Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 421: Family contract

For these **** creatures, Chu Feng is optimistic about two kinds.

"The **** double wildebeest was born at Tier 3 and grew up at Tier 4, with a gentle temperament. Both speed and endurance are among the top of the **** creatures. The fighting is mainly based on the double horns on the head, but the strength is not strong. It belongs to the bottom of the fourth-order existence."

This is the data of the Hell Double Wildebeest, but the temperament in the data is gentle, according to the standards of hell.

In hell, knowing how to bow your head to the strong is already a gentle temperament.

It's not that other creatures won't bow their heads to the strong, but most of the **** creatures have to be beaten severely before they know how to bow their heads.

And to subdue the double wildebeest, you only need to rely on a strong breath.


A strong killing intent erupted from Chu Feng's body. Under the influence of God's might, his murderous aura almost materialized. In addition, he had just carried out a killing, which made the double wildebeests tremble, almost afraid to resist. He directly lowered his head to Chu Feng.

Facing the surrender of the double wildebeest, Chu Feng did not have any surprises.

The double wildebeest originally belonged to the low-level creatures in the hell. With such a weak power, if you didn't know how to bow your head to the strong, you would have been annihilated long ago.

And the greatest value of the double wildebeest family is as a mount.

The double wildebeest has strong endurance and fast speed, and it is definitely a weapon of war with the charge of the cavalry.

Moreover, although their attack power is weak and their attack method is single, their defense power is still very good, so there is no need to worry about being chopped off.

The reason why many forces on earth cannot form a knight order is also because there is no good mount.

If the mount is too weak and consumes a lot of fodder for rearing, but it is consumed as a consumable in a war, how do they accept such a price-performance ratio?

Feeling the fierce murderous aura on Chu Feng, even Ye Xiaohui and Su Yuyan felt a panic.

Why is there such a powerful murderous in Chu Feng? And this almost substantive murderous aura must have been caught by the blood of countless enemies on his hands.

How many people did he kill?

Xu Wei and the three people felt a tremor of heart.

They somewhat understood why Chu Feng never cared about the loyalty of the people around him, because in the face of such power, no matter who is loyal or not, who would dare to betray?

Since Chu Feng's strength reached Tier 4, he had never seen Chu Feng's upper limit at all.

The strength of Chu Feng's display depends entirely on his opponent.

"Double wildebeest family, give your loyalty!"

Chu Feng took out a long spear that was shining with cold light. This was the knight's spear that he had confiscated from the knight of the underworld, but the knight's spear added new functions to him.

The knight’s spear is covered with dense runes and possesses inexplicable power.

"The racial contract is indeed the master's true biography!"

Although Chu Feng's three-headed dog clan had already confirmed Chu Feng's identity when Chu Feng showed the power to echo the seal, they were still surprised when Chu Feng showed such a method.

They know the boundless power of the master, so they sometimes wonder how much power the successor of this master can inherit from the master.

Just now Chu Feng's performance was approved by them, but when they saw the race contract, they still burst into tears.

Even such a complicated method is mastered, which means that this little master is really possible to inherit the power of the master.

Chu Feng said loudly: "I have added this knight's gun to the power of the contract of the alien race. Everyone can drop a drop of blood on it and record their own breath of life. From then on, they have become my servants for me. Fight with the soldiers under my command."

Under Chu Feng's murderous aura, the two-horned horses lined up one by one, leaving their blood as proof of their loyalty.

Similar methods are common in **** and even the entire underworld.

The foundation of those summoning spells is actually a family contract.

The strong among humans forcibly sign contracts with these creatures, and then summon them when certain conditions are met. This is the essence of summoning.

The essence of Lu Ming's dark summoning technique is to borrow the power of a certain existing contract.

Chu Feng was also very satisfied with the current affairs of the double-horned horse clan.

Then, he said to the three-headed dog in hell: "This knight's gun will be handed over to you to help me keep it, and by the way, please help me conquer more double wildebeests."

Although the double wildebeest itself is good at saving lives, it will not easily become a consumable on the battlefield, but for Chu Feng, the number of double wildebeests is not too large.

Even as cannon fodder is good.

The contractual relationship between the two parties is witnessed by this knight's gun. As long as the knight's gun is not damaged, the master-servant relationship between the two parties will always exist.

Moreover, Chu Feng has a special method that allows his soldiers to use the summoning contract to summon the double wildebeest family as his mounts.

Of course, the degree of cooperation between the two sides needs to be trained slowly.

"one little thing."

The three-headed dog of **** calmly agreed, and told Chu Feng another news, "The master once left the book of contract here. When your strength becomes stronger, you may also be able to control the book of contract. Strength, in this case, all creatures in this territory can become your servants."

The book of contract?

Chu Feng's mind was moved, such a method was recorded in ancient books.

The Knight's Spear is actually a form of the Book of Contract.

Only because of his lack of background, he can only use a gun as a medium.

If the original owner of the ancient book also left a book of contract here, then as his inheritor, he should be able to use the power of the book of contract.

This can be seen from the fact that the inheritance mark of the three-headed dog family of **** fell in his own soul.

It's just that controlling such a large range of the contract book is not a joke on the load of the soul, so the three-headed dog of **** did not let Chu Feng control the power of the contract book now.

After the double-horned horse clan surrendered, Chu Feng's gaze fell on a group of black one-horned horses.

"Hell Dream Horse, a young man is a fifth-tier, at least a fifth-tier adult, ferocious and cruel, likes to devour the heart of prey, fast as lightning, can walk on water, will surrender to existence stronger than oneself, but will not The only contract that is easy to offer absolute loyalty and acceptability is the equality contract.

Even if you have controlled the existence of the contract and want to let the Hell Dream Horse fight for yourself and ride on the back of the Hell Dream Horse, you also need to defeat the Dream Horse alone and make it yield to yourself. "

The Hell Dreamy Horse is not as bully as the Hell Double Wildebeest.

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