Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 416: Species invasion

The serial number is a very important thing for a unit.

If there is no name and number, no matter how powerful you are, you will always be a miscellaneous army, a straggler.

But after having the designation, it began to condense into a whole.

Although it is just a name, an illusory name, it can make many people fight for this name and die in order to defend the dignity of this name.

Throughout the ages, it has been the case.

Chu Feng didn’t think about these things at first, or didn’t pay much attention to them. It was because he was used to being alone. Even if he waved his hands, there would not be too many people around him.

Now that Su Yuyan reminded him, he just asked for a name.

"Hell Knights!"

"We are the Knights of Hell!"

"Wow! We are a unique **** knight order, a knight order that travels through **** and the world."

After having a unique name, the members of the Hell Knights were extremely excited, and an indescribable sense of glory sprouted in their hearts.

Wei Pojun felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This is the prototype of glory.

"Hell Knights, fight with me!"

Following Chu Feng's order, the members of the Hell Knights were morale.

Thousands of hellhounds appeared under the leadership of the three hellhounds, and there were also various creatures that could not be named, and even some humanoid beings.

These are the army of the three-headed dogs of hell.

On the way forward, they constantly encountered various decomposing creatures. These creatures passed through the **** karmic fire. Although their bodies were constantly burned by the **** karmic fire, they even made screams, but they did not go too far. Serious injury.

These creatures rushed to the Hellhound without fear of death, and then were torn to pieces.

However, these creatures seem to be not afraid of death, and still go forward.

Under the huge number, some of the hellhounds soon got scarred.

Lu Ming wondered: "Why does Hellhound have to fight melee?"

"Otherwise? Do you want to use **** karma?"

Zhao Fan pointed at the flames with a solemn expression, "Hell is full of **** karmic fires everywhere, although not every inch of the corner, but the appearance and disappearance of **** karmic fires are irregular, and any creatures living here will inevitably suffer from hell. The burning of karma."

Hearing what Zhao Fan said, Li Xiao's hearts sank.

The hellhound family, the most powerful place is to be able to huff the **** karma fire, but these creatures themselves are not afraid of the **** karma fire, even if they use skills, the damage is limited.

Chu Feng explained loudly: "These are the bottom-level creatures of hell, ghouls and ghost corpses. They don't have too much power, but they have a certain resistance to the fire of hell. Don't be afraid. Our strength is completely sufficient. Deal with these monsters."

"Let me try!"

Wei Pojun took the lead and smashed a half-rotted monster with an axe. Under his great axe, the monster quickly turned into two halves.

"Don't be afraid, these monsters are very weak!"

Wei Pojun shouted excitedly.

Everyone's cheeks are a little twitching, are they weak if they can't beat you?

Wei Pojun is still very famous, especially because he is a pure warrior.

In addition to ancient warriors, he represents the pinnacle of warriors.

Moreover, he has natural divine power, and the same power is capable of exerting several times the effect of others, plus a weapon specially built for him by Chu Feng. The attack power is already close to Tier 5.

However, some people still mustered the courage to fight these monsters.

They soon discovered that these monsters actually had to do more than zombies.

"So these monsters are really weak."

"Don't be proud of everyone, this is because we have very strong weapons."

"Yes, the weapons in our hands are comparable to Tier 4."

"Be careful, don't be attacked."

A soldier was scratched by a ghoul, but Wang Xinran quickly took action and rescued the soldier.

Although her attack power is weak, she has a good body.

"Ah! What is this?"

The soldier yelled sorrowfully, and he found that his scratched arm was decayed continuously, and it was spreading towards the body.

"Quickly, cut off this hand for me!" the soldier shouted in pain.

His pain came not only from the pain in his arm, but also from the impact of losing an arm on his combat effectiveness.

Unexpectedly, when I just entered hell, I encountered such a thing.

"I think it should not be there yet."

The green light in Wang Xinran's hand pressed against the soldier's body, and the black aura quickly disappeared, "My ability seems to be very restrained against this toxin."

The members of the Knights saw Wang Xinran's move, and their morale immediately rose.

If only being injured is life-threatening, then their battle will become very difficult.

But if they can be saved, the price they need to bear is much lower.

"Don't be careless, Wang Xinran has only one person, not many people can be saved."

Chu Feng shouted loudly, "Our task is to help the Hellhounds eliminate these monsters and let the Hellhounds fight wholeheartedly, but we must protect ourselves when fighting, because this is a protracted battle. "


The members of the Hell Knights responded.

Su Yuyan thoughtfully: "It sounds like we are more able to restrain the creatures of hell?"

It is said that such a fighting environment is a kind of weakening to humans, but as long as they can pay attention to avoiding the fire of hell, humans can cause more damage to these low-level monsters.

In this way, the monsters, humans and hellhounds at the bottom form a triangular circle.

"Yes, and it can also be explained by species invasion."

Chu Feng said, "The creatures living in **** are more or less immune to the **** karmic fire, but the **** karmic fire is also very harmful to the real world, but if people in the real world do not rely on In the case of **** karmic fire, then the low-level creatures that are immune to **** karmic fire are more likely to be restrained by humans."

The creatures in **** originally formed a cycle, or another special ecological structure.

But although human beings do not use this kind of ecological structure, they do not need to be restrained by ecology, so the **** dog is even more powerful and hurts **** creatures.

With the move of the Hell Knights, the pressure on the Hellhounds is greatly reduced.

After fighting in this way for 10 minutes, some of the **** fires trampled by the shadows surrounded them in their direction.

Seeing these dark shadows, the three-headed **** dog let out a roar:

"Come up to death! You traitors!"

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