Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 407: Evolution of the Thunder Corpse Dragon

"How did I become sentimental?"

Chu Feng laughed at himself, then put away the weapon in his hand.

The powerful enemy has been solved by him. If there are powerful zombies, he will also take action to solve them, and the rest will be handed over to the members of the City of Dawn for military training.

The battle lasted for 4 hours in total, and many warriors collapsed to the ground with exhaustion.

In such an environment full of vitality, the lost vitality can be recovered quickly, but the physical fatigue is not so easy to recover.

Moreover, the big knives in the hands of many warriors have already been cut. Fortunately, the spine of many zombies can be used directly as bone swords or bone spurs, which did not make embarrassing things happen.

And because of the collection of a large number of crystal nuclei, those supernatural powers are like turrets, constantly harvesting the lives of zombies.

And in the later stages of the battle, many onlookers joined the battle.

At the beginning, they didn't dare to see the number of zombies, but when the powerful enemy was already solved by Chu Feng, many people had the mind to fight.

They also learned from the city of Dawn, fighting in an orderly manner.

In the beginning, there were some dangers due to insufficient running-in, but gradually, they began to cooperate with each other.

Chu Feng looked at the eyes of those people, and looked at some special things in their eyes.

"Humans are actually very tough creatures, because in the process of evolution, humans don't know how many dangers they have faced and how many desperations they have experienced."

"Maybe many people will give up themselves in the decision, but there are also many people, as long as they see a glimmer of hope, they will become stronger."

"Maybe they are not strong enough, but they have learned to unite."

"No, it's not learning. They just activated the gene of unity in their bones and realized the importance of unity and its preciousness."

The path that Chu Feng himself wants to take is of course the path of the strong, but he understands that he cannot ask everyone to learn from himself and become a strong.

The strong have the path of the strong, and the weak have the path of the weak.

Many strong people have fallen in the process of walking alone, and many weak people are still strong alive after experiencing countless dangers.

Unity is a shortcut for the weak to defeat the strong.

"Forget it, let them grab it!"

With Chu Feng's original character, those who want to take advantage of him would not be polite, regardless of the number of opponents.

But seeing everyone cooperating with each other, Chu Feng suddenly hesitated.

This is not to say that he was afraid of everyone, but because of such a united scene, it touched certain feelings in Chu Feng's heart.

"If mankind unites, no matter what kind of danger it is, I believe that mankind can definitely survive."

An illusory, clear and beautiful voice echoed in Chu Feng's ear, making him a little startled.

He has seen many people who want to call on everyone to unite. Many of these people have even succeeded, but in the end it proved that the unity is only temporary. More people still hope to be protected by the strong, and then settled in a corner, in a stable In the corner, stay alive.

"It’s not that human beings are not united in their bones. It’s just that they don’t see hope. If I just want to live for 10 years, maybe it’s easy for me, but if I want to live longer, if I want my family To live longer, let the people I cherish live longer, maybe I need to do more."

Chu Feng looked at the members who were constantly fighting and the members who were constantly reaping benefits, and his eyes also showed relief.

If he has great power and can't make people around him live better, then why does he need power?

Compared to the hopeless future, the current scene made Chu Feng more delighted.

He suddenly understood why so many people must do something for this world even if they sacrifice themselves.

Some people may do it for racial justice, but some people do it just because they like it.

If you don't like a desperate world, try to change it.

If you like a world full of light and hope, then work hard.

And those who are lingering in the stinking ditch, their lives are more like a comet that pierced the sky, burning hot light in their short lives.

At the end of the battle, Chu Feng called the Thunder Corpse Dragon to the front, and then stuffed the Underworld Stone into the Thunder Corpse Dragon's mouth.

"This is the underworld stone, which can strengthen your death attributes. This is the place of death, the place where the underworld has the strongest breath, and the best place for you to break through."

Chu Feng had high hopes for the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon in the later generations is known as one of the ten beasts in the last days. Every time it appears, it is a natural disaster, and every hunt is even more frightening for countless survivors.

Whether it is a human, a beast, or a zombie, as long as it is a place where the Thunder Corpse Dragon appears, it is an indelible shadow and the source of disaster.

But fortunately, the Thunder Corpse Dragons are not in groups, as long as they are full, they will not do much harm, and the disaster to humans is within a certain range.

The beasts that can lead the herd to cause beasts are the greatest natural enemies of mankind.

Therefore, if this power is used for himself, it will be one of Chu Feng's biggest trump cards, and it will also be his support in these last days.

The strength of the Dark Wolf King itself is not far from the nine kings of the last days, but because of the existence of the demon wolf, he has become one of the most difficult beings among the nine kings of the last days.

After the Thunder Corpse Dragon ate the underworld stone, the black death energy on his body began to surge.

Some strange purple patterns appeared on the surface of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, and a powerful aura burst out of the Thunder Corpse Dragon's body, causing it to continuously roll.

Seeing the painful look of Thunder Corpse Dragon, Chu Feng remained unmoved.

Because he knows that this is the only way to become a strong man.

He wants the Thunder Corpse Dragon to fight, not to be a pet, to satisfy his love, and find himself a spiritual sustenance.

If the Thunder Corpse Dragon can't even pass this level, what use does he want the Thunder Corpse Dragon to do?

"Level 5, in some powerful worlds, this realm is called the Dragon Transformation Realm. It is not because of reaching this realm, you can make your own vitality condense into a dragon shape, but because only reaching this realm can you have a carp leap. Longmen, the possibility of becoming a real dragon!"

Chu Feng patted the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon with more than a dozen Yuan Ju Yuan in a row, helping the Thunder Corpse Dragon complete this final evolution.

Blue lightning appeared on the surface of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, and the blue lightning gradually evolved toward purple.

The purple thunder is constantly in the thunder corpse dragon's body, and at the same time some disgusting black air currents form a kind of echo with a certain atmosphere of the outside world.

In Chu Feng's perception, countless breaths of death gathered around the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

However, when the breath of death gathered, some black clouds appeared in the sky.

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