Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 408: Thunder Tribulation

Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to the dark clouds gathering in the sky.

This is the disaster of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, and help from outsiders will only backfire.

"Fifth-level, transforming dragon realm, this is a very critical realm, and even affects the upper limit of future growth."

"But for intelligent life, there is no need to rush for success. The most important thing is to use your own wisdom to discover the mystery of the realm of the dragon, so for intelligent life, there is no such thing as laying a solid foundation in ancient books. , On the contrary, if you force it, it will become your own restraint."

"But the Thunder Corpse Dragon is not an intelligent life, but a monster with multiple attributes of monsters, zombies, dead creatures, and dark life."

"And what it lacks is wisdom."

From a human perspective, the top of the evolution of all life is to evolve in the direction of higher intelligence, but this is not the case.

There are many evolutionary paths in the natural world. The dinosaurs that have dominated the earth for hundreds of millions of years and have been the hegemons of the earth for hundreds of millions of years do not rely on wisdom.

Humans, who pride themselves on the spirit of all things, have dominated the earth for only 20,000 years.

Of course, it does not mean that the evolutionary path of wisdom is wrong, and even the upper limit of this path is higher, and wisdom can also be used to gain more power.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon doesn't have too much wisdom. Even if it grows to the highest level, the body possesses combat wisdom, not intelligence. This is its defect, but it is not a defect.

"Boss, what is this?"

"City Lord, the clouds in the sky are a little abnormal."

When the sky appeared abnormal, the members of the City of Dawn hurriedly reminded Chu Feng.

"Don't worry, everyone stay away."

Chu Feng waved his hand, and then added, "You organize an evacuation and let everyone leave the range of more than 1 km. Of course, if they want to stay forcibly, don't worry about it. After all, life is their own, you only Just do your duty to remind yourself."

Many people are born to like to stand up to others, like to work against others.

Although such people have died a lot now, some of them survived.

They always use the most malicious speculations to speculate on others, treating others' good intentions as donkey liver and lungs. If you really want to help them at all costs, they will hate you instead.

What are you, why do you help me aloft? Do you see us being pitiful, and then enjoy the sense of superiority?

It was the same when Chu Feng accompanied his younger sister to a nursing home for the disabled. The younger sister just wanted to show kindness, but the other party asked for money. The reason for asking for money was very absurd: you are not helping me, but I am helping you to meet. Your charity, so you have to give us money.

Xu Wei expressed their understanding and began to organize evacuation.

Soon, some dissatisfaction speech began to break into Chu Feng's ears:

"Why does he drive us away? Isn't this place his home?"

"Is the lord of the city of Dawn great? Isn't it just luck?"

"Bah! It's better to live in the Yuhuatai subsistence base. I don't have the power to do whatever I want. I have never bullied ordinary people."

"It will take a long time to see people's hearts! The City of Dawn was pretty good when it was still in the Dawn Alliance. Now that it has been renamed, it has revealed its nature."

Chu Feng didn't care about these people's remarks either. After all, they had just killed the zombies right away, and everyone had a certain gain. Now they are suddenly driven away, of course, they will be dissatisfied.

If it is really hostile, it is really not that level.

After all, his strength lies here, which can eliminate most of the hostility.

If because of their complaints, they would directly kill them, and Chu Feng would not be able to do it.

His cruelty is aimed at the enemy, not at ordinary people.

The evacuation work went smoothly. After removing the crystal nucleus, most people left the range of 1 kilometer, and a small number of people were picking and choosing on the corpses of zombies, wanting to see if they could have special gains.

But seeing most people choose to leave, they can only leave reluctantly.

After the crowd evacuated, the demonic energy in the Thunder Corpse Dragon became stronger.


A white lightning fell from the sky, almost in an instant, it fell on the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon twitched and forcibly received the lightning.

But the second and third lightning flashes came down one after another, hitting the black snake one after another.

Seeing this scene, everyone was in an uproar.

"what is this?"

"It's no wonder that we are leaving the city. Is this going to overcome the catastrophe?"

"Unexpectedly, we could actually see the scene of crossing the robbery."

Seeing this rare wonder, everyone talked about it.

No matter what kind of desperate situation, there are always people who can remain optimistic, can see this spectacle, and have one more topic in the chat.

But what they don't know is that this is not actually a catastrophe.

In addition to its own race attributes, the Thunder Corpse Dragon also has the attributes of lightning. If you don't want the attributes of lightning to be obliterated by other attributes, then you must gather Thunder.

The Land of Death has a strong breath of death, and evolution and transformation here have unique advantages, but if the attributes of death are too strong, then the lightning attributes of the Thunder Corpse Dragon may be covered.

Therefore, the instinct of life made the Thunder Corpse Dragon begin to strengthen its lightning power.

In addition, when the demon beast breaks through the Dragon Transformation realm, it will have a close fit with the heaven and earth vitality during this process, so it attracts the vitality of thunder and lightning.

So these upcoming thunders are not just the thunders of nature.

The most is the thunder and lightning formed by vitality.

More and more thunder and lightning descended from the sky, and the Thunder Corpse Dragon soon became flared.

The crowd onlookers couldn't bear to see the miserable appearance of the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

Of course, this unbearableness is also human instinct, and they would not go to protect the Thunder Corpse Dragon for this.

"Chu Feng, let us help out for treatment?"

Wang Xinran came to Chu Feng's side to ask for instructions.

If it is necessary to resist the Thunder, then Chu Feng will naturally take the shot, and it will not be anyone else's turn to take the shot.

But not resisting thunder robbery does not mean that it cannot be treated.

"No, most of the healing methods are useless to it. Your healing methods are of the wood type, but the Thunder Corpse Dragon has death attributes."

Chu Feng shook his head.

Thunder Corpse Dragon has strong vitality, as long as it is not completely dead, even if there is only one head left, it can be resurrected.

But while possessing strong vitality, he rejected most of the treatment methods.

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