Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 422: Are you rejecting me?

"Little master, the Hell Dream Horse clan will not give in easily."

The three-headed **** dog saw that Chu Feng's gaze was looking at the Hell Nightmare Horse Clan, and he quickly reminded, "If the owner just wants them to be the owner's mount, this is very simple, but if the owner wants to build a knight order, like a double horn It is very difficult to sign a family contract like a horse."

It was very simple to conquer a **** nightmare horse with Chu Feng's strength.

After all, Chu Feng's strength lies here. The Hell Nightmare Horse has a cruel temperament, which does not mean that he does not know how to bow his head, but only bows his head to the strong.

However, it is a bit difficult to sign a family contract.

Looking at the more than 80 **** dream horses on the grassland, Chu Feng's eyes were also eager.

If you can get the allegiance of the Hell Dream Horse, even if it is an equal contract, it is also a powerful force.

However, there was regret in the eager eyes.

The three-headed Hell Dream Horse walked out of the race, and said: "Humans, if you want our recognition, then show your strength! The three-headed Hell dog family can make us succumb with strength. , But there is no way we can give in to the weak."

The **** creatures at level 6 are all fluent in language.

Even if they do not speak human language, they will be translated into human words after being expressed in their own language.

Their words are also easy to understand. What we succumb to is the power of the three-headed dog family, not your power. If you want to use us as a mount, then use your fist to speak.

Chu Feng took a few steps forward, and said with a dissatisfied look: "There are only more than eighty heads, is your number so small?"

The Hell Three-headed Dog explained: "Of course not so few. These are representatives of the Hell Nightmare Horse Clan. If you can't defeat them and choose the weaker of the Hell Nightmare Horse Clan to defeat, you will not be able to get their recognition.

In order to suppress the growth of the Hell Nightmare family, the Hell Corpse Dogs often hunted adult dream horses. Therefore, the rest of their family are weak or young. "

The Hell Dream Horse clan is also strong and weak.

If the Hell Nightmare Horse Race is allowed to develop healthily, then the Hell Corpse Dog Race cannot be suppressed at all.

Therefore, in order to prevent the Hell Dream Horse Clan from threatening their status, the Hell Corpse Dog Clan often hunts them and suppresses their growth.

Chu Feng nodded, "In other words, you can sign a group contract on behalf of the entire group, right!"

A dreamy horse with a red unicorn furiously said: "If you want our family to surrender like double-horned horses, then you should dispel this delusion! We would rather die than become servants. Become a fighting partner for a stronger existence than us."

Chu Feng expressed his understanding of the persistence of the Hell Dream Horse.

Even the Knights of Destruction in the hell, the knights led by a **** lord, are just an equal contract signed with the Hell Dream Horse clan.

This equality contract is not equality of status, but equality of obligations.

And the three-headed **** dog lay not far away, watching this good show.

Since he is the inheritor of the master, he shouldn't even be able to solve this little scene.

"I am willing to sign an equality contract with you, and it is a family contract."

Chu Feng said loudly, "However, the contractor can summon the Hell Nightmare Horse to fight for himself, but the summoner must have the power to defeat the Nightmare Horse. While we summon the Nightmare Clan to fight for themselves, we have the obligation to guarantee The proliferation and continuation of the Dream Horse clan, otherwise, we will be punished by the **** contract."

This is the contract signed between the legendary Knights of Destruction and the Hell Dream Horse clan.

The so-called equality contract can fight side by side with the **** nightmare horse and ride on the **** nightmare horse, but it is not allowed to kill the nightmare horse deliberately or betray a partner.

If you encounter an irresistible enemy, you can use the Hell Dream Horse as a sacrifice after the break, but you cannot use the Hell Dream Horse as a bait to attract the enemy.

If this branch of the Hell Nightmare Horse is annihilated, then all humans who signed the contract will suffer soul trauma, ranging from a decline in their cultivation base, severe injury and vomiting blood, permanent stagnation in strength, unable to continue to improve, and severe indiscretions on the spot and fall on the spot.

This is why the three-headed **** dog will say that the so-called equality contract is actually an alternative master-servant contract.

As long as the continuation of the Hell Nightmare Horse Clan can be guaranteed, then the Nightmare Horse Clan can be easily used as cannon fodder.

Moreover, the initiative in combat is not in the hands of the Meng Dima, but in the hands of humans.

"Human, you don't seem to understand us."

The dreamy horse with a red one-horned head looked at Chu Feng with unkind eyes, "We only surrender to those who defeated us personally. Even if those who defeated us want us to surrender to other existences, it is impossible. Take you away. Conditions! Even if it is an equality contract, you are not qualified to sign it."

With that said, the breath of the Hell Dream Horse clan suddenly skyrocketed, forming a powerful ocean of pressure, and the heavy pressure made the members of the Hell Knights feel that their breathing was about to stagnate.

Ye Xiaohui reached out to hold the hilt of the sword, and was about to draw the sword, but was held down by Su Yuyan.

"Don't worry, trust Chu Feng!"

Although Su Yuyan's eyes were worried, but more, they were powerless.

She believed that Chu Feng, since he had to face such a situation, he must have enough confidence to solve it.

However, she couldn't think of Chu Feng's way.

"Could it be that for him, I am a person who can replace?" She felt a little sad.

Tao Jinghua looked at these dreamy horses and swallowed: "This is the existence of more than eighty fifth-tiers! There are three sixth-tiers. Boss, is this playing with fire?"

He could see that the three-headed **** dog did not intend to directly intervene in this matter.

After all, this involves the pride of the Territorial Dream Horse clan, and the three-headed dogs of **** can only give Chu Feng a chance to surrender them.

If you want them to truly surrender, you still have to rely on Chu Feng himself.

The members of the Hell Knights were also close to suffocating.

The existence of Tier 5 is already regarded as a strong person on the earth. It is an existence that can establish a survival base. Even if it is the City of Dawn, there are not many masters of this level.

Now that so many Tier 5 existences release coercion at the same time, it is very difficult for them to move their fingers together, let alone fight with a knife.

Facing such a strong man, their City Lord Chu Feng actually wanted them to surrender?

How can this be done?

With the help of the power of the three-headed dog of hell, it is enough, but they have already shown that even if it is destroyed, they will not give in.

When they were out of breath suppressed by the pressure of the mountain, a frivolous and mocking voice broke the dull atmosphere:

"So, are you rejecting me?"

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