Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 432: The black dwarf beaten up by society

The gains from coming to **** this time have exceeded Chu Feng's expectations, and are much more abundant than he expected.

Then he gave the members of the Hell Knights a period of practice to make them more familiar with the way of cavalry fighting.

When the Knights adjusted to their own strength, Chu Feng followed the three hellhounds to meet some other three hellhounds.

He helped three three-headed hellhounds suppress the seal of the curse, and helped some two-headed hellhounds also suppressed the power of the curse, but it did not help many existences. The first is because it consumes too much for him. The second is also the protection of the three-headed hellhound family.

If only the curse of a few three-headed hellhounds is solved, it can only be regarded as a coincidence. After all, the **** treasures are endless, and it is not surprising to have special opportunities.

But if this matter is stabbed out, then the three-headed **** dog will be in disaster.

So the most important thing for the three-headed dog family in **** now is to help Chu Feng grow.

And even if the curse that pollutes the bloodline is suppressed, it will take a certain amount of time to dig out and exert the bloodline power, which also requires the efforts of the tribe of Hell.

After helping some Hell Dogs to strengthen the curse, the Hell Three-Headed Dog, who is most familiar with Chu Feng, ordered the clansmen to bring some black dwarves to Chu Feng.

"When the owner settled here, he raised some black dwarves in captivity, but after the owner disappeared, the situation of the black dwarves became more and more difficult, and we did not have the power to protect it. I heard that the black dwarves are very good at forging. Hope Can help you."

Now Chu Feng is the hope of the three-headed dog family in the hell, and it is the light after they have waited for countless years. If the patriarch is not afraid that Kimiao will in turn suppress Chu Feng’s growth, the three-headed dog family in the **** is even willing to dedicate their accumulation Chu Feng.

But now it was just some black dwarves, and they didn't directly increase Chu Feng's power.

Moreover, the current situation of the three-headed dog family is very bad. They have no power to continue to raise the black dwarf, but the black dwarf is the legacy left by the old master. The three-headed dog family is not willing to give up easily. It was given to Chu Feng.

Anyway, their loyalty marks have been transferred to Chu Feng, which means that Chu Feng is the inheritor of the genuine old master.

Since the inheritors of the old master are willing to help them, they have simply reduced some of the burden.

Seeing the hundreds of dull black dwarves, Chu Feng's best convulsed.

To be honest, he is really greedy for the black dwarves. After all, the black dwarves are known to be good at forging. Although they are not as good as the humans in forging magic weapons or special treasures, but forging some standard equipment, it is still Very good at it.

It can be said that the black dwarves were born specifically for forging.

With the help of the black dwarves, Chu Feng can build many weapons without having to do it himself. He only needs to be responsible for the final enchantment.

This can greatly improve the efficiency of building weapons, and also allow him more time to study combat and use it in other areas.

But the black dwarves are known to like to drink.

If they are not allowed to drink, they will be passive.

The earth is now in an apocalyptic environment. A lot of food can only be found in territories where zombies are entrenched, and the speed of food production by itself is also very limited.

The black dwarf’s appetite is already large, and in addition, some food is wasted for wine making, which is terrible for food waste.

Because he had experienced the food crisis in the future, even if he had Yuan Mansion, Chu Feng did not dare to accept these black dwarves easily.

Seeing Chu Feng hesitating, several tall black dwarves who were more than one meter tall immediately knelt on the ground:

"Master, please take us in! We don't need to drink, we can build a weapon for the master, we are willing to do anything, as long as the master is willing to take us in."

Seeing the appearance of these black dwarves, Chu Feng was dumbfounded.

Isn't the black dwarf notoriously bad-tempered? Why has it become such a virtue now?

When he looked like a three-headed dog in the hell, the three heads of the three-headed dog turned their heads unnaturally, not daring to look at Chu Feng:

"Well, the geographical environment is very poor. We can't even eat enough for ourselves. The ability to continue the black dwarf clan to this day already means that we have a deep feeling for the owner. There were tens of thousands of black dwarves here. Only this is left."

Looking at the black dwarf kneeling on the ground with a pleading expression, Chu Feng's face twitched again.

Sure enough, there is no absolute pride in this world, not standing on the pinnacle of the world, and wanting to keep one's own clank and iron bones, that can only be beaten by society.

The temper of the black dwarves is indeed stinky and hard, and many black dwarves are unwilling to violate their principles even if they are dead.

Unfortunately this is hell.

How bad is the environment of hell? Even the three-headed **** dog, in order to survive, must be driven to the Nether Sea to find food.

These black dwarves did not have the ability to hunt on their own, or in other words, did not have the ability to hunt in hell, of course, they could only be beaten by society.

Those black dwarves with bad temper have already died in the severe beating of society, and those who can survive now have become very mature.

"If the black dwarf doesn't drink alcohol and just consumes food, then I can raise it."

Chu Feng thought for a while. Only by possessing power can he get more food. Since these black dwarves have no need for fine wine, their value should exceed their own consumption.

Although it is said that if the black dwarves do not drink, the level of forging will drop a lot, but even if the level of forging is poor, it is enough for today's earth.

A thousand elite weapons are definitely more effective than a magic weapon that can cut iron and mud on the battlefield.

If his Yuanfu can really form an ecological cycle, then these black dwarves can also create more benefits for him, so there is no need to worry.

If these black dwarves can't do it, then he can only be sorry.

People whose value exceeds their needs cannot survive.

All these black dwarves were taken into the Yuan Mansion very smoothly, and Chu Feng sighed: "Hell is a good place, but unfortunately it is a bit dangerous."

Just a trip to hell, Chu Feng reaped countless benefits.

But he also knew that without the help of the three-headed dog clan, he wouldn't even be able to get these benefits.

Even after the members of the Hell Knights came in, with their current strength, I am afraid that even half of them could not get out alive.

Of course, it was also because of the help of the three-headed dog family from the **** that Chu Feng brought them in.

At this time, a warning came from Yuanfu.

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