Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 406: Cooperate

Chu Feng's previous life also had the experience of being confused.

Once he wanted to gain power desperately for revenge, but on the way to gain power, he kept losing more precious things.

He thought he could get everything by strength, but he lost everything for strength.

When he was sober, only hatred remained.

Later, he understood that power is indeed the basis for obtaining everything, but if you don’t have a strong heart and a heart that can control power, then you can only become a slave to power, and eventually lose one for the so-called vanity and ethereal power. regret but too late.

Therefore, he is not the only one who gets into trouble. The same is true for those who are unscrupulous in order to survive. They think that as long as they live, no matter what they sacrifice, no matter who they sacrifice, as long as they can survive, they just need to survive. , The more you lose, the lower the probability of survival.

But this truth can only be understood by experiencing true life and death and despair, and Chu Feng does not expect himself to be able to wake others up through preaching.

What he can do now is to use his prestige to directly tell them the right way.

They don’t need to understand why they did it, they just need to do it.

Ye Xiaohui nodded.

Her strength is her daughter, for which she can give everything.

However, if you die like this, who will protect your daughter?

She knew what Chu Feng said, if I couldn't protect Yiyi, I would choose to kill her. This is definitely not a lie, nor is it a threat.

Since Chu Feng said it, it was true.

She understood Chu Feng and knew that if Yiyi fell into the enemy's hands, she might end up even more miserable, so all she had to do was to prevent this from happening.

"I know you desire power, but the value of power is to help you protect everything you guard. If you lose this value, then the existence of power will have no meaning."

Chu Feng said, "So, stay alive and control the power, not be controlled by the power!"

"I understand."

Ye Xiaohui nodded, indicating that she understood.

In fact, she still had a little knowledge in her heart, but she understood one thing, that is, if she died, she would have nothing.

A mother will not trust her daughter's life in the unknown.

At this time, she suddenly felt that the magical power seeds in her body became quiet, and the sword energy stored in the magical power seeds seemed to become more handy.

She doesn't understand why this change happened, but knowing it is a good thing for her.

She waved the Chiyan Sword again and cut off the killing.

"All members of the City of Dawn, start cleaning the battlefield!"

Following Chu Feng's order, the members of the City of Dawn began to massacre these zombies.

Under Chu Feng's leadership, those powerful zombies had been dealt with by Chu Feng, and even the more powerful among Tier 3 zombies were killed by Tian Jing, Ye Xiaohui and others.

What they need to do is to abuse food.

Those onlookers had already watched, and this was the first time they saw that someone could use such a small number to attack so many zombies, and it was a massacre.

"Suddenly I feel that in Fengshen Kingdom, the generals or spellcasters are singled out in front of the battle, and then fight after the singles. This situation does not seem to be fictional."

In the Romance of the Gods and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the single combat effectiveness of the generals is exaggerated.

Because in the actual battle, the most important thing is to have strong soldiers and strong formations.

It is almost impossible for such a situation to happen in the real world after the generals like that after winning a singles.

But now, this scene happened before their eyes.

After the powerful zombies and the black cavalry were dealt with by Chu Feng, ordinary zombies could only give heads, and could only line up to give heads.

An earth-type supernatural player built a fence out of rocks. The zombies stretched out their hands behind the fence, and the warriors in the City of Dawn only needed to stab through the fence.

Those with ice and fire abilities also did the same, and the pressure on the warriors in the city of Dawn was once again reduced.

At this time, the biggest purpose of the superpower is not to lethality, but to reduce one's own casualties and maximize the lethality of the warrior.

Seeing the zombies hiding behind the fence and stretching out their hands, and the scene where the people in the City of Dawn easily killed the zombies, countless people felt that they were stunned.

"It turns out that you can fight like this!"

"The superpower and the warrior are not opposites, but complementary."

"If the two sides cooperate, it can be very lethal."

"It's the most stupid way to fight heads with zombies. The most important thing is to use human wisdom. It seems that we have to seriously think about how to use our abilities."

"It's worthy of being the City of Dawn. No wonder they were able to form such a large scale so quickly."

Seeing everyone's fancy fighting skills, Chu Feng already understood.

No wonder Su Yuan insisted that those with supernatural powers go with him. This is actually showing off to herself: Look, you have a set of training for those warriors, and I also have a set for training superbs.

This way of fighting may seem a little immature in the future, but in this era, it can give people a lot of ideas.

As the onlookers spread word of mouth, there will be more and more people with supernatural powers attaching importance to the role of warriors, waiting for the two sides not to oppose each other, but to help each other.

"In the past, many abilities have been betrayed by ordinary people who were protected by them, and there have also been many instances where abilities have bullied ordinary people. After ordinary people became warriors, the conflict between the two sides immediately intensified, which led to many abilities. People and ordinary people are simply opposed to two different classes. The biggest feature of the City of Dawn is that the relationship between the two is comrades-in-arms, and they will not look down on each other because of their different identities."

Chu Feng looked at the earth-type abilities and enlarged the fence, and then the fire-type abilities began to burn the corpses, and the water-type abilities extinguished the flames and picked up items that could not be burned, such as crystal nuclei and mutant zombies. The spine can't help but feel a sudden moment.

He originally just wanted to build a residence for himself and the people around him, and build a power to serve himself, but before he knew it, he had already brought a great influence to the world.

Perhaps the only place he affects is East China, but like the wings of a butterfly, it will get bigger and bigger one day, until a tornado is thrown somewhere.

"Maybe, this world can really become what it used to be."

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