Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 415: Knights of Hell

"So hot! So hot!"

"Is there water?"

"Cool down!"

"Endure, this little harm is nothing to us."

After entering the hell, a group of more than three hundred people originally wanted to kill the Quartet, and then struggled to show their own demeanor, but they did not expect that they would be taught to behave as soon as they entered the gate of hell.

A faint blue flame was burning not far away, which allowed them to quickly recognize the true identity of these flames, who had dealt with a lot of supernatural powers.

Hell industry fire.

Even if these **** fires didn't directly burn on them, it still made them feel very troublesome. The heat wave rushing towards their faces made them have the urge to take off their armor.

In the raging **** fire, some ghost-like things were wailing bitterly, as if they were suffering some unbearable torture.

"Is this hell?"

After seeing the environment of hell, the prepared knights were filled with shock in their eyes.

Do the creatures of **** live in such an environment?

"You guys, is it my food?"

A huge shadow enveloped them, and then they saw a huge three-headed monster, drooling, as if looking at their lunch.

"what is this?"

"Want to run?"

"Fart, this is the preparation of the city lord!"

"The city lord is here."

Because of the pre-rehearsal, Chu Feng did not arrive too late compared to the members of the Knights.

However, even those who have seen the three-headed dog of the **** are shocked by the huge breath of the three-headed dog.

"I originally thought that I had reached Tier 5 and could be regarded as a strong one, but now I understand that the path of the strong one has just begun."

Li Xiao couldn't help but sighed.

He forcibly raised to the fifth rank under the pile of huge resources.

However, in front of the three-headed dog in hell, he still felt like an ant.

After the members of the prepared knights felt the huge breath of the three-headed dog in hell, in addition to the pressure, they also had a sense of pride in their hearts.

"Even if it is such a powerful monster, it is only the pet of the city lord. One day we can become such a powerful existence."

They still don't know the difficulty of implementing this sentence, but this does not prevent them. With this sentence as the goal, they continue to forge ahead.

Lu Ming's eyes flashed with a strange brilliance: "I want to have such a pet too."

In their eyes, even a powerful existence like the Three-Headed Hell Dog is just a pet.

Thinking that their city lord was able to persuade the terrifying existence of such a monster, their hearts were even more full of pride, and they had more confidence in their future.

But Wang Xinran, who saw the three-headed dog of **** for the first time, was so scared that his face was pale, and he hid directly behind Chu Feng, shaking Chu Feng's back.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you."

Chu Feng smiled and comforted Wang Xinran, and then walked to the three-headed dog of hell, "My current strength has been greatly improved, and I can help you restore more strength."

The last time he just touched the blood power in the three-headed dog of hell, he felt dizzy for a while.

And now he has condensed the seeds of supernatural powers, and after a period of training, he is many times stronger than the previous time, and he has the confidence to suppress more curses.

The three-headed dog in **** said: "Our family has been waiting for a long time, and we are not in a hurry. We just help me. It is not very helpful to the race. So the most important thing now is to improve you as much as possible. Only in this way can we provide better help."

This is not its idea, but the idea of ​​a powerful existence in the ethnic group.

Last time it had wanted to directly regain a part of the territory. Although Chu Feng's persuasion also played a certain role, the elders of the three-headed dog family in the **** were even more effective.

If Chu Feng could not grow up, no matter how much they regained, they would lose.

If Chu Feng can grow up, are they afraid that they won't be able to take back what belongs to them?

Chu Feng said: "Well, according to our previous agreement, the main battle will be your hellhound clan. Our legion will solve some of the resentful spirits of hell, but I will also help you. After the battle is over, The two-horned horse clan and the Moncry horse clan in the territory you have collected have to sign a contract with us."

The three-headed dog in **** said: "No problem, but you have to sign a contract with these two races and let them become your mounts. You also have to take the responsibility of protecting them so that they will not be annihilated."

Chu Feng said: "This is what it should be."

This is the rule of hell. Since you want to use the power of hell, you have to pay.

Although the double wildebeest is not a powerful race, it is also a member of hell.

A large number of **** two-headed dogs and ordinary **** dogs appeared behind the three-headed **** dogs, forming a mighty army, ready to set off to the target.

Expeditions and marches in **** are not as troublesome as on earth, as long as the people are there, they can set off immediately, without considering equipment and logistics.

Just as Chu Feng was about to summon the members, Su Yuyan suddenly said, "Don't you plan to give your reserve knights a name? A real legion must have a number, and this number will be the legion’s. soul."

Hearing Su Yuyan's words, the members of the preparatory knights all looked at Chu Feng with blazing eyes.

Let them have an official designation, then they are the real legion.

When a real legion takes shape, the soul of the army will gradually be shaped.

Lu Ming suggested: "Just call it the Knights of Dawn. Anyway, this is the Knights of the City of Dawn. In the future, it will shoulder the responsibility of defending the City of Dawn."

Everyone felt that this idea seemed very good.

If they can go back, they will definitely become the main force in the city of dawn.

If they were called the Knights of Dawn, they could also bear this title.

However, they always feel that something is missing.

Su Yuan is already forming a legion, and she intends to make a regular army appear in the city of dawn, or an army that surpasses the regular army, and this army is bound to be called the dawn legion.

They always have an idea in their hearts, that is to distinguish them from those legions.

To distinguish them does not mean division, but to symbolize their unique status. When they mention their number, they will feel a sense of pride in their hearts.

Seeing everyone's hesitation with expectant eyes, Chu Feng had an idea in his heart.

"Everyone came to **** from the world, and we want to return to the world again after gaining strength here. Since we can shuttle between **** and the world, then our name is simply—"

Chu Feng's sharp gaze swept everyone's eyes:

"Hell Knights!"

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