Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 426: Su Yuyan's determination

"Ms. Su, what do you want to do?"

Chu Feng suddenly felt a strong murderous aura from Su Yuyan's body. Of course, this murderous aura was not aimed at himself, but at the dream horse.

"You just said that the nightmare horse clan has a rule, that is, you must defeat the nightmare horse by yourself to get the recognition of the nightmare horse, right?"

Su Yuyan's eyes were full of war spirits.

Even if the race contract is signed, what Chu Feng can do is to summon the Nightmare Horse and make the Nightmare Horse Clan obey his orders, but if he wants the Mengyan Horse Clan to obey the orders of others, they still need their own strength.

Chu Feng was startled, and quickly said, "Teacher Su, you are not familiar with the fighting methods of the Mengyoma clan. Don't mess around."

He just defeated the Dream Horse clan, which was also restrained.

The Yuan Ling Dao Body gave him a powerful ability to predict and react.

If he hadn't been able to accurately predict the movements of the Mondrian horse every time, he would have no way to defeat the Mondrian horse clan so easily.

A Tier 5 Dream Horse came out and called twice. The Tier 6 Dream Horse helped the translation and said: "Yes, if you want our recognition, then come and defeat me! Don't worry. You accidentally killed me during the battle, because if you can kill me, it also means that you have the ability to defeat other people."

Duels are the way to get the recognition of the dream horse, but they are not rigid.

Being able to defeat a nightmare, already means being able to defeat most Tier 5 nightmare.

Otherwise, should one of his mounts die, would he have to defeat one on the spot and exchange for another?

Or when facing an enemy like Chu Feng, neither of the two sides can keep their hands. Anyone who is defeated is already dead, so surrender!

"That's it."

Su Yuyan turned and walked a distance of 30 meters in one direction, drew his sword and pointed at the dream horse that was out of the queue, "Then come to fight!"

Tier 6 Nightmare Horse said: "You don't actually need to pull such a long distance before the duel, which will create an advantage for us. Learning to pull the distance when fighting is also a skill that the nightmare horse family must control."

The most powerful part of the dream horse is sprinting. If there is no sprinting, it is equivalent to an ordinary Tier 5 powerhouse. However, when fighting, not all enemies will give you a sprinting condition, so Learning to distance yourself is also a necessary skill for the dream horse.

Therefore, a fair duel environment should be within 5 meters of the distance between the two sides. If you can defeat the dream marathon before the distance, it is your own strength.

Su Yuyan shook her head, her tone full of firmness: "That's it!"

Seeing that Su Yuyan couldn't think about it, the Tier 5 Dream Horse was not polite.

If you fail because of a misjudgment of your own strength, it can only be regarded as self-defeating. Even if such a person does not die in a duel, he will die in a dangerous environment.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiao and the others were a little panicked: "Chu Feng, quickly persuade Teacher Su, how can she defeat it because the speed of the dream horse is so fast?"

Zhao Fan also nodded and said, "If I don’t give the Dream Horse a chance to sprint, I still have a certainty to defeat it, but when the distance is widened, as long as it is given a time to accelerate, its running speed is even It’s faster than I can release the abilities, and I can’t beat it at all.”

Other students hurriedly dissuaded: "Yes! Brother Feng, stop Teacher Su as soon as possible, this is simply looking for death!"

"This is a battle with no winning rate at all!"

They had all seen the sprint speed of the Hell Dream Horse just now, as long as they accelerated for a short distance, it would immediately turn into a black lightning.

Even with their current vision, it is difficult to see each other's actions clearly.

In such a combat environment, even if it is just hitting the opponent, it is a very difficult thing, let alone winning.

If you get hit by the opponent's single horn, you will probably die on the spot.

At this time, it is probably only Chu Feng who can persuade Su Yuyan not to die.

However, Chu Feng was just silent.

If he insists on dissuading, it is not impossible to stop this duel, but just now, he felt Su Yuyan's heart.

She is a very responsible person, and at the same time a proud person.

After seeing Chu Feng's startup just now, she was unwilling to become a burden on herself.

"let's start!"

Su Yuyan's sword pointed to the dream horse, and his eyes were full of determination.

Chu Feng had just used his own power to directly defeat the entire Mondima tribe, and even the patriarch of the Mondima clan fell under Chu Feng's sword.

With such a powerful force, does Chu Feng really need other people around him?

If he couldn't defeat even a Tier 5 Nightmare Horse, then he might not even be qualified to fight Chu Feng.

She is not reconciled to becoming a vase or becoming a vassal of a man, even if Chu Feng does not mind this, and her strength is already outstanding in front of most supernaturalists, but she herself is not. Satisfied, she also wants to be stronger.

Although it is not necessary to surpass Chu Feng, at least...

"At least, I am definitely not willing to be a dispensable person."

Su Yuyan's eyes were full of sword intent, and she felt as if she merged with the blood-drinking sword.

The dream horse began to sprint. After an acceleration of 10 meters, its body quickly turned into black lightning. People who can see the afterimages are considered to be good.

When the Dream Horse sprinted, everyone felt that their breathing was about to stop. If the blow was allowed to be implemented, Su Yuyan would be pierced by the one-horned horse on the spot.

"Dodge! You must avoid it!"

Everyone prayed silently in their hearts, as long as they avoid the most sharp move, then the strongest move of Hell Dream Horse will lose its power. In a one-on-one duel, this can already determine the outcome. Up.

And this is Su Yuyan's only chance to win.

However, seeing the black lightning dash towards Su Yuyan, but Su Yuyan showed no sign of dodge.

"Did you give up?" The speed of the Mengmama is not slowing down. It wants to deal with this person who does not know how to provoke itself in this trick.

At this moment, Su Yuyan moved.

Her body suddenly moved forward, the blood-drinking sword in her hand turned into a dazzling white light, and it pierced towards the unicorn of the Hell Dream Horse.

Everyone was shocked, Su Yuyan didn't even want to dodge?

She wants to confront this trick head-on? Is she crazy?

But it was too late for everyone to remind them that the black and white edges had collided together.

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