng had already appeared beside the underworld knight.

His left hand pointed like a sword, and an invisible sword aura came out.


Chu Feng's body fell to the ground lightly, throwing away the round object in his hand.

The body of the underworld knight had already formed frost, and his head had disappeared without knowing when.

"Nice sword."

A black long sword appeared in Chu Feng's hand, which was the sword of the knight of the underworld.

When he took off the underworld knight's head, the saber had already fallen into his hands.

This is a long sword made of nether cold iron, with unparalleled sharpness.

Chu Feng gave away the short sword cast from the teeth of the insect emperor. The first reason was that he was pleasing to the eyes, and the other reason was that the short sword had no effect on him, and his innate sword aura had changed. It was even sharper, and a short sword of the insect emperor was not as sharp as his casual sword.

It is also a good deal for him to give away things he eliminated as a favor.

Moreover, the benefits he has gained now are far greater than the value of that short sword.

Holding a long sword cast from Nether Cold Iron, Chu Feng started a killing.

Those zombies were originally photographed in the prestige of the knights of the underworld, so they did not dare to intervene in the battle before them, but now they lost the deterrence of the knights of the underworld and rushed forward.

It's just that, in front of Chu Feng, these zombies were just presenting food.

The long sword made of Nether Cold Iron was extremely sharp, and the sharpness of the material alone was able to cut through the heads of zombies. Chu Feng's body now became extremely flexible, and countless zombies died here.

"Just now I thought I saw the goddess, but now I find that I see the real god."

"Perhaps, only true gods have such power!"

"A man like a god!"

Seeing Chu Feng destroying the knights of the Underworld in general, several women opened their mouths, and couldn't believe the scene before them.

They suddenly discovered that there are actually reliable men among men.

Not all men are beasts, at least if the man in front of you wants to be a beast, I believe most women will not refuse.

At this time, Tao Jinghua and the three also came to Chu Feng's side.

They have been learning fighting skills with Chu Feng, and now they have obtained the blood-refining magic weapon created by Chu Feng himself, and their strength has been rapidly improved.

Even just by relying on the sharpness of the weapons in your hands, you can solve most enemies.

Wei Bianjun even held a giant axe, and slashed the zombies in half. Unfortunately, the powerful force did not represent the killing speed. His killing speed was still weaker than that of Xu Wei. .

Seeing Tao Jinghua's trio in a triangular formation protecting themselves in the middle, Chu Feng also had time to breathe.

He scribbled a rejuvenation talisman casually and hit Ye Xiaohui's body, adding the power of the law of life, so that Ye Xiaohui's injury quickly recovered.

"Thank you, Master, for your help." Ye Xiaohui looked at Chu Feng gratefully, but also a little ashamed.

There were some signs of madness just now.

Chu Feng said: "You have just gained powerful power, and it's normal to have an inflated mentality, but you must always remember what your power is for."

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