Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 413: Last regret

"Before I set off, I have one more thing to say."

Su Yuan said with some embarrassment, "In the originally scheduled team, more than 17 people can't come and cannot participate in this operation."

Chu Feng frowned, "I just said that there is no way to come. Why don't you tell me in advance? Don't you know that this will have a big impact on your actions?"

It's like you don't want to join the army, but if you join the army, don't be a deserter.

Although his subordinates are not regular troops, at least the chance should be there.

If you are afraid, you can choose to quit at the beginning. Chu Feng will also arrange positions for them because they have followed themselves.

But it was too much to propose to withdraw until the danger came.

The impact on the overall team is one thing, but this nature is too bad.

Looking at Chu Feng, who was constantly brewing murderous intent, Su Yuan quickly explained: "You misunderstood, it's not that they wanted to quit, but after we rebuilt the hospital, I performed a physical examination on everyone before the expedition. Seventeen people were found to be pregnant."

"Huh?" Chu Feng's murderous aura disappeared instantly, and there was some dumbfounded eyes.

Su Yuyan explained: "Everyone is under a lot of pressure to survive now. It is normal to find a way to relieve the pressure, and not everyone is aware of contraception. There are many women in your team, and these women want to be independent. Self-improvement, but this does not prevent them from having fun."

Chu Feng: "..."

This incident really exceeded his expectations.

He knows that it is very dangerous for a woman to become pregnant in this unstable time, so he has always paid attention to this and has always been very careful.

But caution is a precious quality because it is rare.

Many women joined Chu Feng's team because they didn't want to become playthings, and wanted to find a path of independence and self-reliance like Ye Xiaohui.

However, the huge pressure of life and the pressure of the enemy, so that they also need to find a way to vent.

As a result, such an embarrassing situation was created.

"Do you have any suggestions?"

Chu Feng rubbed his eyebrows painfully, and he somewhat understood why no matter what era, female soldiers were so rare.

On the one hand, women are weaker than men; on the other hand, they are troublesome.

For example, the embarrassing situation encountered today.

"Although many living facilities in the City of Dawn have become perfect, not everyone is aware of this aspect of contraception."

Su Yuan said seriously, "Moreover, during my investigation, I found that many people want a child after their lives have settled down a little bit. As their hope in the dark life of the last days, even if they know that this child may not be able to support it. , But at least, they can have a hope."

There is hope, this is a very important thing for many people.

The reason why many people are desperate in life is not because of too much pressure, but because under the premise of great pressure, they do not see the hope of solving the pressure.

It didn't matter when it was turbulent at the beginning, but now the development of the City of Dawn has been on the right track, which has caused many people to have the idea of ​​having children.

"Even if I can't live anymore, at least one child is there."

As for letting them consider how to raise their children, how to give them a good environment, and how to let them live in this crisis-ridden world.

This is a bit difficult.

Even in peaceful times, not everyone is qualified to be a parent.

Many people now regard their children as spiritual sustenance, which is even more troublesome.

"Am I also to blame for this?"

Chu Feng gave a wry smile, feeling a little ridiculous.

In the future, he has seen many tragedies in which the ability to move due to pregnancy has been weakened, and in the end, a corpse and two lives, and many children are too fragile, even if they are born, they are easily exposed to external pollution and it is difficult to successfully support them. Only those who really have the ability to stand on their feet have the confidence to raise children.

When the climate deteriorates further and a greater disaster strikes, the human tragedy will further ferment and even turn into purgatory.

Even Chu Feng must be cautious in such matters.

However, Chu Feng had counted everything and finally got the City of Dawn on the right track, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Forget it, let all the female and male soldiers separate."

Chu Feng waved his hand weakly, "When recruiting members of the Knights in the future, review all the women and don't let this happen again."

This time the miscalculation made Chu Feng feel deeply powerless, and even compared to those powerful enemies, it made Chu Feng a headache even more than thousands of zombies.

Nima, what is this called?

And he can predict that when these women start to give birth, maybe things will become bigger, and then more things will come out.

"It's really troublesome. The thing I regret most is the creation of the City of Dawn."

Thinking of the troubles he might face in the future, Chu Feng felt a chill.

If he doesn't know this kind of thing, he can still be out of sight and out of mind.

But since he knew this kind of thing now, he could never ignore it.

At this time, he suddenly thought of Gu Nanfei: "Gu Nanfei, he seems to have been preparing for this from the beginning, and that's right. Although he is not a rebirth, he can't anticipate the enemy's first opportunity, but if he only performs in one aspect If you predict, you can still do it."

Because of the pregnancy incident, the departure time was postponed by one day.

During this day, Chu Feng directly eliminated many female members.

And Su Yuan is starting to consider a brand-new system so that pregnant women can also play their value during pregnancy.

It is not that she is cruel, but that although the city of Dawn is rich in resources, it cannot be wasted on those pregnant women in vain, unless of course their men take care of them.

Fortunately, people’s physical fitness has improved to a certain extent. Most women will not affect their actions even if they are pregnant. It is only due to moral and various considerations that they are not allowed to directly participate in the area. Of war.

It may not be enough to let them fight, but if they do some farm work, their physical fitness won't be a big problem.

Early the next morning, Chu Feng's core knight group regrouped.

It's just a rush, and then decline, Chu Feng no longer has the spirit of the first assembly, but he feels a little helpless.

Zhang Ziqing, who had been preparing for a long time, also slowly released the seal of the gate of **** in his body under the guidance of Chu Feng.

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