Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 436: Shangjing crisis

"Is the crisis you mentioned the follow-up effect of nuclear radiation?" Chu Feng asked suddenly.

"How do you know?" Gao Yangsong asked in surprise.

"Oh! I saw it in the movie." Chu Feng said casually.

Regarding the reason for the emergence of zombies, there is no accurate answer for the next ten years.

Some people think that the zombie virus is the product of certain laboratories, but this claim was quickly overturned, because even the basic laws of physics have changed since the world has changed dramatically.

If it is just a virus that causes such a result, then what is the vitality between heaven and earth?

Some people say that humans can only sense vitality after human evolution, but what about ancient warriors like Gu Nanfei?

However, although the reason for the appearance of zombies is not clear, some conclusions can be inferred. Zombies are the product of biological evolutionary failure.

Even the old humans who have not awakened, when the vitality of the heaven and the earth is gradually strong, the body will involuntarily absorb the vitality between the heaven and the earth, and it will also promote the evolution of the body, slowly leading to genetic mutations, and those who cannot bear the evolution of life People will become zombies.

Like the Thunder Corpse Dragon on Chu Feng’s wrist, the Thunder Corpse Dragon has successfully transformed itself, but the energy absorbed after the transformation is successful is still drawn from itself. Because its own life energy cannot withstand the consumption of the transformation, it falls into a life crisis. .

And nuclear radiation can also promote gene mutation.

"Since you have guessed it, then we will not hide it."

Gao Yangsong simply said everything he knew.

"Nuclear weapons do have very powerful lethality, but the scope of nuclear pollution caused is larger. Although we have eliminated our target, nuclear pollution has produced more mutated zombies and mutated beasts, which has brought a lot to Beijing. Trouble, although the army is strong, it lacks top players."

What he meant was obvious. They didn't need the army of the City of Dawn, but Chu Feng.

Not only Chu Feng, but also a group of Tier 5 masters.

In theory, there is no opponent that can't be solved by the human sea tactics, but after all, the number of troops is limited. If there is nothing to do with such a consumption, sooner or later all the troops must be consumed.

If there are some masters, it will definitely reduce a lot of losses.

"Is this retribution for dropping a nuclear bomb regardless of the lives of ordinary people?" Zhao Fan smiled bitterly.

He was not mocking, more like he was mocking himself.

Mankind has created something as dangerous as nuclear weapons, but this kind of weapon harms only mankind.

"I know you have doubts about the military's decision, but you kind of trust the military's judgment."

Gao Yangsong solemnly said, "The army in Beijing is the strongest and most powerful in China, and it has the most weapons. If it weren't for their inability to defeat their opponents, they would never use such ultimate means."

Chu Feng believed Gao Yangsong's words.

However, soldiers are human after all.

Even if the average ethics of a soldier is two blocks away from ordinary people, there is no way to avoid the unevenness of good and bad things.

Whether they have reached the point where nuclear weapons must be put on, Chu Feng didn't know, but what he knew was that Long Ao's crimes were personally experienced.

Even if his decision was right at the beginning, Chu Feng would not allow him to live.

"So, our military is here to make a request, and we also ask the City of Dawn to send some masters to help us cope with the enemy."

Gao Yangsong solemnly saluted Chu Feng.

Everyone at the table felt uncomfortable.

To be honest, most people don't like moral kidnapping very much, but the military actually uses its flesh and blood to forge the strongest line of defense for mankind.

But if you want to help, you will definitely be in danger.

Between self-security and national justice, not everyone can make a decisive choice.

As a result, everyone's eyes couldn't help but focused on Chu Feng's body.

It is Chu Feng who has the highest decision-making power in the end.

Chu Feng was also weighing the pros and cons in his heart. He must go to Beijing, but the method used to pass directly determines the success or failure of his plan.

Looking at the silent Chu Feng, Gao Yangsong's expression gradually became sad.

When he made such a request to Chu Feng on behalf of the military, his heart was also full of struggle, because such a request would have brought additional risks to people.

"I know that making such a decision will make it very difficult for Mr. Chu, and we cannot give Mr. Chu any promise. If Mr. Chu is unwilling to go, we will not force it, but we have another request, hope Mr. Chu Must agree." Gao Yangsong said.

"What request?" Su Yuyan asked instead of Chu Feng.

"I also ask Mr. Chu to use his influence to maintain order in the Southern Metropolis. I believe that Mr. Chu is a wise man. We should not need to remind us of the importance of a good order." Gao Yangsong said sternly.

Lu Ming's face changed: "You don't want the whole army to go north, right?"

"There will still be people in a certain stable order."

Gao Yangsong said, "This is a crisis related to the survival of mankind. Someone must stand up, and the Chinese soldiers will do my part."

Everyone was shocked, the Southern Military Region, this is a rhythm that needs to be filled with life!

Chu Feng rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. He respected what the soldiers did, but he was unwilling to join the army because of this.

What they did is respectable, because they put their beliefs above their own safety, and it is also because of them that the survivors of China are united.

But this does not mean that Chu Feng is willing to sacrifice himself.

What he did was to survive, and he had absolutely no interest in being a savior. If he could survive, then he was the hope of the human race.

"I am willing to go!"

Lu Ming slapped the table and said excitedly, "I am a Tier 5 master anyway, and I have a certain degree of self-protection no matter what, I won't back down."

Li Xiao and Li Ran also said, "Let's go too."

Zhao Fan nodded slightly: "Me too."

Seeing that several of his students agreed, Su Yuyan glanced at Chu Feng, and nodded: "The situation in the City of Dawn requires a master to take control, but even if Chu Feng can’t get away, I believe that with the strength of a few of us, Can play some role."

She was just trying to excuse Chu Feng. If Chu Feng didn't want to take risks, then just let her do it for him.

The City of Dawn is the hope of the survivors, and she hopes that Chu Feng will always be the guardian of the City of Dawn, keeping the flame of hope.

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