Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 425: Surprise

"Sorry, it's too strong."

There was some regret in Chu Feng's tone.

He really felt a little sorry, because this red unicorn was too strong.

Therefore, he has no way to keep his hands.

The sword qi storm just passed, more than 20 **** dream horses have died under his sword.

The Tier 6 Dream Horse is no exception.

Seeing the red unicorn in Chu Feng's hand, the two Tier 6 Mongoose horses were bent on their front legs and knelt down, expressing their surrender.

Seeing that the strongest members of the tribe all knelt down, and the rest of the mengma also knelt down.

In the confrontation that lasted just over ten seconds, one-third of the dream horse fell here, and the rest could only show surrender.

Those who really don't give in to any existence have either grown to the peak or eliminated by time.

It's a pity that the pride of the dream horse still has a bottom line.

Looking at the broken corpse of the Tier 6 Dream Horse, Chu Feng had regrets in his eyes, and then he used the Fire Expelling Talisman to summon the true fire of Samadhi and cremated it.

In hell, there is no need to pay attention to what to put into the soil for safety, after all, there are too many living creatures that survive on corpses, and cremation is the best burial.

Of course, he stayed with the red unicorn.

When fighting on horseback, the most suitable weapon is a spear.

Since there was no chance to subdue this red unicorn as his mount, Chu Feng had no choice but to use his unicorn as his horse weapon.

This can be regarded as respect for the dream horse.

Seeing the Dreamy Horse kneeling to the ground, the people in the City of Dawn twitched.

"No wonder, he never asks for loyalty."

Tian Jing muttered to herself.

In the face of such power, even if you are rebellious, do you really dare to betray?

The members of the Hell Knights were even more shocked. They asked themselves, if they were themselves, even a dreamy horse could not surrender.

Because the speed of the dream horse is too fast, their sprint speed even exceeds your reaction speed.

But with so many menacing horses, they were surrendered by Chu Fengsheng.

They even felt some of their legs feel weak.

Seeing this miraculous scene with his own eyes, Chu Feng has left an indelible impression in their hearts, it is like a towering mountain pressing on their hearts, once they Chu Feng has bad thoughts, this shadow It will stop their thoughts immediately.

"Is there still such a big gap between us?"

There was some bitterness in Su Yuyan's tone, and she suddenly had some doubts about her efforts.

She had anticipated that Chu Feng would directly surrender by fighting, but what she didn't expect was that Chu Feng would directly kill, until he surrendered.

Even the leader of the Mengma Ma, Chu Feng showed no mercy.

"As expected to be the descendant of the master!"

The three-headed dog of **** sighed with emotion.

It could tell that Chu Feng's speed was far inferior to that of Nightmare Horses, but he was able to smash a **** path in the siege of so many Nightmare Horses.

It is good at breaking through with strength and can't see the mystery of Chu Feng's battle. It can only sigh with emotion, really worthy of being the descendant of the master.

Since it is the descendant of the master, it is not surprising no matter what you do.

"You, who wants to be my mount?"

Chu Feng was not in a hurry to sign the soul contract, but with a scrutiny eye, he looked at the remaining two Tier 6 Mongoose horses, preparing to choose a mount.

Although he has already received two pets, plus he has subdued the Hellhound family, he still has no suitable mounts.

It's okay to ask him to ride a Hellhound, but the Hellhound's stamina is a bit poor, and if he adds a weight to his body, it will also affect his own agility, which is not the best mount.

Although the speed of the vehicle is good, it will be eliminated in the later stage.

In fact, what he liked more was the red one-horned horse, but if he didn't kill it, the monk horse clan couldn't surrender. Killing it would lose his best mount.

But this situation is also inevitable. If he can't show absolute power and show the power to defeat the entire race with his own power, the Monma Clan can't be loyal to him wholeheartedly, at most, it would sacrifice one or two people as him Servant.

It can be regarded as gains and losses!

"The great master actually has a better choice."

A Tier 6 Dream Horse said to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng raised his brows: "What is it?"

The two Hell Dream Horses glanced at each other, and then said to Chu Feng: "We hide the blood of a royal family in the Dream Horse branch in this territory. It’s just that we are too jealous, so our family has always been hiding. To prevent being victimized."

"Royal blood? You mean a purple-blooded BMW?"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

He did not expect that this time there would be unexpected joy.

"Our family's name for the royal family is Zidian." Sixth-order Menma Ma insisted.

Chu Feng didn't care about this little detail, but asked with interest: "You just gave me this important news?"

The royal family of the Mengma clan has a line of qualifications to attack the holy realm.

And if he can surrender a royal family, then when the royal family grows up and expands its territory in the future, it will continue to surrender more dream horses.

But the three-headed dog of **** has killing intent in his eyes.

These dreamy horses didn't tell it the news.

However, for the sake of the Monma Clan surrendering to Chu Feng, it also let them go.

"The Mengma clan is surrendered to the strong."

Tier 6 Menmare said frankly, "As long as we give our royal family time to grow, our king must become a strong one, so the momentary strength cannot prove anything, but the master has shown a truly peerless combat power, even if we My king grows up, I believe the master can match our king."

The surrender of the Dream Horse clan is not unconditional.

The first condition of surrender is the equality contract. This is the bottom line of the Monma clan. Even a high lord of **** who wanted to surrender the Monma clan had to accept this condition.

The second one is that you have to surrender at the peak of the Dream Horse clan.

If it is taking advantage of the emptiness to enter, or to surrender the dream horse while it has not grown up, then when the dream horse recovers its strength in its heyday, or grows up in the future, it may directly eat the master.

Of course, if you can still show the power to subdue the Dream Horse clan by then, that's another matter.

"I am very satisfied with your answer, then bring your royal blood!"

Chu Feng nodded and gave the order.

The Tier 6 Dream Horse gave some instructions to a few Dream Horses, and the few Dream Horses whizzed away.

At this moment, Su Yuyan suddenly came to Chu Feng's side.

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