Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 434: The foundation has been established

Zhang Ziqing is now Chu Feng's true girlfriend, so Su Yuyan's identity is a bit embarrassing.

Although this is an era of moral collapse, powerful men can have many women, but this kind of thing still makes them feel a little embarrassed.

Su Yuyan came to Zhang Ziqing's side, took Zhang Ziqing's hand, and said: "Ziqing, I have something to tell you, come with me."

Zhang Ziqing blinked. Although she didn't know what Su Yuyan was going to say to her, she still followed Su Yuyan to a remote place.

Su Yuan looked at her sister's back and shook her head helplessly.

She knows that in this world, a responsible man is far more reliable than a careless man, because such a man can become a woman's support.

So she chose Chu Feng and chose to become one of Chu Feng's women.

It's just that, I don't know when, this kind of thing can be openly open.

"Su Yuan, the follow-up training of the Hell Knights is left to you."

Chu Feng lightly handed over the most powerful force in his hand to Su Yuan. Su Yuan had shown a strong training talent before, and Chu Feng was also very relieved by giving it to her.

Feeling Chu Feng's trust, Su Yuan smiled: "Aren't you afraid that I control the military power and use this to blackmail you?"

"You won't." Chu Feng smiled slightly.

After experiencing the darkness of the future, he will not have too much expectations for humanity, because humanity is the most untestable. To test humanity with temptation, only disappointment is gained.

But he has confidence in Su Yuan's IQ.

Su Yuan is a smart person who knows what to do and what not to do, and she is also a very visionary woman, otherwise she won't let herself become Chu Feng's woman.

"Heh! Scumbag."

There was a small whisper.

Lu Ming and several people turned their heads with a smirk, as if they hadn't heard the words.

In the City of Dawn, the only one who dared to speak to Chu Feng in this tone was the pampered and proud Chu Xiaorou.

Chu Feng touched his nose, a little embarrassed.

But anyway, his image in the younger sister's heart can no longer be saved, so he broke the jar.

After briefly explaining a few things, everyone dispersed, leaving only Su Yuan.

After all, everyone is very tired now, that is because they just came back, so they gathered to greet them, and now everyone needs rest.

Chu Feng left his mount Zijin Dreamcatcher in **** temporarily, and summoned it when needed. Now the three-headed **** dog has begun to gradually regain lost ground. There is a royal Hell Dreamcatcher horse that can also catch up with and Conquer many groups of hell.

Under the appeal of the royal family, his foundation in **** will be **** bigger and bigger.

Just when Chu Feng was about to confess something to Su Yuan, he suddenly heard Chu Xiaorou and Wang Xinran's conversation.

"Wang Xinran, I heard that you are a fan of my brother?" Chu Xiaorou asked.

"Yes, you should know how influential your brother is!" Wang Xinran replied calmly.

"Don't you also have illusions about my brother?" Chu Xiaorou asked vigilantly.

"Is this strange?" Wang Xinran was still very calm.

Seeing what Chu Xiaorou wanted to say, Wang Xinran continued: "I know what you want to say, but now the times have changed. Love is too extravagant in this era. Every woman’s greatest wish is to find one. Reliable and loyal men serve as their support for the rest of their lives, but now such men are destined to become fewer and fewer, and not all women are eligible.

Since fish and bear’s paws cannot have both, it can only be a trade-off. The first instinct of human beings is to survive in the end. Being able to survive is more important than anything else. Therefore, when reliability and loyalty cannot be achieved, most women In other words, it is better to choose the former. "

Chu Xiaorou sighed: "I also know that not all women can survive without a man. If you use your own standards to demand others, then you can only push them to death, if it's not because I am Chu Feng. Sister, I'm afraid I can't help myself too!"

There are indeed women who can live without men, and live well.

But it is undeniable that many women are still disadvantaged groups after all. If they do not use their bodies as capital, they will not be able to survive in this cruel world.

Between survival and dignity, most people still choose the former.

Chu Xiaorou is also qualified to have both because she has a good brother, but she also understands that she can't make others make the same choice as herself.

On the other side, Chu Feng and Su Yuan quietly came to Su Yuan's room after eavesdropping for a while.

"Speaking of which, in this world, no matter how careless a man is, as long as he can give his own woman a shoulder, he can't seem to be a scumbag." Su Yuan leaned in Chu Feng's arms.

The moral concept of mankind will change with the times. This natural disaster has caused the moral level of mankind to fall back hundreds of years.

"By the way, did anything happen when I left?"

Chu Feng's hand unnaturally reached into Su Yuan's collar, clinging to Su Yuan's peak, and squeezed hard.


Su Yuan couldn't help groaning softly, and then blushed, "You have only left for a day. How could there be too many things happening? By the way, the military has notified that a brand new radio system has been established. In the process of gradual promotion, I believe it won’t be long before the survival bases that were originally like islands will be able to contact and support each other."

So fast?

Chu Feng was also taken aback. It seemed that there were a lot of butterfly effects after his rebirth, because he influenced Gu Nanfei and allowed the martial artist's exercises to be spread in the military first, which caused the military's overall strength to increase by one level compared to the previous life. This has caused a lot of influence.

Originally in the fifth month, the survival bases like isolated islands were connected by radio, but many short-lived survival bases have been eliminated.

But this change is also a good thing for mankind.

Under the cover of the nest, there are no eggs, and the improvement of the overall strength of the earth's human beings can win more living space for the human race.

In his previous life, he did not know how many survival bases were accidentally isolated and collapsed. This situation did not improve until the radio was re-established.

Human beings are animals that live in groups. After losing their unity, they will lose their greatest advantage in nature.

"Since the radio business is on the right track, many things cannot be completely dependent on previous life experience."

Chu Feng also had some vigilance in his heart, his rebirth affected too many things, and his previous life experience could only be used as a reference, and definitely not as a reliance.

"Anyway, I have the foundation now. Even if the timeline is completely disrupted, I have nothing to worry about. Is there anything worse than the previous life?"

A sharp cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes. There were some things that he had to wait for a while, but since many things had changed, he didn't need to endure anymore.

Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, Su Yuan couldn't help taking two steps back.

"Don't worry, no matter what this world becomes, our Pure Land will not allow anyone to violate it." Chu Feng forcibly pulled Su Yuan into his arms, and then pushed her down with a smirk.

"Reporting work is not over yet!"

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