January 25, 2021.

"Has it been nearly two months in a blink of an eye?"

Chu Feng hadn't paid attention to the date for a long time, and now it was the fifth day after he had subdued Su Yuan. After paying attention to the date, he found that the time had been almost two months.

The end times broke out on December 1, and now 55 days have passed.

In the past few days, his relationship with Su Yuan has been semi-public, and the forces of the two have almost merged together.

However, it takes a certain amount of courage to directly follow Chu Feng.

No way, although the benefits are many, the dangers are also too great.

His direct line and Su Yuan's supernatural powers have been going out for experience these days, beheading many mutated beasts and powerful zombies, and even eliminated two small groups of zombies.

The military's encirclement and suppression of the Demon Capital has also come to an end. Most of the Demon Capital's methods have been defeated, and the remaining zombies pose very limited threats to those survivors.

It's not that the army doesn't want to continue the encirclement and suppression, but if it continues to encircle and suppress, it will not only impose a great load on their weapons and firepower, but will also pose a severe challenge to their logistics.

So they are guiding some survivors to establish a survival base, and after giving them some weapons, so that they can find a way to survive, they begin to break into pieces and start new operations.

They have too many challenges to face, and they can't focus all their energy on the magic capital.

According to the information obtained by Chu Feng, more than 20,000 members of the army were injured in this battle, but more than 10,000 young people with enthusiasm who were rescued by them chose to join the army to fight these monsters to the end. It is to give your life.

For this loss, Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The regular army in the southern capital is only less than 500,000. When the end of the world came, the early rescue operations caused huge losses to them. Even if some veterans were recruited and returned to the army, their total number was only 30. Million.

Now the more people they retain, the safer the Sanjiang area will be.

No matter when, the army will always be a force that cannot be underestimated.

These days he went to collect some Chiyan Fine Gold and Youlan Demon Gold, then forged some weapons, and gave some weapons as rewards to those with better performance.

He also took a look at the Stone Man he had conquered. The Stone Man had reached Tier 4, but the underground veins had not yet formed a race.

Chu Feng was not in a hurry. He would also give the Stone Man a chance to transform before he reached the fifth rank.

Although the growth potential of the Golem is not as good as the Thunder Corpse Dragon, it also has its own uses.

At the very least, it can help him guard the mineral veins, leaving it to excavate when it becomes stronger in the future.

His Yuanfu space has also become more complete, and some crops have begun to be harvested in the farmland inside, which gives Chu Feng enough food reserves and gives him more confidence in future plans.

If he wants to really hold up a piece of sky in the last days, he has to do more preparations.

The population of the City of Dawn has reached 150,000, but the trend of expansion has stopped, and the permanent population has begun to decrease and the floating population has increased.

Because the population that can be supported by a region is inherently limited, the principle of the City of Dawn is that everything must be exchanged for equal value through their own labor. After the precious materials at close range are collected, those who want more things, Can only go farther to collect.

The increasing number of Tier 5 abilities in various places has also prompted the birth of many survival bases. What the military can do is to distribute some facilities for sending telegrams to each survival base. If they are in danger, they can send them nearby. The survival base or the army for help.

Most of the survival bases agree with this kind of mutual benefit.

But there are also some survival bases that are taking the road of isolation, but as their materials are exhausted, it will be a matter of time before they fall apart.

This also prompted the emergence of many powerful Demon Hunter teams.

Some powerful teams are now directly relying on hunting zombies for their livelihoods, and then in the City of Dawn in exchange for everything they want, including women.

Don't get me wrong, the City of Dawn does not trade in humans.

It's just that some women themselves pin their hope of survival on men. As long as these women are given some protection, they can be allowed to do anything.

If this kind of thing is prevented from happening, it is for these women to die.

So what Chu Feng can do is prevent all forced things from happening.

For those who dare to force women within the scope of the City of Dawn, Chu Feng has always killed without mercy, but if you are willing, then he will not pursue everything.

Even if it is deceived.

Of course, for Chu Feng, what he felt gratified here was the change of his younger sister.

Although Chu Xiaorou still didn't give up the naive idea of ​​becoming the savior, she became mature in the process of being the captain of the security team, and it was considered popular.

After all, with Chu Feng's prestige, most people will still be honest.

But what made Chu Feng a headache was that his sister still didn't give up and posted Gu Nanfei's bastard, which made Chu Feng almost go to Gu Nanfei to settle accounts several times.

When he was even more angry, Gu Nanfei actually treated his sister as if it were not.

This is his sister of Chu Feng. In Chu Feng's expectation, only others will pursue his own sister, but the share that cannot be pursued, where is his own sister posted upside down, and has not yet posted the share!

What made Chu Feng feel more powerless was that Gu Nanfei's life was saved by himself.

So sometimes he couldn't help thinking, did he save the wrong person?

If he had known this guy to seduce his sister, he shouldn't have let him survive.

Of course, he just thinks about it.

Without mentioning the righteousness of the nation, even if Gu Nanfei helped him in his previous life, he still had to repay this favor. What's more, although this guy was a little colder, he didn't bother.

At this point, he is much better than himself.

Taking into account the younger sister's character, Chu Feng decided to go with the flow.

Now his main focus is on one very important thing, that is, the construction of the Knight Order, which is what he has been thinking about during this period of time.

He has made a lot of preparations for this, and he is fully armed with those who are going to hell.

Although this industry may still be a bit dangerous, it is impossible to live in this world without being willing to take any risks.

Looking at the team that was gathering under the observation tower, he glanced at Zhang Ziqing, who was asleep, and Chu Feng looked to the north.

There are enemies he must kill in that place.

He didn't have the idea that all grievances would be wiped out after rebirth. Even if he really had such a belly, as long as he continued to grow, he would definitely become that person's enemy.

"Chu Feng, the team has been assembled."

Su Yuan and Su Yuyan came behind him.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Then, get ready to go!"

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