Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 435: Order of the Cross

After more than an hour of "reporting work," Chu Feng returned to his residence refreshedly.

After all, there is still some energy left to "appease" Zhang Ziqing.

Thinking about it this way, Chu Feng himself felt a bit scumbag.

But he quickly put this idea behind him. Being his woman is nothing wrong with him, and he doesn't need to feel ashamed.

The so-called love is a derivative product after satisfying the material pursuit, which is the sublimation from material pursuit to spiritual pursuit.

But now that everyone is back in a society that pursues material things, how can it be so extravagant?

The next morning, Chu Feng and Zhang Ziqing, who had weak legs, came to the dining table together. Seeing the unkind eyes of everyone, Zhang Ziqing also blushed and did not dare to answer too much.

Her nature is so, everyone is not surprised.

After breakfast, Gao Yangsong, who was guarding outside, came to Chu Feng and reported the news to everyone:

"Now the communication network in many places has been rebuilt. A large number of members of the Cross Church have gathered in the Ningcheng area of ​​northern Zhejiang. According to the latest news we have obtained, they seem to be looking for some saint. At first, we thought this was a means of their illusion. But recently we found out that they seem to be looking for purpose, and the seniors among them are constantly sending personnel to the north."

The Order of the Cross?

Chu Feng frowned. To tell the truth, he hated the church.

The essence of religious belief is actually good. It can guide lost lambs and strengthen their beliefs, but there are too few people who truly believe in it.

Most people are making money in the name of the church, or even doing things that are not as good as animals. In the old days, the Crusade was a cult that liked to molest young boys, especially in the Western world, making it dirty. The last days become more dirty.

He wanted to kill the nun Konishi at first, for this reason.

However, in his impression, the crucifixion in the previous life did not cause much influence, and was quickly wiped out after harming one party.

In this process, the notorious Jinling creature played a significant role.

Of course, this is also because of the conflict between the propaganda teachings of the Cross and Jinling Biology. They even directly accused Jinling Biology of selfish practices, thinking that they should distribute their wealth to everyone.

Not to mention Jinling creatures, even Chu Feng would not agree.

As a result, the Order of the Cross was quickly destroyed by Jinling creatures. Although there were several signs of resurgence, they were all quickly extinguished.

"Saint? If they really have a saint, how can they lose it?"

Su Yuyan sneered.

Li Xiao's tone was also sneered: "If the gods they believe in really exist, let their gods descend into the world and destroy those damned zombies!"

"Hehe, I don't know how many people we have met along the way, praying for God and worshiping Buddha, but none of them got a response." Lu Ming said angrily.

Under the leadership of Su Yuyan, they saved many people.

For those who don’t have the desire to survive, forget it. They can just abandon them directly, but the most disgusting thing is that people who only know God and worship Buddha when encountering danger, the key is that after they leave such people, they will instead. These people in turn scolded.

This person thinks that they are saved because of the merits of gods and Buddhas, not the merits of the savior.

On the contrary, these life-saving benefactors dare not believe in the power of gods and Buddhas. This makes those with firm beliefs believe that their beliefs have been blasphemed, and some people even kill them.

In the last days, there are many people with mental breakdowns, and they are not bad.

"If they look for it, let them look for it!"

Chu Feng didn't care either, "But to say a good thing, if someone dared to promote the gods and buddhas within the influence of the city of dawn and the city of dawn, I will send them directly to see their gods and buddhas. "

Gao Yangsong's mouth twitched.

Putting such words in the old age is anti-human words. After all, China guarantees everyone's religious freedom, including freedom of belief and freedom of unbelief.

But in this era, it can be understood.

Moreover, he also received instructions from the military's high-level leaders, no matter what Chu Feng did that violated the bottom line, as long as his positive influence was greater than the negative influence, everything would be tolerated.

After all, the existence of a city of dawn has pointed out the way forward for hundreds of thousands of people.

Moreover, the influence of the City of Dawn is not only in the city, but also set a benchmark for many survival bases, letting them know how to survive in the end times.

With such great credit, they couldn't be too harsh on Chu Feng.

Even if the bird conceals its bow, at least it has to wait until the bird falls.

"One more thing, we got in touch with Shangjing."

Gao Yangsong continued.

Go to Beijing?

Everyone's ears were pricked up at the same time, including Chu Feng's expression becoming serious.

He must go to this place in Shangjing. There are too many people he knows, some are teammates who died for him, some are lovers from previous lives, some are friends from college, and some are


The hatred that cannot be erased even if it is rebirth!

He felt that there was a flash of killing intent in Chu Feng's eyes, Gao Yangsong's color remained unchanged, as if he hadn't seen anything, but he had made up his mind to investigate this matter.

This is necessary caution, and it is not just for Yu Chu Feng alone.

"I think some people should have noticed that in the first few days of the end of the world, a small sun appeared in the north. It was the scene after the explosion of nuclear weapons."

Gao Yangsong said, "As to why nuclear weapons are used, this is a secret of the military, but for now, although the use of nuclear weapons has solved the urgent need, it has now brought a brand new crisis to Shangjing. The situation is even more precarious."

Zhang Ziqing's heart moved, she remembered that Chu Feng seemed to know something inside.

While at school, Chu Feng accidentally exposed the person he knew who controlled the nuclear bomb.

However, how did Chu Feng know the secrets of the military?

Su Yuyan said: "You are not asking us for help, right? But I don't think the city of Dawn has the ability to support others, especially the support across several provinces."

Although the City of Dawn has become the overlord of one party, who knows what risks will arise in the future?

They are indeed more than self-preserving, but it does not mean that they can easily allocate troops to support others.

What's more, going to Beijing is so far from here, even if you are on the road, the danger along the way should be great!

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