Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 439: Mountain Giant

Near the original mine of Jinling Biology, five figures approached here.

There are veins of Chiyan Fine Gold and Youlan Demon Gold, which are also very important resources for Chu Feng, which is equivalent to a large-scale weapon logistics base.

However, because the veins had not really formed yet, Chu Feng did not dare to mine too much.

Anyway, the mined part is enough for him, and the rest is better to let the veins take shape naturally.

As for declaring the sovereignty of the territory here, it is also very simple for Chu Feng.

As long as a flag with Chu Feng's name was inserted here, no one would dare to fight for it.

Chu Xiaorou asked curiously: "Brother, what did you ask us to do here?"

"Here is one of my pets."

As Chu Feng said, the ground suddenly cracked, and the stone man, which had been shining with a red luster, emerged from the ground, making several people instinctively warned.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you."

As Chu Feng said, he came to the stone man who had grown to a height of three meters.

In this dangerous age, everyone has seen a lot of all kinds of strange monsters, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to suddenly pop up a huge stone man.

"It has reached the 4th peak, it seems that the talent is good, so soon there is a trace of the style of a mountain giant."

Chu Feng let the stone man bend down, put one hand on the stone man's head, and then a lot of vitality gathered into the stone man's body.


The stone man uttered a loud roar, and then his body suddenly swelled. Originally, he had a tall body of three meters high, but quickly rose to 10 meters high and became a majestic giant.

Seeing this giant nearly four stories high, Chu Xiaorou and the others had instinctive fear in their eyes.

This is the instinctive fear of the human body and has nothing to do with courage.

After the initial fear, Gu Nanfei and Su Yuan seemed to understand something.

This is the back hand arranged by Chu Feng.

"He is a mountain giant, and his best thing is to defend."

Chu Feng introduced to everyone, "I have established a small survival base in this underground, which can accommodate two thousand people to survive for a week. If you encounter irresistible danger, you can enter here with your direct line, and then Ask me for support, I have a **** dream horse, very fast.

I believe that with the help of mountain giants, no matter what kind of danger you encounter, you should be able to support it for a period of time. "

Ye Xiaohui suddenly asked: "Am I going to stay too?"

In Chu Feng's arrangement, Chu Xiaorou, Su Yuan and Gu Nanfei wanted to stay in the City of Dawn to preside over the overall situation, while the others followed Chu Feng to Beijing.

Although Ye Xiaohui also wanted to stay, she even wanted to follow Chu Feng's side to form combat effectiveness.

"Yes, you stay too."

Chu Feng said seriously, "The crisis in Beijing is even greater, but Nandu is not a good place, and you have more important things to do, so you must stay."

Ye Xiaohui nodded, not trying too much.

Since it was Chu Feng's arrangement, there must be some truth.

"Chu Feng, can there be riots here too?"

Su Yuan asked instinctively, Chu Feng never does meaningless things. Maybe these preparations are not necessary, but the possibilities must be used.

Chu Feng shook his head: "This world is inherently dangerous. No matter what kind of danger occurs, it is possible. I am not a prophet. How can I anticipate everything?"

This sentence is true. Although there will be no decent disaster in Nandu in the coming year, even if there is, it will be extinguished by the military.

But Chu Feng's rebirth has changed a lot of things. It would be no good if something happened here that he didn't want to see under the butterfly effect.

Let's not talk about the far away, just the place of death, it is not in the previous life.

There are also those knights of the underworld, appearing in the real world is something worthy of vigilance, after all, this is not a dead creature that can be summoned casually by Lu Ming.

Therefore, although the memory of previous lives is a valuable asset, it must be vigilant.

If you completely believe in the memories of previous lives, then Chu Feng himself may be unlucky in the end.

Therefore, since he chooses to go to Beijing, he must plan for the people around him.

"I understand."

Su Yuan didn't force her, she just nodded indifferently.

Under Chu Feng's order, the mountain giant returned to the ground and excavated some ore by the way.

Then, Chu Feng handed over part of the mark of the mountain giant to Chu Xiaorou, and smoothly erased the mark of **** creatures on Chu Xiaorou's body.

Now Chu Xiaorou has reached Tier 5 under a large number of crystal nuclei, and under her own guidance, she has mastered some life-saving skills and has a strong ability to protect herself.

His arrangements have been enough, and if there is an accident, it can only be fate.

After making arrangements for the mountain giant, Chu Feng loaded some ore into Yuan Mansion, and then returned to the City of Dawn with a few people.

He was very relieved of Su Yuan's abilities, and believed that no matter what happened, the situation would definitely not deteriorate suddenly.

And he also left a mark in the body of the mountain giant. If something urgent is really encountered, he can first go to **** through the reverse call, and then come to the mountain giant by the mark, using the fastest Rushed to the city of dawn.

With his current strength, although not to mention that it can sweep everything, at least it can make people feel scared.

At night, the military's decision was also made.

"It has been decided above that a 15,000-member division led by Luo Xingyao will go to Beijing to support the army. The command of the army will be given to Luo Xingyao, but there is a promise above that, as long as it does not violate China's righteousness, no matter what kind of request it is, Luo Xingyao Will obey.

As long as your request is reasonable, the entire division can sacrifice for you, but Luo Xingyao and the 12 outstanding supernatural powers around him are not included. When encountering irresistible danger, Luo Xingyao and the special forces around him have Priority right to retreat. "

Gao Yangsong reported to Chu Fenghui, "Moreover, the military can place a strengthening regiment near the City of Dawn to protect the safety of the City of Dawn. If the City of Dawn encounters irresistible danger, the military will definitely do its best. Provide assistance with every effort."

After saying these conditions, even Gao Yangsong himself felt that these conditions were a bit too strange.

No matter how optimistic about Chu Feng from the top, this would be too much!

After Chu Feng heard these conditions, the corner of his left mouth slightly cocked.

"The strong squad headed by Luo Xingyao has the priority to retreat. It seems that you should have received a lot of severe beatings in the magic city, and the lessons learned are at least more than on paper."

The strong protect the weak. It looks great, but it is a stupid practice in this era.

For example, the last time Chu Feng encountered the insect emperor, he must be at least Tier 5 to break the defense. If the strong sacrificed to protect the weak, the only ones who were protected would have been slaughtered.

The military's ability to issue this order must have suffered a lot from the devil's capital in this respect, and it would certainly not make a decision in this respect without a lesson of blood.

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