Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 433: Back to the real world

Could it be that the black dwarves had a problem just now?

Feeling the sense of crisis coming from the Yuan Palace, Chu Feng immediately rushed into the Yuan Palace, but he was relieved soon.

The warning came from the Yuan Mansion, not because the black dwarves were just taken in, but because the carrying capacity of the Yuan Mansion itself was close to its limit.

Just as there are limits to the number of crops that can grow on a piece of land, there are limits to the population that a piece of land can support. Of course, there are limits to the lives that a world can support.

Yuanfu is a very high-end existence, even close to a small world.

But Chu Feng, the master of Yuan Mansion, was only a fifth-order.

Chu Feng restricted the development of the Yuan Mansion and also restricted the limits of the Yuan Mansion, so the number and quality of creatures that could be contained in it were also limited.

Previously, what Chu Feng collected was all materials. Of course, there was no problem of carrying capacity, but he just collected a large amount of dryads and dryads in the Death Forest, which brought a great load to Yuan Palace. Now that these black dwarves have been collected, the carrying capacity of Yuan Palace has reached its limit.

"Although the Yuan Palace has reached its limit, there is still a long time before it collapses. If you maintain this speed, then it will be able to support at least five or six months. In order to prevent Yuan Palace from damaging its foundation, I must Go further within three months, or collect more vitality."

When the Yuan Palace was in its own cycle, it continuously absorbed vitality from the void.

Although Chu Feng didn't know the source of those vitality, it was also a good thing for him.

Now the living beings in the Yuan Palace are also consuming the vital energy, so it will be a little bit more than enough, but because the Yuan Palace originally has some accumulation, it can last a few months.

Chu Feng didn't know whether the Yuan Mansion was based on this statement, but the Yuan Mansion was too important to him, so he didn't dare to gamble on the consequences of Yuan Mansion's collapse.

"Three months is enough."

Since he can survive on the accumulation of Yuan Mansion in the past three months, Chu Feng doesn’t have to worry about anything. What's more, he now has an entire city to serve him, and the entire city is working for him, even from Collecting 1 crystal nucleus for each person is also a great wealth.

This is why people have an instinctive desire for power.

"By the way, now that there are tree spirits, those people can be killed."

In Chu Feng's thought, the corpse witches in Yuan Palace who were responsible for planting and reclaiming land were all killed by him.

Now that there are dark people and tree spirits, they have no value.

What's more, Chu Feng himself has some aversion to enslaving humans, not only because of morality, but also because of human bottom line.

Just like human beings stand at the top of the food chain, they can control the life and death of most creatures and seize power, but if they tortured and killed animals to satisfy their own desires, it proves that this person has a psychological problem and can only vent his own heart by bullying the weak. negative emotion.

Chu Feng's moral bottom line is already very low. If you don't pay attention to these things, you will lose the last humanity if you don't pay attention.

Therefore, he directly killed the laborers, and left the land reclamation work within the Yuan Palace to the tree spirits, and the wasteland reclamation and forging work to the black dwarves.

After killing those people, Chu Feng clearly felt that the pressure on the Yuan Palace had decreased.

Next, the Hell three-headed dog clan gave Chu Feng some useless ores and some things that he didn’t use. It even included the forging room of the black dwarf clan, including a set of high-level or low-level training equipment. Feng does not have to work for this.

After reaping a lot of benefits, Chu Feng reluctantly integrated his forces and prepared to leave hell.

The gain from coming to **** this time was so great that he couldn't help but feel the urge to stay here, but he knew that this was absolutely impossible.

Strength is the root of everything. Everything he has now and the gains in **** are actually from the owner of the mysterious ancient book. If he shows what disappoints the three-headed dog family of hell, then he believes in the three-headed **** The dog family will abandon it without hesitation.

It's not that they don't talk about credibility, but the tribe of **** dogs don't believe that their old master will choose a heir who will disappoint them.

If Chu Feng wants more things, even to keep what he has now, he must continue to make progress to gain more strength.

This is an era of sailing against the current. If you are not willing to make progress, you can only be eliminated.

After returning to the gathering place, the members of the Hell Knights were all panting. Obviously they were training against each other just now, and they were almost reaching their limits.

Hell is full of **** karmic fire everywhere. If they accidentally fall into the burning place of **** karmic fire, they will be directly burned to death, even the kind of ashes left.

But through this exercise, everyone has gained a lot.

Although only one mount was obtained on the bright side, everyone's strength will advance by leaps and bounds after passing through the cruel environment of **** and returning to the real world.

"Well, members of the Hell Knights, we can go home."

Chu Feng didn't give too many speeches. Occasionally speeches can unite people's hearts, but those who speak frequently will destroy themselves.

He uses practical actions to gather people's hearts, and speeches are only an auxiliary means.

If you put the cart before the horse, you will suffer in the future.

The door to **** reopened, members of the Hell Knights lined up to leave the hell, and Chu Feng walked at the back.

After leaving the treacherous environment of hell, although everyone sees the dark night outside, it has already made them feel that their bodies have suddenly become relaxed.

There is no **** fire, no heat waves rushing to the face, and only fresh air.

Seeing the return of Chu Feng and others, the senior officials of the City of Dawn immediately put down everything in their hands and gathered around Chu Feng.

Chu Feng came to Zhang Ziqing's side and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Zhang Ziqing shook his head: "It's not hard at all. Maintaining the gate of **** will only make me stronger. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Zhang Ziqing knew that the stronger her strength became, the more difficult it would be to control her strength. When she had no way to control her strength at all, it was time for her to become a sacrifice to the gate of hell. Time is her end.

"I will never let that day come."

Chu Feng held Zhang Ziqing's hand and solemnly promised, "I will have the power to fight against the entire **** before that day. I will chop off the head of the other end of the gate of **** and give you a drink."

"Cut, it's disgusting." Zhang Ziqing said disgustedly.

When Li Xiao and the others looked at the two, they wanted to make a joke, but suddenly their eyes fell on Su Yuyan's body, and they stopped their actions.

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