Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 431: Hell Thorns Seed

The sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and the blood-colored thorns were cut into several segments.

Chu Feng did not stop, but followed the direction of Scarlet Thorns.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

Along the way, countless trees were cut directly by Chu Feng's sword aura, and a few blood-colored thorns blocked the way, and Chu Feng directly cut them into several segments with the sword.

In less than a minute, Chu Feng found the source of the blood economy.

This is the thorns entwined with a powerful fifth-order tree monster. The thickest part even has Chu Feng's thick thighs, and the spikes on the thorns can even directly pierce the flesh of a warrior of the same order.

"Good luck!"

Chu Feng swung a sharp sword, and the tree demon was directly cut off the branches that were about to attack Chu Feng.

"Surrender, or die!"

Chu Feng uttered a voice with his soul. This is an ability that ordinary people can only control after reaching Tier 6, but he can master it in advance.

His unnamed ancient book could originally control skills that were not at the current level.

Without too many twists and turns, after Chu Feng was able to cut the Scarlet Thorns and Dryad branches directly like cutting tofu, the Dryad and Scarlet Thorns quickly chose to surrender.

In the environment of hell, where the power is respected, the mere fifth step is to rule the roost in a small place. If there is a morality that would rather bend than bend, then the clan would have been annihilated.

Facing the strong and surrendering in order to save their lives, this is the basic operation of hell.

Chu Feng didn't use the Demon Talisman, but directly collected the Dryad and Scarlet Thorn into the Yuan Mansion, and by the way the Dryad that lived on the Dryad.

His Yuan Mansion has begun to take shape, and the cultivation of crops has been on the right track.

But he couldn't use his own mind to manipulate everything in the Yuan Palace all the time, so he needed someone to help him take care of it.

Although he can also find some people in the real world, and he believes that as long as he can solve the problem of food and clothing, he can find many people willing to enter from the survival bases everywhere, but he is unwilling to expose the secrets of Yuanfu.

It doesn't matter if you expose yourself to have a portable space, after all, the supernaturalists of the space system have their own portable space.

And in terms of his strength, he is also qualified to possess such a thing.

If you are not convinced, you have the ability to hit me!

But if he reveals that he owns a small world, the future impact will be a sensation, because it is related to the holy order, a fascinating and crazy level.

He can also capture prisoners in, but his bottom line is already very low now. If he continues to pull down his bottom line, sooner or later he will become ignorant of himself and his family.

If Chu Feng is no longer Chu Feng, then no matter how strong the person who survives, what is the point?

The dryads in the dead forest are the companion race of dryads. They have no small talents in the cultivation of medicinal materials and the cultivation of crops. Many who want to become a powerful presence in one territory like to be in their own territory. Plant a dryad in it, and then let the dryad to help manage the garden and medicine field.

After collecting some tree spirits and tree spirits, Chu Feng was still not satisfied, and even the soil on the ground collected part of it and entered the Yuan Palace.

It's no wonder that he has the character of a wild goose plucking hair. After experiencing the end of the world when resources are scarce, he is not willing to let go of any valuable items.

Just after he dug three feet in the ground and collected a large amount of items into the Yuan Mansion, he suddenly stood up, and an indescribable fear appeared behind him.

Chu Feng turned on his horse without hesitation, and then ordered the Hell Dream Horse to run towards the place where everyone gathered.

Just now, his Yuan Ling Dao Body warned him and sensed that a powerful being cast his gaze on this place. This was a powerful being that could not be matched.

Although Chu Feng didn't know how strong the opponent was, he was very clear about his position.

His strength may be able to gallop across the earth, but there are too many powerful existences in hell, let alone a strong man like the **** lord, even an ordinary lord can slap him to death.

The extension of respect for the strong is to be humble for the weak. Before you have grown into a real strong, if you don't want to bend to the strong, it's better to escape ahead of time.

After 10 minutes of running, the feeling of fear slowly subsided.

"I just felt that I was invincible in the world, and I was immediately beaten up by the society."

After he calmed down, Chu Feng laughed at himself and relieved his pressure.

The rapid increase in strength can easily bring about changes in mentality, making it easy for people to become arrogant. Chu Feng's temperament is considered relatively good, but it is not immune.

What's more, his harvest is already large enough. The number of Dryads he has collected has exceeded 6 and the number of Dryads attached has exceeded 2,000. As long as he is well tamed, his Yuan Mansion will become a very important one for him. Stable logistics base.

He was also too greedy and wanted to get more things, so he attracted the attention of powerful beings.

After Chu Feng returned to the gathering place, everyone surrounded with joy.

The members of the Hell Knights have probably adapted to the double wildebeest, but many people have already suffered serious scars. Obviously, they have encountered a lot of setbacks in the process of training themselves.

However, there were no casualties, after all, Wang Xinran was still here.

If they would throw themselves to death when riding a horse, they would be too wronged.

After Chu Feng returned, everyone was able to roughly control the mounts under their hips to turn around Chu Feng and control the general direction.

Give them a period of adaptation, and they will get a rapid improvement.

After seeing Wang Xinran, Chu Feng threw a few seeds to her.

"what is this?"

Wang Xinran saw a few red seeds in his hand, and the wood power in his body was about to move, as if he had encountered some sweet food.

"This is the **** thorn seed. The wood-type supernatural being has the ability to manipulate plants, but most of the plants in nature have no value to be manipulated by you, or even if they are manipulated, they have the power to your strength. The help is not too great, but the **** thorn seeds are different. As long as you make good use of it, you can get a great improvement."

Chu Feng explained, and then he seemed to realize that he hadn't stated an accurate strength, so he pointed to the **** dream horse.

"If you fully control the power of these seeds, you can ride the Hell Nightmare Horseback. After all, the power of plants is also the power of the wood power."

Although Wang Xinran felt the vigorous vitality from the seeds at the beginning, he did not have a specific impression at the beginning.

But hearing Chu Feng said that as long as you control these seeds, you can ride on the back of the Hell Dream Horse, which made her extremely excited.

Aside from Chu Feng's strength, Su Yuyan and Ye Xiaohui are already beyond their reach. As long as they can make good use of these seeds, they can have the same power as the two, which makes her heart full of excitement.

"I will definitely make good use of these seeds." Wang Xinran clenched his fists and usurped the **** thorn seeds tightly, no one could separate them.

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