Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 430: Conquer the Purple-Gold Dreamy Horse

The Hell Dream Horse clan was originally worried about whether his royal family would disobey.

After all, this royal family is still too young. Although the power of blood has awakened, but it has not had time to transform into its true strength, it is inevitable that it is somewhat unclear about its own position.

But soon, their doubts were dispelled.

Chu Feng's hand just lightly pressed the Zijin Mengyima's head to make it tremble all over, then lowered his noble head to express his surrender.

The town monster is just a medium, and the person who really tame the monster is still himself.

Chu Feng didn't know how many battles he had gone through, and how many despairs he had faced. The murderous aura accumulated in each battle was very strong, and it was simply not something a little Mengxin could afford.

As a result, Zijin Mengma didn't make a decent resistance, so he had no choice but to surrender.

"It will be your honor to follow me."

Chu Feng soothed the Zijin Dreamcatcher, then turned over and jumped on the back of the Zijin Dreamcatcher, turned into a black lightning, and galloped away.

With the strong wind whistling in his ears, although Chu Feng had never ridden a horse in the past, he quickly adapted to it under the powerful control of the Yuan Ling Dao Body, and after passing several **** creatures At that time, with the Nether Cold Iron Sword in his hand, he killed several enemies.

The few **** creatures that were foraging had their heads cut off by a sharp sword before they could react.

The whole process was done in one go, not even the process of slowing down.

"It's better to use long weapons when fighting right away."

When Chu Feng took the shot just now, because two **** creatures were not tall enough, he had to bend down to hook the enemy with his long sword.

It does not matter if the strength gap is large, but if the strength gap between the two sides is not very large, then such an approach may bring additional risks to oneself.

But his sword energy can also extend more than ten meters, but this kind of consumption is too great.

The speed of the Zijin Dream Horse surprised him very much. Even with a person on his back, the speed still reached a speed of nearly 200 meters per second, which was three times his own limit speed. Such a terrible speed, if you let him If someone else rides on it, I'm afraid they can't even see the scenery around them.

He was also more fortunate that he had chosen the Yuanling Dao Body, otherwise, it would take a long time to practice just to adapt to his mount.

Moreover, the endurance of the Hell Dream Horse clan is also very strong. It can even be maintained for two hours at such a speed. If the speed is slightly reduced to 150 meters per second, then even if it is running for three days and three nights, It's not impossible.

You must know that even on the highway, accelerating the car to 110 kilometers per hour is equivalent to a speed of 30 meters per second.

Over 5 times the speed, this is almost the same speed as the wind.

No, this is the speed at which the wind chases.

This speed is close to the speed of the cyclone center.

"If you swing the spear in your hand at this speed, how powerful would it be? No wonder the hell-famous Knights of Destruction have such a deterrent power, even if the members of the Knights have just reached the requirements of the Hell Dream Horse The bottom line, swinging the spear in his hand at such a speed will also produce very terrifying power. As long as a spiral gun kills the past, the eighth-level strong who is not good at speed will be in danger of life."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's heart couldn't help being proud.

In the era of cold weapons, the cavalry put a lot of pressure on the Central Plains, and the nomadic peoples in the north even directly changed the fighting style of the Central Plains with chariots.

In this resource-scarce environment of the last days, there would be no cavalry due to lack of logistics, but if the pressure of logistics is placed in hell, then the pressure of logistics will not exist.

If such a knight group can truly take shape, it will be a nightmare for all enemies.

After acquiring the Zijin Dream Horse, Chu Feng felt that some kind of stagnation that had always existed in his heart was wiped out. The pressure from survival and protection of the people around him was also relieved a lot at this moment.

He knows too much about the future, so he knows more despair than others.

But this pressure was shared by no one for him. People who have not experienced the desperate future can't understand his pressure at all.

But now, with speed and strength, he has enough confidence to face it.

No matter what kind of desperate situation he faces in the future, he will walk on the ground in an open manner, and in any case will not repeat the tragedy of living in a stinking ditch in his previous life.

After running continuously for 30 minutes, the speed of the Zijin Dream Horse began to slow down, and then gradually stopped.

The bloodline power of the Zijin Dream Horse had just been lifted, and it could not maintain the fastest speed for too long.

Moreover, there is also a restricted area in front, so that the monk horse clan can not set foot.

"Death Forest."

Chu Feng was startled. There was a dense forest in front of him. Even the **** industry fire could not cause any decent damage to this forest. Because the trees were too prosperous, so even the **** dream horse clan would be here. You must also remain humble in front of the forest.

There are too many trees here to run.

And there are too many dangers in the forest. This is a forbidden place for **** dream horses.

"Good job!"

Chu Feng sketched out a flame explosion talisman, the glazed samaya real fire formed a powerful fireball, and then exploded in the forest.

Chu Feng got off his horse and sprinted towards the forest.

The Netherfrost Iron Sword in his hand was swept away by the bonus of the innate sword aura, and in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen trees were cut off directly.

The branches and roots of the nearby trees suddenly moved, forming a tree cage to surround Han Chen.

But Han Chen just waved his sword lightly, and these trees that dared to attack him were once again cut off.

Seeing this scene, the purple-gold dreamy horse showed a fanatical look in its eyes. It was originally under the influence of the demon talisman that it surrendered to Chu Feng, but now it sees the peerless power displayed by Chu Feng, its heart The worship of Chu Feng also began to appear.

The **** nightmare horse clan is a clan that worships the strong, even the king is no exception.

The battle soon subsided. After all, the tree monsters of the Death Forest were also wise, and wisdom represented fear.

After all the dryads who dared to reach out were all beheaded, the remaining dryads shivered, and none of them dared to continue.

At this moment, a blood-colored thorn quietly approached from behind Chu Feng.

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