Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 437: Chu Feng's conditions

"enough guys!"

Chu Feng patted the table and said loudly, "Do you think this kind of blood is fun? Or do you like being a hero?"

"Brother Feng, we didn't mean that."

Lu Ming felt that Chu Feng's performance was a bit strange. Although Chu Feng's acting style had always been fierce and decisive, it had never had anything to do with timidity.

"Shut up all to me!"

Chu Feng screamed, then got up and walked in front of Gao Yangsong, and asked in a scrutinizing tone.

"You said before that the reason why the Beijing Military Region agreed to release nuclear weapons was because it had to be forced. Sometimes in order to achieve the goal, some sacrifices must be made, right?"


Gao Yangsong's eyes did not evade, "In order to solve the crisis of mankind, the necessary sacrifices are inevitable, and we are also ready to sacrifice at any time."

"Flap, pop!"

Chu Feng patted his palm twice with rhythm.

"good, very good."

Then, the momentum on his body began to become fierce.

"Our purpose is to solve the crisis, to the result, not to the process of sacrifice. Since you decide to sacrifice, let your sacrifice become more valuable!"

A colorful circle appeared beside Chu Feng, and after seeing this circle, everyone's expressions became ugly.

"This is a contracted circle from hell. You can summon creatures from **** to fight for yourself by offering sacrifices. I wonder how many people are you willing to sacrifice?"

Chu Feng's face became gloomy.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, even the people in the City of Dawn felt incredible for a while.

They couldn't believe that such words were actually said from Chu Feng's mouth.

Although Chu Feng had used such a summoning formation in the past, the sacrifices offered by Chu Feng were always enemies, and he had never used his own as a sacrifice.

Is he now going to create his own routine and treat his people as sacrifices?

However, Gao Yangsong did not waver at all: "Before the situation in Shangjing stabilizes, we are willing to sacrifice no matter how much, including me."

He had personally seen the scene where people who were sacrificed were eaten by monsters out of hell, even the thought of such a scene made him feel a chill.

But he understands that sacrificing this kind of thing is more than just talking.

As long as they can achieve their goals, they can put life and death aside.

Zhao Fan wanted to say something, but was held by Xu Yan. Zhao Fan turned around, but saw Xu Yan shook his head gently, beckoning him not to speak much.

Chu Xiaorou, who had not spoken all the time, said this, but Su Yuan stopped her.

However, Chu Feng's fierce aura suddenly eased, and the tense atmosphere in the court began to fade.

"If you really have this kind of consciousness, then give me the command of the reinforcements going to Beijing this time. Usually you will give it to your own command, but once I give you orders, no matter what it is. Commands, you must all obey."

Chu Feng stared into Gao Yangsong's eyes and said seriously, "Even if you are to be sacrificed to the evil spirits of hell, you must obey."

Gao Yangsong said: "I have no right to decide."

"Then let you who have the right to decide come to me!"

Chu Feng said unceremoniously, "I will not be a cannon fodder, nor will anyone around me become a cannon fodder. If you really want to borrow our power, then you must show your sincerity."

After a pause, Chu Feng continued to add: "Whether you agree or not, I will arrive in Shangjing within 20 days. If you are unwilling to hand over command to me, it does not matter, but my combat will It will be a one-line battle and will not cooperate with you in any way. And I don’t want the City of Dawn to be destroyed once it loses its protection, so I will definitely stay on defense."

Gao Yangsong was a little confused after hearing what Chu Feng said.

Did Chu Feng plan to go to Beijing originally?

Even if he doesn't have any cooperative relationship with the military, he will go to Beijing himself.

So, why does he have to command the military?

And he has just stated that he will not intervene in the specific command of the army, but when he issues an order, the army must obey.

Although very curious why Chu Feng made such a request, Gao Yangsong did not dare to ask more.

He wants to consult his superiors, and then wait for the superior's reply.

After Gao Yangsong left, Chu Feng looked at everyone coldly.

Feeling Chu Feng's gaze, Lu Ming and others dodge a little.

They vaguely felt that they seemed to have disturbed Chu Feng's plan.

"Do you think being a hero is handsome?"

Chu Feng looked at several people in Lu Ming.

Li Ran said sternly: "I admit that we were a little bit impulsive just now to talk about great principles and national justice. I didn't think so much at the time, let alone the ethics of denying ourselves to save others, but since some people are using their lives to protect us, Fight desperately, then it will be difficult for me to ignore it."

This is like some heroes who rescued children from falling into the water. They may originally be ordinary people, but when they see someone in danger, they instinctively extend a helping hand.

Li Ran didn't think too much about the righteousness of the nation or the overall situation in his heart. He only knew that someone was giving up their lives to fight for them, so he couldn't stand on the sidelines.

Su Yuyan felt that Chu Feng's performance was a bit wrong: "Do you know something?"

The strangest thing about her was Chu Feng's request. She felt that Chu Feng had already had a plan of her own, but was disrupted by the military.

"Brother Feng, are you worried that we will become pawns or cannon fodder?"

Lu Ming asked keenly, "But I don't think soldiers would do such a thing!"

"Do you think? Do you think we want to pin our names on your instincts?"

Chu Feng asked coldly.

Lu Ming's words are blocked, he can save his life for the momentary blood, but it does not mean that he can let the people around him also accompany him.

If it is because of his mistakes in judgment that causes casualties to those around him, he will probably regret it all his life.

"I think you have overlooked one thing."

Zhang Ziqing, who has not spoken all the time, said, "When nuclear weapons exploded, civilian casualties were destined to happen. Perhaps from the overall perspective, some necessary sacrifices are inevitable, but if we also become a minority, How would they choose?"

Zhang Ziqing's words made Lu Ming's hearts chill for a while.

They finally realized what kind of mistakes they had committed. The military's integrity was very high, and they would defend China's overall interests.

But they overlooked one thing, the world does not revolve around them.

When they enter the game, they will also become a minority.

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